Astral kinesis/shapeshifting/levitation/materialization/endless energy spell
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Astral kinesis/shapeshifting/levitation/materialization/endless energy spell
This isn't easily reversible by normal means. It's NON-physical, as kinesis/shapeshifting/levitation/materialization/endless energy isn't possible. Please tell me the results by emailing me on-site by going to my profile, selecting mail and composing and sending it. Important Note: I don't work with Sah.
Casting Instructions for 'Astral kinesis/shapeshifting/levitation/materialization/endless energy spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Know that the listed powers aren't physically possible
Know how to work with deities
Know how to meditate
Know how to astrally project
Keep a journal of what you did with your new astral powers
Pentagram- drawn and necklace
Altar table, tile, bag, cloth
Charged amulet
Charged tumbled/untumbled gemstone to place under your pillow before you go to sleep- I recommend amethyst
Your bedroom
Work with deities
Your pillow to be slightly ajar
A cushion
A chair
You will need the following items for this spell:
Know that the listed powers aren't physically possible
Know how to work with deities
Know how to meditate
Know how to astrally project
Keep a journal of what you did with your new astral powers
Pentagram- drawn and necklace
Altar table, tile, bag, cloth
Charged amulet
Charged tumbled/untumbled gemstone to place under your pillow before you go to sleep- I recommend amethyst
Your bedroom
Work with deities
Your pillow to be slightly ajar
A cushion
A chair
Chant: O, Sah, please grant me astral superpowers in the form of materialization, shapeshifting, endless energy, kinesis and levitation. So Mote It Be!
Gather the items, except your room, which I heavily recommend starting in.
Memorise the above chant and cast a circle
Set up the candles, amulet and pentagram necklace and drawing on the altar, with the cloth on.
On the cushion- which is on the chair, meditate whilst saying the chant thrice.
Place the gemstone under your pillow and replace it
No form of kinesis has ever been shown to be actually the author says. On the astral plane you can do many things impossible on the physical. You don't require a spell or ingredients to perform things on the astral.
As the author said, any form of physical kinesis is not possible. As for astral, it is possible. You can use herbs, crystals, candles and other tools to aid you in astral projection and well as achieving your goals, such as growing wings on the astral or shapeshifting on the astral. However, they are not necessary as Lark mentioned. These items are used like training wheels on a bike to help you if you are struggling, but with practice, you can project and shape the astral without the aid of any physical items.
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