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Original Post:
by: Darkmist2006 on Jul 31, 2008

I had a question about the vivid dreams I have been having since my friends as much help as possible would be appreciated. I dont want to interpret these dreams myself as I need an unbias opinion.
The night my best friend died I had a dream that I won lots of money....and my good fortune just kept coming and coming....

My reoccuring dream is that I am pregnant and give birth in a room in the hospital...there are other mothers having babies in these rooms as well.......the baby is born naturally but prematurally, somehow the baby girl I give birth to turns out to be a little boy...he is named Liam. I have trouble nursing him.....

I know its strange to be having this reoccuring dream but I am finally going to sleep after several days of insomnia.

Any interpretations would be appreciated.