Charm of the Beast Spell

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Charm of the Beast Spell
Charm of the Beast Spell

Casting Instructions for 'Charm of the Beast Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mugwort
  • Angelica
  • 3 Hairs of an Imposing Beast
  • Black Cloth
  • Oil of Frankincense or Myrrh.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mugwort
  • Angelica
  • 3 Hairs of an Imposing Beast
  • Black Cloth
  • Oil of Frankincense or Myrrh.
Mix the mugwort and angelica in equal parts, add to it the 3 hairs and bind together in a black cloth.

Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. Then say: ''He who is strong, he who is mighty Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run''.

Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.


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