make a weather doll

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SpellsWeather  ► Sun  ► make a weather doll
Make a doll out of which you can control rain and sunny weather. This was an old Japanese myth. This one is modernized.

Casting Instructions for 'make a weather doll'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 paper towels
  • Incense sticks
  • White string
  • Concentration
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 paper towels
  • Incense sticks
  • White string
  • Concentration

Remember, when you are making the doll, always keep saying:


"Oh mighty god accept this doll to become an order to bring rain or sunlight."


In your mind.
Take a paper tower and roll it into a ball. put the ball in the between of the other tissue and fold the tissue up (wrap it). Then, it should have a head and a tail which together looks like a comet with its tail. Now, twist the tissue three times where the tail and the head meet. Then, it is up to you to make a rainy one or a sunny one, and if you choose it to be a rainy one, tie the string neat the tail when you hold the other side of the string, the head should be pointing down. If you plan to make a sunny one, tie the string where the tail and the head meet. when you hold the other end of the string, the head should be pointing up. Now concentrate on the doll, put your hands near it and put the feeling of rain(wetness,humid.) or the sun(hot, sweating).
Then hang it outside the window, wherethe gods can see it.

It will start working either tomorrow or in 2 hours time.


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Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Could you provide pictures?

May 05, 2019
This is based on the Teru Teru Bozu, they look like little ghosts, you hang them outside to bring good weather.

These things are cute. I use to make them as a kid on rainy days.

Hie can I request?☺

Jul 25, 2021
You have a recent forum question asking the same thing. I suggest if you need information or help with something to create a forum thread with detail about what you are asking.

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