Angelic Transformation
This is a spell for anyone wishing to become a angel of god and wanting to help others :D
This is kind of a long process so be warned!
You will need the following items for this spell:
- You will need:
- A Bowl
- Salt
- Sage (optional)
- Your favorite smelling Candle
- A Turkey Feather (or bird feather)
- Cinnamon
- Natural water (rain water etc.)
- Some kind of gem or object the represents the element air or light
- a small cross
Casting Instructions for 'Angelic Transformation'
Candle Colors
Secret Desire Fulfilled
Ritual Kit

Secret Desire Fulfilled
Ritual Kit
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Now, You want your bowl to be kind of big, it can be HUGE or small as long as you can fit your contents in and not make a mess. Frist while repeating a passage form the bible pour in the salt into the bowl.
Here is the chant
The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me. After the salt is emptied into your bowl grab your water and repeat this saying as you pour the water in I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the Enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God Almighty Who liveth and reigneth unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen'' Now take your small cross and object of air or light and drop them into the bowl first the cross then the element while chanting ''O,Angels come and heed my plea, I wish to be just like you and fly with Angelic wings, For I to want to help god and humans alike, so now I ask to take flight!'' Now add your Cinnamon and sage into the mix while doing this chant aloud 4x ''O, Herbs of healing and Magick I cast out negativities from thee! Thou mayest aid me in my plea to soar with angelic wings!'' now when you are done light your favorite candle and grab your feather, Take a little cup your ''Blessed Angel Water'' and dose the candle with it Quickly Grab the feather and start to fan the scared smoke around the room and you, Even breath it in while chanting 4x '' Now I call upon the angels to grant my wish at last! I now take the vow to be just like you all! a creature of light and god I shall be! I shall now soar on (your choice of colored) wings to protect humanity! Mote it be'' When the smoke has cleared you are now hopefully apart of the angelic army of god here are some good signs you may be in!
1. Having dreams of angels or you as a angel
2. Back pains
3. More positive thoughts
4. Having a positive effect on people more often
5. Eye color changing or skin color becoming lighter
6. A more positive life in general
5. Supernatural experiences
If none of these or you think it didn't work, Try Again!
YokaiCaster has been a member of the site for 9 years, since May 07, 2016
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on May 07, 2016
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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You can't become a physical angel. You could live like an angel, helping others and doing things to heal and help. You can also work with angels in your practice, but you cannot transform into an angel [you might also consider altering this spell into a dedication ritual for your angelic path]
roleplaying is against site rules. your account can be gagged if you continue, please read the site rules before replying again.
Bro only people with 3rd i can see the personalkity of a person looking like an angel if they did this thing
I know it works because i saw once my uncle looking like it because he knows so much about this things and he once even said that its very hard to achieve the angelic appearance
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