Anti-Magic Oil

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Anti-Magic Oil
An infused oil that protects against opposing magic when rubbed on the skin.

Casting Instructions for 'Anti-Magic Oil'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Coconut oil
  • Vervain
  • Dill
  • 2 glass jars
  • Strainer
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Coconut oil
  • Vervain
  • Dill
  • 2 glass jars
  • Strainer

Fill a glass jar with dried and coarsely-chopped vervain and dill. Slowly fill the jar with coconut oil, stirring it with a knife or wooden stick to make sure any air pockets are filled with oil. When it is full, close the lid on it and shake well. Leave the jar in a cool place for seven weeks (49 days exactly), occasionally shaking the jar every so often.

After these 49 days are completed, strain the oil into another jar. This completed oil may be massaged onto the skin for protective purposes. Very few curses will harm someone affected by this infused oil.


Additional Notes:

  • It has been said that "Vervain and dill / Hinder witches from their will." (Aubrey's Miscellanies, written in 1721)
  • 49 is seven times seven. Seven is a holy and sacred number, as well as the number associated with Venus, goddess of love.
  • Vervain is heavily associated with divine forces, connected to several deities. It is considered a holy herb, known by some as the Devil's Bane.
  • Dill is associated with luck and protection from evil magic, even in ancient Egyptian times.


Added to on Oct 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This can work to protect yourself, but unless you want to smell like coconut and dill, I would anoint a candle, amulet or poppet of yourself instead. Use this oil in a spell instead of anointing your skin. Yes, you can use oil on your skin to enchant yourself before you leave the house, but if you do not wish to smell like the oil, you have other options as to how you use the oil.

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