The Bath Game
Introduction: This game originated in Japan and involves summoning a ghost that will follow you all day trying to catch you. The object of the game is to avoid being caught.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Concentration
- Bath
Casting Instructions for 'The Bath Game'
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1. Before you go to bed for the night, get naked and go into the bathroom.
2. Fill the tub with water and turn off the lights. (All of them)
3. Sit in the middle of the tub facing the faucet or taps.
4. Close your eyes and wash your hair while repeating the words Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down. over and over.
5. As you wash your hair you should see in your minds eye the image of a Japanese woman standing in a bathtub. She slips and falls on a rusty tap which impales her through the eye and kills her.
6. Continue repeating Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down. until you have finished washing your hair. It is very important that you keep your eyes closed. You may hear or feel movement in the water behind you but it is very important that you keep your eyes closed. Dont peek! You've just summoned a ghost of your very own. The ghostly figure of a woman will rise out of the water behind you. You will feel her presence as she stares at you, her head just behind your right shoulder. Her hair is black and tangled. Her clothes are tattered and rotting. She has only one eye. Her left eye is wide open and bloodshot. Her right eye is missing, leaving just a bloody, hollow eye socket.
7. When you feel the presence of the ghost, ask aloud Why did you fall in the bath?
8. Still keeping your eyes tightly shut, stand up and get out of the bath. Be careful while doing this as your eyes are closed and wet tile/whatnot is not the easiest thing to maneuver on, oh and the ghost may try to trip and kill you. Immediately leave the bathroom and shut the door.
It is now safe to open your eyes. Leave the bath water overnight and enjoy a nights sleep because tomorrow as soon as you wake up, the game begins.
9. The ghost is now following you, trying to look at her directly wont work. Instead, glance over your right shoulder to catch a glimpse of her. Shell get closer and closer as the day goes on. Dont let her catch you! If shes getting too close, shout Tomare! (Stop!) and run away as quickly as possible. This will put some distance between you and she.
10. In order to end the game, you must catch a glimpse of her and shout Kitta! (loosely translates as I cut you loose!) then hold your hand out in front of you and swing it downward in a cutting motion like a karate chop. End the game before midnight or the one-eyed woman will follow you into your dreams to follow and more than likely kill you (heres lookin at you, Freddy).
To sum up some of the basic ground rules:
-Do NOT open your eyes when the ghost first appears.
-Dont let her trip you while you get out of the bath!
-Dont re-enter the bathroom after you leave (or let your friends/family/roommates open it up).
-Do not drain the bathtub until morning.
-Do not, do not, DO NOT let her catch up to you!
CAUTION: Again, dont play this game. Screwing around with ghosts and spirits isnt for funzies, it can have some serious consequences. Summoning ghosts can result in you getting possessed or worse. Also, be really careful when getting out of the bath its crazy easy to seriously injury and/or kill yourself even without a murderous ghost trying to trip you. If you dont end the game properly, the ghost will more than likely continue to follow you for the rest of your life..
LadyElliot has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Mar 25, 2015
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This whole things sounds dangerous, real or fake. I do not believe you are summoning a spirit, instead you are creating a servitor. Either way, trying to step out of the tub with your eyes closed is dangerous and you should not attempt.
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