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SpellsTrick  ► Telekinetic  ► Chronokinesis
Chronokinesis is the power to slow down or speed up your perception of time. If you slow it down you will appear to others to be moving at superhuman speed and your talk will sound like gibberish but to you it will be like everything is slow motion.

Casting Instructions for 'Chronokinesis'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 clock that ticks
  • 2 relaxation
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 clock that ticks
  • 2 relaxation

Listen to the beats of the object, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Then focus on this sound and listen for the spaces between the tick tock sound focus on the silence and blend your energy with the silence realize that man is not governed by time. Time is simply a concept created by man.
Now listen to the spaces between the beats, focus on the measure of silence getting slower and slower.
Do this for several minutes and then if the beats are getting longer apart from the next one you've done it! Now just keep practicing and eventually you will get to where you don't need a pendulum or clock.


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Last edited on Mar 31, 2016
Part of the Death's Pawns Library.


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Can this work ?

Sep 17, 2022

Mar 23, 2025
Yea in fact I do it sometimes when I am almost late to school. Like when there is only 12 minutes left till school starts and the normal walk is like 25 minutes I just calm down and slow down time doesnt mean I slow down energy like humans animals etc.

You cannot alter the flow of time by focusing really hard. Time is not a man-made concept, it is a natural concept influenced by the rotation of Earth around the Sun.

Mar 23, 2025
Don't put limitations on magic(k) just because you cant peform it.

You cannot speed or slow time with Magik. You can effect your perception of time, or experience regressions, be they past lives or memories, but you cannot change the natural speed time passes.

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