Controlling the Indos Worm
Not exactly a spell, but a set of instructions for controlling (and surviving an encounter with) the mythical Indos Worm
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Lots of raw meet, preferably fresh
Casting Instructions for 'Controlling the Indos Worm'
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Ritual Kit

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1: Cover your face. An Indos Worm will generally attack by directing a spray of digestive acid into the face of its victim, then lunging forwards and latching onto its prey with its jaws. The acid is not strong enough to melt flesh quickly, and isn't lethal if washed off with some degree of haste. Still, if you get it into your eyes, you may find yourself blind or at least in a great deal of pain.
2: Dodge and roll. As the creature charges, duck and roll out of the way of its jaws. This creature is not even close to intelligent and will take a moment to reorient if it misses in its attack. Also, once it catches you in its jaws, you are almost sure to be killed. Avoid this beast's mandibles at all costs.
3: Aim for the neck. This area bears the creature's gills, which are at first indistinguishable from the ridges in the animal's neck. Wait for them to open as its sucks in water to breathe. This will show you their location. This part of the Indos Worm's body is very vulnerable to injury, so striking it here with even a spear or rock can soon halt its attack.
4: If all else fails and you cannot drive the creature off by hitting its gills, throw any food you may have towards it and flee. The ''worm'' will consume the easiest-to-catch prey it can find, so eating your food will seem more attractive than eating you-- especially if you've already hurt the creature. Still, these animals routinely exceed fifteen feet in length and have big appetites, so you'll want to get away from it fast.
5: Get on shore. The Indos ''Worm'' is a fish, but like a mudpuppy it can propel itself up onto land. However, once you are about 20 feet from the water's edge you can consider yourself safe and out of range of its attack.
1: Feed it. You will need to dump food into the area around this creature's den at the same time, every day, for at least two weeks. After this point the worm should be acclimated to you and should expect your feedings.
2: Train it like a dog. The worm is deaf, but you can still direct its actions. For example, the beast may playfully rush you when it wants food. Grab its head and turn it away, then reward it with food. After you repeat this several times, it should turn away on its own before it reaches you. Continue to reward it for at least two days after it learns a new trick or command.
3: Use gestures, not words. This animal has no hearing organs and thus must be directed by touch. Try associating specific actions with specific commands. For example, you could train it to attack if you pat its head repeatedly.
4: If you can't be bothered to spend time training the creature, an easy way to make it attack or go to a specific place is this: throw chum, with lots of fish or animal blood mixed in. This should set the creature into a feeding frenzy and send it barreling towards wherever you dumped the chum. DO NOT stay in the water after you throw chum. Dump or throw it into the river from the shore a safe distance away. The worm cannot detect airborne smells, so you should be safe from attack unless you are in the water while holding the chum. It will only attack when the chum hits the water.
1: Jump on from above, and lock your knees firmly about the creature. Wrap your arms around the back of its head.
2: Twist its head in the direction you want it to travel. This may take effort, but the worm's body follows whatever direction its head is pointing. This allows you to steer the animal without training it.
3: To dismount, unlock your legs and slide off of the beast's tail. This gives you a few extra seconds to escape while the creature turns its massive bulk around.
4: Alternatively, spend some time training the worm to carry you. The same training method outlined above (see ''Controlling the Indos Worm'') should work for riding as well.
Drakos has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Aug 18, 2009
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