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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: Just a warning
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Original Post:
by: ShadowBonder on Oct 19, 2016

i'm just letting you know there's a guy by the name of a_wild_beast claiming to be a "god" and sending a story. I reported him, but he got mad when I told him I don't believe in satanism or aetheism (just my opinion) and that energy has no color.

The story he's sending out looks like something from a tv or movie, it even acts like a roleplay to me. So just keep an eye out and if he messages you say no thanks or block... He kind of creeped me out..He also calls people foolish humans if you don't agree on his story.

All I did was said I don't believe in satanism or atheism, I'm christian and proud of it, and also told him that colors combined doesn't make black, they make white.

I have his story saved not sure what else to do. He also said I will soon see enough when I leave my body??

Anyways, just wanted to warn everyone.