Reversing a spell/Closing a portal

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Reversing a spell/Closing a portal
This spell is in two parts. The first half is a reversal, and the second is a request to close a portal.

Casting Instructions for 'Reversing a spell/Closing a portal'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A front door.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A front door.

As you walk up to the door, close your eyes and relax. When you feel calmed,stand a few inches away from the door and place your hand on said door.
Whisper the following words:

"Gods and goddesses who are listening.
Reverse my spell, I wasn't thinking
What I did here, yesterday
Was a mistake I admit I made
Close the portal, close the door
Stop Spirits from entering for evermore.
This is my wish so mote it be.


Added to on Mar 15, 2016
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I doubt this works as intended. If this is meant to close a physical portal, it will not, you cannot open physical portals. If this is meant to close a spiritual portal, it might help some end meditations, but you do not need a physical door. If this is to reverse a spell, again, no need for the physical door. You also need to cleanse the items used if possible, and if not, you need to do some form of cleansing around the situation. Say you cast on a person, you would need to stop the energy from reaching them and saying ''my bad'' does not stop the energy already on route to them. If you choose to end a spell with ''amen'' you can, but that is a Christian concept and not necessary unless it resonates with you.

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