Summon Spells
Top Summon Spells |
Bring back a Lost Pet
This spell brings back a dog (like I did) or possibly a cat that hasn't come back even though you have called for it. This is my first spell but it did work instantly!
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Even more great spells.....
- A Incubus or Succubus Invite. ►
- A Simple Summoning ►
- Attracting Birds ►
- Azazel Cube Square + Sigil ►
- Cleansing Chant ►
- Conjure Archangel Ariel ►
- Dragon Companion ►
- Evocation of Athena ►
- Evocation of Azathoth ►
- Guardian Angel Spell ►
- Hindu Fairy Ritual (1) ►
- Hyakumonagatari Kaidankai ►
- Invoking Aphrodite ►
- Isis Invocation ►
- Journey to Meet a Fylgja ►
- Kokkuri-San ►
There are two main types of summon spells. Those which conjure objects and those which conjure spirits.
Spells which conjure spirits are relatively simple to cast and rarely have negative consequences to casting.
However, those spells which conjure spirits are some of the most powerful spells in existence. Only a true caster can cast these spells correctly. When these spells are cast incorrectly the caster is usually haunted for the rest of their lives by the tormented soul they tried to conjure.
More Free Summon Spells
- Lucifer's Touch ►
- Missing Pet ►
- Necromancer's Incantation ►
- Rain ►
- Return Summoning ►
- Sahia Sacrifice ►
- Siren's song ►
- Summon a Dream Guide ►
- Summon a spirit ►
- Summon a Succubus ►
- Summon an Undertale AU Sans! ►
- Summon Zhongli ►
- Summoning Dog Potion ►
- The Orchestra's Curse ►
- Aid of Abaddon ►
- Alchemical Decagram ►
- Angel Summoning ►
- Animal Ally Invitation ►
- Basic Circle Magick Casting ►
- Be Followed by a Demon ►
- Bring lover to you ►
- Call Succubus with Blood ►
- Call To The Elements ►
- Calling Forest Spirit's ►
- Calling Upon the Volva ►
- Chanting Storms ►
- Companion Wolf ►
- Conjuration of Nicksa ►
- Conjure Spirits ►
- Connect with an Element ►
- Create A PSI Ball ►
- Create an Angelic Servant ►
- Curse Against Enemies ►
- Dark Angel ►
- Dark Knowledge Oracle ►
- Demon Removal Spell ►
- Djinn from Lilith ►
- Earth Work ►
- Eevee evolution ►
- Elemental Pet Summoning ►
- Emotional Ripples Of Water ►
- Energy Summoning Spell ►
- Find an Item you Lost ►
- Find Your Dragon Guide ►
- Hear Me Vampire Mother ►
- Hecate Summoning Prayer ►
- Heid Prophecy Rite ►
- How to find your Spirit Animal ►
- How to Get Magic ►
- Hyena familiar ►
- Images of Past Life ►
- Incubus Formal Invitation ►
- Invocation to Anubis ►
- Invoke Hera ►
- Invoking a Deity ►
- Latin Necromancy Spell ►
- Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram ►
- Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram ►
- Lightning/Thunderstorm Calling ►
- Lonely Hide and Seek ►
- Make a Sun Charm ►
- Make a wand ►
- Open a Hell Gate ►
- Protective Arms ►
- Satanic Wish ►
- Scarlet Flames ►
- Send a Message ►
- Servant ►
- Soldiers of Allah ►
- Soul Charging ►
- Spirit of the Wolf ►
- Spirit Summoning ►
- Storm Calling ►
- Succubus Formal Invitation ►
- Summon a Cat Familiar ►
- Summon a Cat Familiar ►
- Summon a Cat Spell ►
- Summon a Succubus ►
- Summon an Evil Guardian ►
- Summon Anything You Want ►
- Summon Demon ►
- Summon Mr.Right ►
- Summon Spirits Spell ►
- Summon Thunderstrom ►
- Summon Volos ►
- Summon Zeveron ►
