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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
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Original Post:
by: Greywolf69 on Feb 18, 2008

I know of an ancient book of magick that has never been found. It occured to me in a dream. There is a good book and a bad book so to speak. The good book has all the ancient secrets of good magick and earth magick. There is also an evil book of the most evil ever captured on paper (or papyrus w/e its written of). I asked my spirit guide if this dream was true and she said yes...there is a book that is written by the hand of the gods themselves. Think of the books as yin and yang. I remember the name of the book i saw in my dream...and this is how it sounds like "Asirio Oragatu." My guess is that it is not fact i am %99.9 that this book is not physical. It resides in another plane. But if we could summon or astral project to the book and gather the very infomation of the fabric of space time and life itself....imagine the possibilities if we knew wat is inside that book... dont waste ur time on useless arcane objects....gather information, its wat life is made for...think about it. Blessed Be

p.s. if anyone has any info. about this book it would be really spirit guide cant tell me anything else for some reason...