How To Make And Use Black Salt (Witches Salt)

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► How To Make And Use Black Salt (Witches Salt)
A step by step on how to make black salt (AKA witches salt) for banishing, protection and the absorption of negative energy.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You'll need:
  • Mortar & pestle
  • Salt
  • Ashes and/or
  • Black pepper and/or
  • Cauldron scrapings and/or
  • Coal
  • Spoon (for mixing)
  • Bowls
  • Bottle or jar (for storing)

Casting Instructions for 'How To Make And Use Black Salt (Witches Salt)'

Black salt is a mixture used by witches for protection and banishing. It is one of the many different types of witches salt. It can also absorb negative energy in an area so that it may be disposed of.

It is traditionally made with burned cauldron scrapings and ash, mainly from the home fireplace, then mixed with salt. There are modernized ways to make black salt though, for people who do not have a cauldron, or for those who do not burn things in their cauldron. For this reason you can choose to use ashes, black pepper, cauldron scrapings, or coal. Or you could use a comination of any of them. If you are a household or kitchen witch you could also use charred remains from your oven or a pan. I usually use ashes from herbs and insence, and black pepper in my black salt.

Sea salt is preferable, but table salt may be used if sea salt cannot be acquired.

Black salt is one part salt, three parts black powder.

Step One:

If you chose cauldron scrapings, coal, black pepper, and/or charred cooking remains you will need to grind them down as much as you can. For this reason, a mortar and pestle or another fine grinding device is needed.

Take the ingredients and grind them as finely as possible with the mortar and pestle.

Pour the fine black powder into an empty bowl.

Step Two:

Gather ashes, this can be from your home fireplace, fire pit, insence burner, or elsewhere. I do not recommend using cigarette ashes.

Mix them into the black powder with the spoon.

Step Three:

Take your salt, and estimate what one third of the black powder would be. Add that amount of salt to the bowl with the black powder, making it one fourth after the addition of the salt.

Mix the salt and the black powder together as well and smoothly as possible.

Step Four:

Take your bottle or jar and spoon the black salt into the container. Seal it tightly so that moisture cannot enter the container and ruin the salt. Label your container if you'd like.

Your black salt is now ready for storage and use!

How to Use Black Salt:

To use black salt for protection you can simply sprinkle it around the borders of the room, and/or the doors and windows. You can also sprinkle it around your property line.

To use black salt for banishing, line your magic circle in black salt in addition to your house borders to aid you when you do your banishing.

To use black salt to absorb and get rid of negative energy, sprinkle it all over the floor. Give it a few minutes to absorb the negative energy, then sweep it up and throw it away outside of your home. You can also put the black salt in a satchet and place it in busy or negative areas of your home or workplace. You can also put the satchet in your car.

I hope this step by step was helpful. Blessed be.

Added to on Feb 13, 2018
Part of the Teen Witches Library.


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