- Summoning a Ancient ►
- Summoning a Sexual Spirit ►
- Summoning a spirit ►
- Summoning a Succubus 1 ►
- Summoning Ghosts and Spirits ►
- Summoning of Dead Souls ►
- Summoning Tips ►
- Talking to Animals ►
- The Creation Spell ►
- To Bring The Clouds ►
- To Find a Lost Item ►
- To Find a Lost Object ►
- To Make a Lot of Rain ►
- To Summon a Familiar ►
- To Summon A Storm ►
- Travel To Another Realm ►
- Twinkling Water Sprite Spell ►
- Unlock your Aura ►
- Wish Spell ►
- Working Summon The Wind Song ►
- Call a Lost Sister ►
- Islamic Minnu Fairy Ritual ►
- Summon a Creeper Demon ►
- *Summon a Fire Wolf* ►
- A portal to underworld ►
- A spell to make friends fast ►
- A Spirit-Summoning Spell ►
- Abomination ►
- Angel Spell ►
- Angel summoning ►
- Angel/Demon Creation ►
- Angelic Spirit Guides ►
- Angelic Summoning ►
- Animal Spirit Link ►
- Anime Gate ►
- Anubis Scrying ►
- Aphrodites Flame ►
- Army of Zombies ►
- Arrows to Find a Person ►
- Ashels Summoning ►
- Attract Birds ►
- Attract Dragons ►
- Automatic Writing spell ►
- Banishing ►
- Basic Invocation ►
- Basic Search Spell ►
- Basic Wind Spell ►
- Be Able To Draw ►
- Become a Half God/Goddess ►
- Become a Witch spell ►
- Become HALF Demon! ►
- Bind a spirit to an object ►
- Binding of Shadows ►
- Birth of a spirt ►
- Blizzard ►
- Body Transformation ►
- Bond with the Ice/Cryokinesis ►
- Bowynn Animal Totem Wish ►
- Bring a Child a Fairy ►
- Bring a Storm ►
- Bring a Toy to Life ►
- Bring any Toy to Life ►
- Bring Back An Ex ►
- Bring forth the Dark Goddess ►
- Bring Heat Lightening ►
- Bring Life ►
- Bringing Back Virginity ►
- Bringing The Rain ►
- Bringing Winds ►
- Call a Ghost ►
- Call a Spirit ►
- Call a Spirit ►
- Call a Storm ►
- Call a Storm ►
- Call a Wind ►
- Call Angle of Death ►
- Call Dragon Familiar ►
- Call Forth the Dead ►
- Call Ghost ►
- Call Incubus with Blood ►
- Call of Darkness ►
- Call of the Haunted ►
- Call on Celestial Aid ►
- Call the Ice Dragon ►
- Call the Rain Instrumental ►
- Call the Spirits ►
- Call upon the elements ►
- Call Water Spirits ►
- Call Your Dragon Gaurdian ►
- Call/Declare Familiar ►
- Calling A Lost Witch Spell ►
- Calling on the Elements ►
- Calling on your Spirits ►
- Calling the Light ►
- Calling the Quaters ►
- Calling your spirit guide ►
- Cartoon Summon Spell ►
- Casting/Closing A Circle ►
- Cat Communication Spell ►
- Celestial Weapon ►
- Celestial Weapons ►
- Chant of a Demonic Slasher ►
- Chess With Ghosts ►
- Choose your Guardian Demon ►
- Come Again ►
- Communicate with Night Spirits ►
- Conjuration of Baal ►
- Conjuration of Lucifer ►
- Conjuration of the Spirit ►
- Conjuration of Zombie ►
- Conjuring a Spirit ►
- Connect with Ghosts ►
- Contact a Fictional Character ►
- Contact a Spirit ►
- Contacting Athena ►
- Control air ►
- Control the Elements ►
- Control The Storms ►
- Controlling Air ►
- Controlling the Einherjar ►
- Controlling the Indos Worm ►
- Controlling the Kumo ►
- Controlling the Thunderbird ►
- Covid 19 spell ►
- Create a Fairy ►
- Create A Familiar ►
- Create a servitor/minion ►
- Create a Spirit Animal ►
- Create A Thunderstorm ►
- Create an Elemental Tiger ►
- Create Elemental Thought Forms ►
- Create Fire Wolf ►
- Create Your Own Dragon ►
- Creepypasta Revenge Spell! ►
- Crooked man summoning ►
