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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Lucid Dreaming
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Original Post:
by: xSol13x on Jun 02, 2014

I recently sent this to someone looking to practice lucid dreaming, and I got pretty into it, so I thought I'd post it for public digestion. I hope this helps others who wish to reap the benefits of lucid dreaming.

The hardest trick to learn for this is to realize you're dreaming and take control. This is difficult because you won't really remember to do this in your sleep most the time.
The way I find is best to get around this problem is to actively think about lucid dreaming, willing yourself to do it in your sleep.

The key word here is "active". This means doing what you're doing right now: Talking About It! (sorry, I dont know how to underline things on here lol). When you talk about it, even online, you actively engage your brain to think about it, putting it in your subconscious to be processed later (which occurs in your sleep

The more you talk and actively think about this, and even meditating on how much you want to do this, will continually increase your chances of catching yourself dreaming and seizing control. The more you do that, the more powerful the dreams become, and you'll notice a clarity of mind that continues into the day, as well as a reinforced will; and a strong will and clear mind means more control of your own energy and abilities.