See Past Life

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SpellsTrick  ► Time  ► See Past Life
Helps you to see your past lives.

Casting Instructions for 'See Past Life'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue candle (or white)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue candle (or white)

Light the candle and chant:

"Time in space, universes collide. Make me see who I was before my present day life. Element (your element) rise before me and let me see, the person that I used to be. Show me here, show me now. Take me back to my past life. So Mote it be!"

"Vicis in tractus, universum offensus planto mihi animadverto quisnam ego eram pro meus tendo dies vita. Elementum Terra (earth) orior oriri ortus pro mihi quod permissium mihi animadverto, alio ut ego adsuesco assuesco exsisto. ostendo mihi hic, ostendo mihi iam. Take mihi tergum ut meus preteritus vita."

You will not immediately flash back, but you will gain knowledge and get hints about certain things.


Added to on Jun 02, 2012
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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There is an easier way to see a past life

Feb 06, 2023

As outlined, this will not make you regress. I am not saying it will not work, but as Anilem17 mentioned, there are easier ways. If this is your first attempt, it is highly unlikely to work. Yes, you can light a candle and meditate, that is probably the most common way to connect with a past life. Saying a chant before meditating can set your intention. This does not guarantee it will work. While some people have a stronger connection to past lives, most will need to do more spiritual work before attempting past life regression. Increase your psychic abilities, balance your charkas, master basic energy work, master basic meditation techniques, then try this regression. There are hypnosis tracks which I would recommend before this spell because in order to reach that deep state, many need a guide. I would encourage a guide since past life regression can be scary.

Feb 09, 2025
As cool as past life regressions can be, they can also be terrifying. I've regressed my entire life without trying [in dreams or long meditation sessions] and you might relive a regular day, or you might relive the day they died. You might relive a traumatic event. From my research, you're more likely to relive a painful memory than a happy memory if you're doing it without guidance because that's a soul wound you need to heal. Start with a meditation track from a reputable source [if it has high reviews and the comments pass the real person, not bot/paid actor test, give it a try]

Feb 10, 2025
I agree. Without the help of experience, there is little (if any) control one can exert over what/when they will experience. And so the natural draw is to the 'loudest' memories and experiences. The things that are the most emotionally charged.

Many people end up with a lot of trauma to sort through in the beginning. So it is incredibly important to have some tools to help you recognize and acknowledge without attaching or re-living those experiences. A task that sounds easy on paper, but can be overwhelming for the unprepared.

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