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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: How do everyone
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Original Post:
by: IanD on Feb 22, 2008

Well I never thought I'd see myself in a place of magic. I have be intrigued but never ventured into such a philosophy, the fear of the unknown....! :-)

Anyway I mainly came here as I generally have bad luck (woe is me hehe) but there are some things relating to this kind of area that may have promoted a negative impact on my life. So I hope to find some answers about such things. I am not here to cause problems or anything, just seeking some knowledge which I hope will assist me in achieving things I want too in life, which to date have been hindered.

So if this is a place to search such and maybe get some assitance from members of this forum, then let me know. I am very open minded but as I say have no knowledge of this kind of thing... so please be gentle :-)