To Cause Termporary Impotence

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SpellsTrick  ► Fertility  ► To Cause Termporary Impotence
your man will not be able to perform until you remove the cucumber and bury it under a full moon.

Casting Instructions for 'To Cause Termporary Impotence'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a cucumber
  • a Ziploc bag
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a cucumber
  • a Ziploc bag
To Cause Termporary Impotence
(Can't Get it Up Spell)

If you have been betrayed/cheated on by a man, find a cucumber that most closely resembles the size and shape of his penis. Carve his first and last name and his birth date into the cucumber, concentrating on him staying ''soft''. Place the cucumber into the freezer (I put it in a Ziploc bag first) and say:

You hurt me when you chose to stray
It was our love that you betrayed
Until you admit that you were wrong
your penis will stay soft, not strong
By the power of Three times Three,
As I will, So Mote it Be

As the cucumber freezes and softens in the freezer (which is why I put it in a Ziploc baggie, who wants to clean cucumber guts from inside their freezer?) your man will not be able to perform until you remove the cucumber and bury it under a full moon.


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Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Shadow Craft Library.


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Wonder I g if I should add not peppers or anything else to make it uncomfortable for him.

Feb 21, 2019
Would serve em' right

My cucumber has been frozen for days and it’s harder than a rock! Should I go ahead and thaw it out? It will defibrillator turn mushy then

Did you by any chance mean The fridge? My cucumber has been in the freezer for three days, and it’s raging hard!

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