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I feel like i explain this enough to make a post about it, and i am rehearsed enough to at least touch base with energy work and my understanding of it. All of us are taught many ways to bring us enlightement and into contact with the flow. Basically my learning energy work started with understanding all the types of energy, the elements and connections with the flow that exist all around us.
It started with the discussion of spell's and how they are charged and brought in exsistence. The universe and everything inside and out is just a complex pattern of energy's linking together. This energy is in complete and utterly in design to be intelligent and with an amazing conscious mind. To say any one is capable of creating a way into the flow or knowledge of the flow is true but it takes understanding something to make it work. When we create spells the reason we preach about being logical is because spells are extensions of ourselves. Using magick is dangerous and people with mental disabilities' should consider before exposing themselves to working with energy.
Energy can start deep in the ground at least in this exercise this energy will be from the earth/Gaia, and its pulled up from the earth, through our bodys, and then upwards towards the universe, and then it flows back down through us and into the ground. My objective as someone just learning was to first understand each element and invoke it or bring it into myself. Realize then that i myself was just a vessel of energy and the flow will come through me like water and it would be done with the understanding of knowing the elements.
Outside is the best way to try this, it only makes sense and you need the privacy. Your objective is to take in each element, understand it, and bring it fourth to represent its place in this practice. We start with facing North, this is the element earth and a very relaxing start. You want to close your eyes and imagine your buried in the earth. Normally taking your shoes off really helps with this one. You want to visualize roots coming from your feet deep into the earth. This one is easy, your either a seed, tree, or celestial extension of Gaia reaching into the earth for comfort and support. Question your sense;s, heighten them with questions to build a map of what's going on around you. Can you smell the earth, feel it, what can you see down there? After understanding Earth, visualize a green or brown orb to hover in its place, the source of energy is beneath your feet creating its existence and turn widdershins to the East.
Now with Earth invoked we focus on the Air or East. This one was easy for me but most casters don't have difficulties with their own elements. So to invoke i was told to close my eyes and be still, let the natural breeze hit my face. When the need surges with a gust of wind visualize a feather bursting from your body on the oppoisite side, being guided by the wind it takes off. Visulaize the details, people trying to catch you, weightless, and to get the idea of what a feather would see on its tavels. When you understand and wish to invoke Air, visuliaze the feather coming back and hovering in front of you creating a gold ball to represent the element Air.
Now we move towards the South, and this is the fire element. Fire is exciting to invoke it gives you a whole new insight to what fire is. Facing South you close your eyes and actually visualize your a shooting star passing earth. A bright colorful ball of different gases, fire, and minerals streaking across the sky. People below can see you, and they make wishes as you pass by. Do you feel fire, does it fight the cold in equal balance? What is it you can see below and above? To understand fire is to understand raw energy, excitement, and passion. When you understand fire let the shooting star come to you and then deliver it to represent the element of fire as a red or amber orb.
Last to invoke is the West or the element water, and like earth it is relaxing but the best word for this would be "cleansing". Face the West and close them eyes yet again, now put yourself in the remote reaches of the Amazon Forest. Somewhere far away from man made anything, and let your mind find the water fall buried in the jungle nobody knows about. Become the water and let yourself flow over the rocks making their sharp edges smooth, and the fish swim quickly in your belly. Just flow for awhile, when your ready imagine the rushing water coming in front of you transforming into the water orb that now represents the element water.
Now mediatate in your circle for awhile, put thought and practice into understanding each element and feel the awesome connection each one has with the universe. While your in the presence more and more of the connection's it becomes more and more obvious naturally to step into the flow of energy. Practice this and look for my next Energy Work post on how to create a Godhead using this very method.