- Crossroads Lost Animal ►
- Crush ►
- Dark Core Increase ►
- Dark King ritual ►
- Dark Lady Chant ►
- dark Spirit Magnet ►
- Darker Feelings Invocation ►
- Darkness and Revolution ►
- Deadly Clairvoyance ►
- Death Fog Chant ►
- Death Portal Creation ►
- Death to all Around You ►
- Dedicate yourself to Satan ►
- Dedication to Satan ►
- Delete a clone ►
- Demon Blade ►
- Demon Blood Summon ►
- Demon Conjuring ►
- Demon Favor ►
- Demon Flames ►
- Demon or Ghost Summoning ►
- Demon Summoning ►
- Demon's Wrath ►
- Dinosaur Eggs Spell ►
- Divine Portal Spell ►
- Door Creation ►
- Door to Hell ►
- Dragon Egg ►
- Dragon Empowerment ►
- Dragon From An Egg ►
- Dragon making ►
- Dragon Spirit Summoning ►
- Dragon Summon ►
- Dragon Summoning! ►
- Dragon Traits ►
- Dragonflies Appear To Me ►
- Drawing Spirits ►
- Dream Pet ►
- Druidic Finance Spell ►
- Druidic Night Terror ►
- Dry Bones Game ►
- Duplication Spell. ►
- Easy Psi Ball ►
- Eavesdropping spell ►
- Egyptian Mummy Protection ►
- Electroscope ►
- Elemental Eggs ►
- Elemental Soul Charging (SM) ►
- Enchant Charm ►
- Enchanted Shadow ►
- End Your Demon Possesion ►
- Evoke a Spirit/Demon/God ►
- Fae Dream Charm ►
- Faerie Talk ►
- Faery Call ►
- Familair ThoughtForm ►
- Find a Lost Item ►
- Find a Lost Item ►
- Find a lost object spell ►
- Find your Spirit Animal ►
- Finding ►
- Finding a Familiar ►
- Finding a Lost Object ►
- Finding Your Patron ►
- Finding your Spirit Animal ►
- Fire Dragon ►
- Fire Dragon! (Summoning) ►
- Fire Powers ►
- Fire Sorcerer ►
- Flower of Death ►
- Follow me boy ►
- Forbidden Guardian ►
- Four Elements Wish Spell ►
- Free Things ►
- Friendship Of Sprites ►
- Gabriels Hand ►
- Gaia rain spell ►
- Gain a Stigma ►
- Genie Summon ►
- Get a Demon Inside Your Heart ►
- Get a Demon Teacher ►
- Get a dog spell ►
- Get a Helper ►
- Get energy ►
- Get the Powers You Want ►
- Get Your Dream Kitty ►
- Get Your Lover ►
- Getting a Familiar ►
- Ghost ►
- Ghost Seeing ►
- Give a newborn a Demonic Soul ►
- Give Food to the Dead Manual ►
- Give Someone a Wart ►
- Go Into The Warrior Cats World ►
- God ►
- Good Spirit Summoning ►
- Growth Assist ►
- Guardian Angel Summon ►
- Hacates Wrath ►
- Hatch a Baby Dragon ►
- Haunt a Old Friend ►
- Have A Spirit Help You ►
- Hekate Spell ►
- Hello Demon Ritual ►
- Hemintelixion ►
- Herb-Basil ►
- Hermes ►
- Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain) ►
- House Demon ►
- House Protection ►
- How to Call a Vampire ►
- How To Get A Dark Side! ►
- How to get your own Fairy ►
- How to Reconcile ►
- How to See Monsters ►
- How To Summon A Flower Fairy ►
- How to summon a spirit dragon ►
- How To Summon A Tree Fairy. ►
- How To Summon Bill Cipher ►
- Ice Golem ►
- Ice king ►
- Idea for You ►
- Imp Summoning ►
- Incantation of the old gods ►
- IncubusBoyfriend3 ►
- Indian Serenity Prayer ►
- Induce Magical Abilities ►
- Ink Monster ►
- Intense Rain ►
- Interview With a Corpse ►
- Invite a Fairy into your Home ►
- Invocatin of the Horned God ►
- Invocation of Isis ►
- Invocation to Lucifer ►
- Invocation to Satan ►
- Invoke Izabeal ►
- Invoke Lucifer ►
- Invoking The Mistress Of Blood ►
- Key Spell ►
- Ki Star ►
- King Maker ►
- Latin Summoning Spell ►
- Leprechaun Summoning ►
- Letter to the Fae ►
- Light ►
- Link With An Animal ►
