Jewish Protection

SpellsSpiritual  ► Protection  ► Jewish Protection
This is a spell to protect jewish people.

Casting Instructions for 'Jewish Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Hebrew bible
  • A pentagram
  • An amulet
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Hebrew bible
  • A pentagram
  • An amulet

You can do it anytime you want as long as it's at night. Draw the pentagram on the floor/table. Put the amulet in the middle of the pentagram. Open the bible at Psalm 86 and chant the whole psalm in front of the pentagram. After that wear the amulet so it can protect you.


Added to on Oct 26, 2013
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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who will make new spell for example protective spell?

and new love spells for example chant love spell?

An interesting spell. I do not like some of the words, it needs to be fleshed out more, and it feels a bit off. However, this can work as a protection if you work with Yahweh. Yes, you can be a Christian and a Witch. Christianity is a faith, Witchcraft is a craft. It is the same as saying you can be Buddhist and also into baking.

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