Casting Instructions for 'Protection Spell Powerful'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Black Candle
Sea Salt
You will need the following items for this spell:
Black Candle
Sea Salt
This is mainly for your home, to keep out negative influences and people. Believe me when I say people. If you put enough energy and intent behind this spell, people who annoy you or come over to be negative will find being at your front door and your home, an uncomfortable experience indeed.
Use a black candle for this, and some sea salt. First of all, if you can that is, sprinkle of fine line of salt on every window sill and door frame of your house from the outside. If this is a bit too difficult, you can do it inside, just dont forget why the salt is there and sweep it up by accident. Salt purifies, which is good for repelling negative forces.
While sprinkling, say something like:
Sacred Salt protect this house,
Keep it safe from thug and louse
Protect all those who dwell inside,
Negative forces have no place to hide.
Yeah I know it sounds a bit hokey, and for those who arent sure of what a louse is, imagine that pain in the butt neighbour who keeps annoying you.
When youre finished sprinkling, come back inside, light the black candle and sprinkle a circle of salt around it and say something like:
Sacred Candle, Sacred Flame
Protect this household in your name.
Keep chanting this again until you feel like youve made a connection. When youre finished, snuff out the candle and say:
This is my will, so mote it be!
Its important to mention here that one should never blow out a candle. Either use a snuffer, moist fingertips, or allow it go burn out. Blowing out a candle scatters the Fire and Air energies that youve worked so hard to focus together. It sort of instantly undoes all the work youve just done.
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