- Lost & Found ►
- Lost and Found ►
- Lost Items Spell ►
- Lover Call Me ►
- Loving Spirits Oil Ritual ►
- Lucifer Blood Summoning Spell ►
- Lucky Charm ►
- Lure an Evil Spirit ►
- Magic Mixies Summon Spell ►
- Magic to Magic Spell ►
- Magical Orb ►
- Maid Summoning ►
- Make a Dragon Come to You ►
- Make a Twin ►
- Make a Wand ►
- Make a Wish Spell ►
- Make an Earthquake ►
- Make it Rain ►
- Make Someone Love You ►
- Make Your Own Spell ►
- Mantra of Guan Yin ►
- Meet a Fictional Character ►
- Meet Your Spirit Guide ►
- Meet Your Spirit Guide ►
- Mermaid Summoning Spell ►
- Meta Summoning ►
- Miracle Come to Me ►
- Mirror spirit ►
- Money ►
- Morpheus Guided Dream Spell ►
- Mr. Right ►
- Music Note Familiars ►
- My Hellishly Curse. ►
- My Little Pony ►
- Necromantic Circle ►
- Neko Potion ►
- Nine Layers of Hell Curse ►
- Ode To The Vampire Mother ►
- Open a Lost Door ►
- Open/Close a Beast Gate ►
- Orb of Piercing Light ►
- Ouija Board ►
- P3 Power ►
- Parking Spot ►
- Past Life Incantation ►
- Phoenix Companion ►
- Physic Abilitys Enhance Potion ►
- Pixie's Appearence ►
- Pledge to Artemis ►
- Pokemon Conjuration ►
- Pokemon Pets ►
- Posses the Power of the Devil ►
- Power Beyond ►
- Power Water ►
- Powering Your Wand ►
- Preparatory Spell ►
- Presence Of Fey ►
- Protect a Room ►
- Protection ►
- Protection ►
- Protection Ofuda Spell ►
- Protection Spell ►
- Queen of Vampires ►
- Rain and a Storm ►
- Rain Spell ►
- Rain Spell ►
- Realm Creation ►
- Recall the Dead ►
- Recipe for a good offering ►
- Release The Inner You Spell ►
- Relm Creation ►
- Retrieve an Item ►
- Return to Me ►
- Reveal or hear spirits ►
- Reverse Any Spell ►
- Room Glamour ►
- Sacred Stone/ Leaf ►
- Samhain Ancestral Invocation ►
- Sarah Saratah The Game ►
- Satanic Guidance Prayer ►
- School Fly-Bye Spell ►
- Scrying ►
- Servitors to Egregores ►
- Shadow call ►
- Shadow Partner ►
- Shapeshifting ►
- Sigils to Servitors ►
- Simple Sun Spell ►
- Sleeping Bag Succubus ►
- Snake Familiar Spell ►
- Soul Attack (SM) ►
- Speak to those across the veil ►
- Speaking to the Dead ►
- Spell for finding a lost pet. ►
- Spell to be Stronger ►
- Spell to Summon a Spirit ►
- Spell To Summon A Wolf Spirit ►
- Spell to Summon Mr. Right ►
- Spell To Summon Rain ►
- Spell to Summon the Dead ►
- Spirit ►
- Spirit Animal ►
- Spirit Animal ►
- Spirit Calling ►
- Spirit Dance Ritual ►
- Spirit Summoning ►
- Spirit Summoning Oil ►
- Spirit Summoning Spell ►
- Spirit Summons ►
- Spirit Summons ►
- Spirit Sword ►
- Spiritual realm ►
- Ssummon Cryto ►
- Stars Light up the Night ►
- Start a Fire ►
- Steal his Heart ►
- Storm Summoning ►
- Storms Invitation ►
- Summon a Book Character ►
- Summon a Bound Twin Soul ►
- Summon a Bus ►
- Summon a Clone Of Yourself ►
- Summon a Creeper Demon ►
- Summon a Custom Dog ►
- Summon a Demon ►
- Summon a Demon Helper ►
- Summon a Demon; Make a Pact ►
- Summon a Dragon ►
- Summon A Dragon ►
- Summon a Dragon ►
- Summon a Dragon ►
- Summon a Dragon ►
- Summon a Faerie ►
- Summon a Faery ►
- Summon a Fairy ►
- Summon a Fairy ►
- Summon a Fairy/Get Stuff ►
- Summon a Flying Riding Cloud ►
- Summon a Forgotten Entity ►
- Summon a House Fairy ►
- Summon a Lover ►
- Summon a ocean spirit ►
- Summon a Pet ►
- Summon a Pet Familiar ►
- Summon a Pokemon ►
