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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: serious queston
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Original Post:
by: OniGiri on Feb 03, 2017

I thought, maybe I can go to this bookstore and see if I can find a witch, Wiccan etc. when I got out of the care, about 30 feet away from my destination, a guy asked me for 25 cents. but that's not the point, the point is as soon as I get our of my car, the image of him is fuzzy for a second then back to normal, it happened multiple times and there was no way he was asking for 25 cents in the beginning. I didn'r hear him clearly and it is rare when I don't hear people clearly. this guy targeted me even before I was parked, so I wonder if he tried something on me? I told him no I don't have 25 cents, so even if he tried to cast something on me, me saying no, does that negate it? after I started walking away, he apologized, always holding a creepy smile.