Mind interruption

SpellsTrick  ► Telekinetic  ► Mind interruption
This spell will at least interrupt a person`s thinking for a few seconds

Casting Instructions for 'Mind interruption'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself

Chant "mental reverse" however many times you want and imagine a clock reversing in the target's head.



Added to on Oct 31, 2019
Last edited on Nov 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I doubt this works because psychic abilities do not work like that, but since you cannot tell what someone is thinking, and you can cast an evil eye, it is also plausible. An edit would help clarify the purpose so I could give a clear answer.

If this is you sitting in your house thinking of someone you hate in the hopes you get into their mind, no, that will not happen. If this spell is you staring at the person and imagining them messing up a presentation, that is plausible. You are not entering their mind, you are casting negative energy on them to jinx them. This is what the evil eye is.

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