- Summon a Pokèmon ►
- Summon a Snow Storm ►
- Summon a Spirit ►
- Summon A Spirit ►
- Summon a Spirit ►
- Summon a Spirit ►
- Summon a Spirit Dragon ►
- Summon a Spirit Familiar ►
- Summon a Spirit or Demon ►
- Summon a Spirit Wolf ►
- Summon a Spiritual Dragon ►
- Summon a spirt to help you ►
- Summon a Succbus or Inccubus ►
- Summon a Succubus ►
- Summon a Supernaural Being ►
- Summon a Tatsu ►
- Summon a tornado at your enemy ►
- Summon a Vampire ►
- Summon a vampire by: Midnght ►
- Summon a Vampire Faery ►
- Summon a Watcher ►
- Summon a Wolf ►
- Summon a Wolf ►
- Summon an Angel ►
- Summon An Animal ►
- Summon an Animal Companion ►
- Summon an Animal or Creature ►
- Summon an Elemental Dragon ►
- Summon an Energy Shield ►
- Summon Angel Michael ►
- Summon Animal or Spirit ►
- Summon Archangel Michael ►
- Summon Black Jaypes ►
- Summon Black Mary ►
- Summon Book of Shadows ►
- Summon Custom Weapon ►
- Summon Demon ►
- Summon Demonic Friends ►
- Summon Familiar ►
- Summon Familiar ►
- Summon Fire ►
- Summon Fish to You ►
- Summon Flame Snake ►
- Summon Future Self ►
- Summon Ghost ►
- Summon Guardian Angel ►
- Summon Hamas ►
- Summon Impling Familiar ►
- Summon Jeff The Killer ►
- Summon Kasdeya ►
- Summon Lucifer ►
- Summon Luicfers Daughter ►
- Summon Nature Guardian ►
- Summon Night Creatures ►
- Summon or Stop a Storm ►
- Summon Other Wiccans ►
- Summon Rain Spell ►
- Summon Rain/storm ►
- Summon Satan ►
- Summon Sleep Fairy ►
- Summon SlenderMan ►
- Summon Speed ►
- Summon Spirit ►
- Summon Spirits ►
- Summon Tadashi ►
- Summon Telekinesis ►
- Summon the Angel of Death ►
- Summon the Angel of Death ►
- Summon the Cyberdemon ►
- Summon the Dead ►
- Summon the Dead ►
- Summon The Great Demons ►
- Summon the Grim Reaper ►
- Summon the Red Faced Man ►
- Summon the Storm ►
- Summon the Sun ►
- Summon the Wiccan Devil ►
- Summon the Wind ►
- Summon Thunder ►
- Summon Undead Dragon ►
- Summon Waves ►
- Summon Wind ►
- Summon Your Angel ►
- Summon your Angel ►
- Summon Your Demon Within ►
- Summon your Dragon ►
- Summon Your Inner Spirit ►
- Summon Your Own Elemental Wolf ►
- Summon Your Spirit Weapon(s) ►
- Summoning ►
- Summoning ►
- Summoning ►
- Summoning A Cool Breeze ►
- Summoning a Dark fairy ►
- Summoning a Demon Co-magician ►
- Summoning a Demon Co.Magician ►
- Summoning A Djinn ►
- Summoning a Wolf Spirit ►
- Summoning an Undead Slave ►
- Summoning Anyone ►
- Summoning Aveli ►
- Summoning Deities ►
- Summoning Family Witches ►
- Summoning Hatred and Energy ►
- Summoning of Seth ►
- Summoning of the Devil ►
- Summoning Rain ►
- Summoning Spell ►
- Summoning Spirits ►
- Summoning the Ancestors ►
- Summoning the Angelic Knights ►
- Summoning the Dead ►
- Summoning the Gate Keeper ►
- Summoning the Gods ►
- Summoning the Great Dragon ►
- Summoning the Phoenix ►
- Summoning The Wind ►
- Summoning Tips ►
- Summons Saint Micheal's Sword ►
- Sunny ►
- Tail ►
- Talking With Your Phoenix ►
- Teleportation ►
- The Bath Game ►
- The Calling ►
- The Charm Of Making ►
- The Darker Side Of Our Souls ►
- The Devil's Face ►
- The Dragon of the Earth ►
- The Dragon of the Flames ►
- The Dragon of the Tides ►
- The Dragon of the Winds ►
- The Hooded Man ►
- THe Hosting Game ►
- The Moon's Arrow ►
- The Perfect Mate ►
- The Phoenix Tear ►
