Lottery Spell

SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► Lottery Spell
A spell to increase your chance of winning money in the lottery whether that be 1 dollar or the whole pot.

Casting Instructions for 'Lottery Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Lottery Ticket
  • An Envelope
  • Mint Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Thyme Leaves
  • A Sum of Money e.g. A few Coins (Optional)
  • A Lighter (Anything that can be used to set fire to things works as well)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Lottery Ticket
  • An Envelope
  • Mint Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Thyme Leaves
  • A Sum of Money e.g. A few Coins (Optional)
  • A Lighter (Anything that can be used to set fire to things works as well)

Get an envelope and put your lottery ticket inside, along with the mint, basil and thyme leaves. Close the envelope and begin to shake the contents inside around whilst imagining the money building up in your lottery ticket. 

When the time feels right, put the envelope down somewhere safe and leave it be until the draw date. Optionally before you leave it be, place a sum of money on top of the envelope or even a money sigil or two if you feel it is needed. 

On the draw date, open up the envelope and remove your lottery ticket. Before you take it in or watch the lottery numbers, burn the contents of the envelope to send all of the intentions gathered in the envelope skyward. 


Added to on Jan 20, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This requires an edit. This could create a money charm. You could write a realistic goal on a piece of paper, or write a check to yourself with a specific sum. Charge the envelope with Magikal energy and place it somewhere near your money. Say you hang your purse on a hook, or place your wallet on a shelf, place the envelope there. I also recommend saying a money chant when you make this charm. When you need money, hold the envelope and say the chant. You can burn it to release the energy, or keep it as a charm. It all depends how you set your intention.

Sep 26, 2024
what is the money chant?

Sep 26, 2024
I had no specific chant in mind. Go with the money chant you typically use for spells.

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