Hello my name is David. I was born a natural witch with natural gifts. I wanted to share this tid bit with others to see if they have gone through similar experiences throughout their lives. My mother was a single woman and a very experienced witch. Her talents far surpassed mine but at the same time I lost her to the angel of death when I was only 21 and still coming into and understanding my gifts. I saw people that had passed to the other side from a young age and all my mother would say is its ok they are just passing through or they wont hurt you. I never got the experience of sitting down with my mother and having her truly talk to me about the subject because as I came into puberty my gift was suppressed I suppose because I didnt begin to see them again until the day after my mother passed and have been seeing them off and on since seemingly growing more stronger with age. Along with this I have the power of premonition (especially when I sleep and my psychic eye is completely open) I have no control when it comes to visions and don't at this point know if there is such a thing as control. I have been told to meditate but if I do a premonition knocks me completely out of it. When I was younger I wanted to surrender and say that I was insane and saw a therapist and tried medication for years simply because listening to my own intuition was not good enough for me I had to ask the outside world, you know the nonbelievers, each time being told by outside sources that I was crazy. It wasn't until I was 25 and met a schizophrenic woman that was talking to someone that noone else in the room could see but me. I saw the woman she was talking to as plain as I saw the living people around her. I still try and seek control but have not achieved that yet but I did however surrender to my gift after this flushed all the medication down the toilet and just embrace the power that is inside me. Now when I have premonitions it is jarring like you are completely taken away for a second and you are suddenly hit by a brick wall and then bam back you are to the everyday world feeling your ears ring for five minutes trying to catch your breath. I guess I am telling my story for the particular people that are out there that are experiencing this and too think they are crazy. You are not crazy no matter what pill you take nothing takes it away cause it is part of you. I too sometimes see things I just don't want to see but at the same time if I lost my gift I would feel like I was missing a limb. If anyone has experiened this and learned any control that works I would embrace the advice but to the ones that are just being opened to their natural gifts. Just embrace them and accept them as part of your life. Stop the therapist stop the meds and listen to the spirits, it is your natural instinct to be afraid, but when you let go of the fear then you are able to hear more than the whispers in the wind, you can actually hear what they are trying to say and sometimes if you are lucky help them pass on, let the ones that are stuck know they are not sick anymore, I had to do that with my sister's spirit once after she passed and it was the most painful but freeing experience I have ever had. If you read this and it applies to your life and my intuition tells me that there is someone out there that will be touched by what I am saying. Then blessed be and pass on the pass on you know. Blessed be to you all and thank you for listening to the slight curtain pull i have opened up to give you from my private life and I and more than receptive to the person who has already been in my shoes and maybe could teach me more if any control. Blessed be.