- The Practice Of Shadow Man ►
- The Shoe-Box Telephone ►
- The Summoning of Phoenix ►
- The Summoning of Phoenix ►
- The Vortex of Magdalene. ►
- The witchdoctors curse ►
- Therianthropy Spell ►
- Those Not Faint At Heart ►
- Thunder ►
- Thunder of Ares ►
- Time Travel (Advanced) ►
- To Aid Falling Asleep ►
- To Attract Pixies ►
- To Call a Spirit ►
- To Call The Dragon Sairys ►
- To Contact a Spirit ►
- To Create A Sunny Day ►
- To Create and Manipulate Fire ►
- To Dismiss the Gods ►
- To Find Love ►
- To find What is Lost ►
- To Find Whats Missing ►
- To hold Evil Harmless ►
- To Serve the night mother ►
- To Summon A Fairy ►
- To Summon an Ancestor ►
- To Summon Cute Girls ►
- To Summon Cute Guys ►
- To Summon Kima ►
- To Summon Loki ►
- To Summon Malphus ►
- To Summon Satan ►
- To Summon the Dead ►
- To summon the Devil ►
- To Summon the Spirits ►
- To Sumon a Fairy ►
- To unleash a demon from hell ►
- To Vanquish a Ghost ►
- Transfer Werewolf Curse ►
- Turn one's self into a vampire ►
- Twilight ►
- Twin Flame Love Spell ►
- Unleash the Fire ►
- Vampire ►
- Vampire ►
- Vampire Spell ►
- Voodoo Magick ►
- Wake the Dead ►
- Wand Spell ►
- Water Dragon ►
- Water Dragon Protection ►
- Water Snake ►
- Wealth ►
- Weather: Snow ►
- Werewolf ►
- Who is haunting me? ►
- Wind ►
- Wind Blows ►
- Wind Call ►
- Wind Calling ►
- Wind Calling ►
- Wisdom of Words ►
- Wolf Protection Spell ►
- Wolf Shifter (FIXED!) ►
- Wolf Spirit Summoner ►
- Wolf Summoning ►
- Wonka 3 Course meal Gum ►
- Working with Angles ►
- Wrath of the Dragon God ►
- A Letter to an Angel ►
- A Witch At The Stake ►
- Animal Transformation ►
- Anubis Eye ►
- Archangel Michael Summoning ►
- Awaken a Spirit ►
- Awesome Clone ►
- Baby ►
- Blazing Comet Blast ►
- Bring a Storm ►
- Bring Love to You ►
- Bring Spirits Spell ►
- Call a Demon ►
- Call a Fairy ►
- Call a Loved ones Spirit ►
- Call a Spirit ►
- Call Anubis ►
- Call the Storm Clouds ►
- Calling the 4 Corners ►
- Cleansing New Wand ►
- Communicate with ''Les'var'' ►
- Contact a God ►
- Contact the Spirits ►
- Contract with the Devil ►
- Creating a Guardian Golem ►
- Dark Lady Chant ►
- Dream of a Loved One ►
- Druid Witch Ancestors ►
- Elemental Knight ►
- Empowerment of Nature ►
- Energy Share ►
- Eternal Bond ►
- Familiar ►
- Fire Guardian ►
- Follow Me ►
- General Invocation ►
- Guardian Angel Spell ►
- Guardian Awakening ►
- Halloween Spell ►
- Hand Levitation ►
- Help from Demons ►
- Hide and Seek with Chucky ►
- How to Summon Slenderman ►
- Immortal Isis Spell ►
- Inhance Wind Spell ►
- Invite Aphrodite ►
- Invocation to Fenrir ►
- Invocation to Freyr ►
- Invocation to Jormungandr ►
- Invocation to Loki ►
- Invoke Hades ►
- Invoke the Goddess ►
- Keyblade ►
- Know Where Someone Is ►
- Latin Spirit Summoning ►
- Lightning Summon ►
- Lilith ►
- Love ►
- Love Spell for Singles ►
- Magical Sign Animal ►
- Magick Circle ►
- Make a Storm ►
- Make A TV Character Real ►
- Make it to Rain ►
- Manifest Something ►
- Micheal Protection Spell ►
- Midnight Sight ►
- Mild Hurricane ►
- Moon and Star Summon Girl ►
- Naughty ►
- New Moon Psychic Bath ►
- Onyx Encasement ►
- Pentagram ►
- Pheonix warmth spell ►
- Protect Me Completely ►
- Raging Hordes ►
- Rain ►
- Rain Summoning ►
- Sahia Air Manifestations ►
- Sahia Earth Manifestations ►
