Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell
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Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell
This spell is the help of your spitit guide(s), familiars or both to take the nagative energies from your body.
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Casting Instructions for 'Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Knowing your animal spirit guide(s) or familiars.(knowing their names will work)
Knowing how to clear your mind
A place where is quiet and private
You will need the following items for this spell:
Knowing your animal spirit guide(s) or familiars.(knowing their names will work)
Knowing how to clear your mind
A place where is quiet and private
Find a place that is peaceful, quiet, and less likely for you to be disturbed.(I recommend being outside, in your backyard, or in a forest).
Sit down on the ground,log,rock, or whatever.And clear your mind for a minute.Take deep cleansing breaths.
Then chant this:
(Insert the guide's or familiar's name), I ask you to get rid of the negative inside of me
Let them do nothing but leave and let me be in harmony
I welcome the positive, let them stay
But make sure the negative goes away
After chanting you might feel a numbing,cooling, yet relaxing feeling in your back- but do not freak out, this is just the negative energy coming out from you body.
This feels a little incomplete. Also, while your familiar or spirit guide can help you on your path, I do not think spirit guides aid with cleansing. They are meant to guide and protect, but I have never heard of them assisting in a cleansing. Then again, you are meant to have a close bond with them, so perhaps your specific guides will assist in cleansings. Personally, I would cleanse on my own, and ask for their protection when I am done.
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