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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: new to the site..
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Original Post:
by: darkrouge on Dec 28, 2008

hello! i'd offer my name, but this is the internet and i'm wary, so instead, you can call me rouge. :) i'm 18 years old and live in california.
the reason i'm here is because i want to learn about spells, magick, and the wiccan religion. i'm a former christian turned agnostic, borderline atheist, and i think that spending time developing a spiritual side of myself may be beneficial and even fun. :)
i have a lot of questions, so if anyone who has been here a while would like to help, send me a message!
i'm a very open-minded person and would especially like to explore spell casting and tarot cards. i actually performed my first candle love spell the other night, and whether it "worked" or not, it gave me confidence and a feeling of power. made me feel like i control my destiny instead of simply accepting the cards i'm dealt.
nice to meet you all, send me messages and we can talk!