- Sahia Fire Manifestations ►
- Sahia Spirit Manifestations ►
- Sahia Water Manifestations ►
- Secrets Revealed ►
- See Bloody Mary ►
- See Ghosts ►
- See the Devil in Mirror ►
- Sinful Delight ►
- Slow Down Time ►
- Snake Spirit Animal ►
- Snow Storm Spell ►
- Spirit Guide ►
- Spirit Summoning ►
- Spirit Summons ►
- Spirits ►
- Steal peoples Psi Energy ►
- Summon ►
- Summon a Blue Fame Fairy ►
- Summon a Demon ►
- Summon a Demon ►
- Summon a Demon ►
- Summon a Dryad Nymph ►
- Summon a Earth Spirit ►
- Summon a Freshwater Nymph ►
- Summon a Frog ►
- Summon a God ►
- Summon a Guardian Angel ►
- Summon a Lare ►
- Summon a Night Spirit ►
- Summon a Norse Wight ►
- Summon a Pokemon ►
- Summon a Spectral Lover ►
- Summon a Spirit ►
- Summon a Spirit Minotaur ►
- Summon a Spirit of a Loved One ►
- Summon a Spirit Satyr ►
- Summon a Wind Spirit ►
- Summon an Angel ►
- Summon an Angel ►
- Summon an Angel ►
- Summon an Angel to your Aid ►
- Summon any God or Goddess ►
- Summon Big Face ►
- Summon Dark Skeleton ►
- Summon Light ►
- Summon Spirit Weapon ►
- Summon Spirits ►
- Summon Tails Doll ►
- Summon The Dead ►
- Summon the wolf spirit ►
- Summon Undead Lord ►
- Summon your Guardian Demon ►
- Summon Your True Power ►
- Summoning a Spirit ►
- Summoning Magic Items ►
- Summoning the Jade Dragon ►
- Summoning Voice of the Shadows ►
- Sunny Day ►
- Talk to Ghosts ►
- The Angels Calling ►
- The Midnight Game (rewritten) ►
- The Perfect Companion II ►
- To Bless a Familiar ►
- To Call the Four Winds to Blow ►
- Triquetra Power Awakening ►
- Unicorn Creation ►
- Uniorn Healing ►
- Vampire Flame ►
- Vampire Summoning ►
- Venus Succubus Spell ►
- Visited by Men in White ►
- Water Summoning ►
- Wave spell ►
- Wind Control ►
- Wind Summon ►
- Wind Summon ►
- Wind Summoning ►
- Winter Storm Spell ►
- Wish Granter ►
- A Incubus or Succubus Invite 2. ►
- A Incubus or Succubus Invite 3. ►
- A spell for love to come in your love ►
- Apollos Devotional Chant for Inspiration ►
- Auriel's Circle of Angelic Healing ►
- Conjuring the archangel Azrael ►
- Connect With Someone Over A Distance ►
- Contracting with a spirit or demon. ►
- Finding Your Spirit Animal or Totem ►
- Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) Trancework ►
- How to Contact your Spirit Animal ►
- How to Meet Your Spirit or Astral Guide ►
- Invocation to the Goddess and God ►
- Lesser Invocation to Paeftzeria Bonoceref ►
- Magick Mirror Of Spirit Summoning ►
- Ritual to Call the Lunar Dragon ►
- Self Initiation into Norse Paganism ►
- Send Bad Luck to another Person ►
- Summon the Spirit of a Loved One ►
- The Conjuration of Archangel Azrael ►
- The Conjuration of Archangel Cassiel ►
- The Conjuration of Archangel Chamuel ►
- The Conjuration of Archangel Gabriel ►
- The Creation of a Bahamut-Spawn ►
- 3 doors of Imagination Ritual ►
- Angel or Demon Summoning/Creation (Method One) ►
- Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell ►
- Incantation for Conjuring the Spirits of the Night ►
- Official Vampire Spell (By Insidious) ►
- Summon Your Spirit Animal In A Dream ►
- Summoning para (A Finnish wealth spirit) ►
- To Summon Help from the-Elements ►
- To Summon Thunder and Lightning ►
- A ka dua chant in ancient egyptian ►
- Astral kinesis/shapeshifting/levitation/materialization/endless energy spell ►
