Apollo's Sight

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SpellsWealth  ► Fortune  ► Apollo's Sight
Basically you can see a few snapshots of the most likely future of the specified person. This spell has a 75% success rate

Casting Instructions for 'Apollo's Sight'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sunlight
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sunlight
While envisioning the sun with your eyes closed, chant


Apollo, lend me your sight. Allow me to gaze at Insert Persons Name HEREs future with your might.


Youll have a 75% chance of getting a few snapshots of their most likely future. If you know the person very well, the chances seriously increase.


Warning - There is a good chance you will see how they will most likely die. Also, do not attempt to perform this at night. The consequences could be disastrous.


Added to on Jun 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do we have to keep our eyes closed while doing the spell and do we have to be facing the sun or faced away from it

Divination like this without any tools would require great efforts and mastery and awakening of the third eye as it is most powerful in matters of clairvoyance and scrying.

The odds of this working are incredibly low. You would need to be advanced in your psychic abilities. You would also need to be clairvoyant to have visions. You also need a working relationship with Apollo if you are calling on him as outlined above. It is easier to connect with a deity you know than one you do not. If you have never worked with Apollo, you would need to be more formal and include an offering. Even then, it is no guarantee you will sense something the first time you contact a deity. Especially if you are not spiritually aware. All of this to say, I am fairly certain this will not work. If you wish to see someones future, look into divination.

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