Teleport to Different Realities

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SpellsTrick  ► Teleportation  ► Teleport to Different Realities
This spell can move you between realities.

Casting Instructions for 'Teleport to Different Realities'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pentagram on your hand (not the palm)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pentagram on your hand (not the palm)

Make sure you're alone (or the rest will come with you) then say: "Oh, spirit of worlds, send me to a place where my dreams make sense!"


Added to on Apr 11, 2014
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically teleport.

I feel like you would have to say more then that if you actually think this is going to work. Draw a circle on the ground or wall

I don't care how unnatural this spell is, I need something to work.

Aug 24, 2023
Unfortunately, no spell will allow you to physically teleport because real magic doesn't work like that. The closest thing you'll get would be visiting other places on the astral.

Aug 25, 2023
Physically will never happen. However, there are other types of reality shifting. Astral, mental and spiritual are real. You can also enter past memories through past life regression. But saying ''I want to be in Atlantis'' and suddenly physically appear there is not possible. The same is true wit other real forms of shifting, it takes practice, not a spell. A chant or potion might help, but you need to practice in order to do it.

Dec 15, 2024
Astral Projection, Spiritual and Mental Travel are all just temporary relief to what I have to put up with in this world. I'm not wanting to travel to Atlantis, All I want is to live in a better world than this one. This world has given me nothing but trouble. And I want nothing more than to end my troubles permanently by living in another world physically. But It's never going to happen as it's impossible as I've been told and I unfortunately already know that too well and that's what hurts me the most. And even if this spell worked, I doubt I would have been able to cast it since I have no magic energies because they refuse to build up and they reject me. Only magic I do have is Clairvoyance and I can't even control that. Much less be able to control my body and travel in the dream world.

Dec 18, 2024
I am sorry to hear of your struggles. I hope you can heal and things improve for you.

Regarding your comment on Magik, you have Magik. Everyone does. If you struggle to focus Magikal energy for long periods, this could be a few things. Magik is not a one size fits all. A lot of people insist you need to visualize, which is very helpful, but not everyone can. This is why I prefer to say imagine because you need to find that spark. Perhaps you are a writer, then write what you want out of a spell in great detail. Maybe you are a dancer, express how you want the spell to go through dance. I dance and play music. Sometimes I dance, sometimes I play an instrument, sometimes I chant. If your issue is the energy starts to build and then stops, I feel it could be a mental, emotional, or spiritual block. This can happen for a number of reasons. You would need to get to the root cause and heal it. This is where shadow work, self-love, meditation, and journaling are key.

I wish you luck. Blessed Be.

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