- Binding the 4th horseman of the Apocalypse ►
- Bring All Spirits Under Your Attention ►
- Call Dragon Gaurdian to Protect You ►
- Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal ►
- Calling The Dragons of the Quarters ►
- Child-like Spiritual Connection Reset Spell ►
- Conjuration of the Black Hounds ►
- Conjuring a demon very powerful ►
- Damara's incantation to revitalize your inner child ►
- Dark Mother Invocation/Summoning Spell ►
- Dream of One Who Has Passed Through the Veil ►
- FLY BY SCHOOL SPELL SATANIC (comes with full scholarship) ►
- Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!** ►
- Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!** ►
- Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!** ►
- How to summon an Angel through Sigils ►
- How to summon create & summon super shenron. ►
- how to summon the spirit Drossel Keinz ►
- How to summon the spirit Drossel Keinz( remade) ►
- Invocation of Nyx, Greek Goddess of Night ►
- Native American Spirit Guidance ►
- Note for Create Your Own Sister ►
- Pokémon Summoning, or ''Voco Unis Pokémon'' ►
- Provoke an Evil Spirit in Your Home ►
- Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love ►
- Reflecting Mirrors To Multiply Abundance ►
- Seperate a Witch from her Power ►
- Spell To Go Into The Warrior Cats World ►
- Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors ►
- Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors ►
- Summon a Personal Dragon Guardian ►
- Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal ►
- Summon Creepypastas/Slenderman (Become a Proxy) ►
- Summon the Halliwell Matriarchs ►
- Summon The Wind (Really works!) ►
- Summoning ''Massacre the Deathbringer'' ►
- Summoning of the First Abyssal Lord ►
- The Calling of Apollyon/Abaddon ►
- The Closet Gateway Ritual (Travel Through Dimensions!) ►
- The Mr. Right Spell (My version) ►
- To Set A Spirit to Peace/Converse With A Spirit Safely ►
- To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #2 ►
- To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #3 ►
- Wealth Mantra of the Yellow Dzambhala ►
- Your Opponent's Worst Nightmare ►
- ~Attract The Faeries Using A Faerie Ring~ ►
- Nosferatu Call (Vampire Ritual) ►
- A Spell to Invoke a Dead Spirit or Ghost ►
- Control the Spirit of the Phoenix ►
- Fairytale the Magic Mirror Summoning ►
- Find and Summon your Spirit Animal ►
- How To Summon Your Own Cat With Powers!!!! ►
- Invite Nyx Greek Goddess of Night ►
- Summon Spirts from the depths of Hell ►
- Summon the Spirit of a Loved One ►
- Summoning and Raising Any Object ►
- Summoning Beezlebub and Capturing ►
- Upgrade your Eggrigore to a God Form ►
- eevee ►
- rain song ►
- return a lost cat ►
- the protective pentacle ►
- white magic money spell ►
- basic spell work ►
- body to voices in your head ►
- cartoon ►
- command a wand ►
- demon winnings ►
- dino summon ►
- full of spells of a book ►
- new portal spell ►
- realm command ►
- see spirits spell ►
- shadow speak ►
- sommon cat ►
- suit of armor spell ►
- summon dragon ►
- summon the dead god ►
- summoning of the sandman ►
- the door game ►
- to become a satonist. ►
- wind controlling chant ►
- 26 angel summoning ►
- how to detect if youa re a vampire, wizard/witch, or a werewolf ►