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Original Post:
by: spiritwolf on Oct 09, 2008

iam placeing this thread for all thoese who need help with chakras i hope it helps.

the chakra med

sitting comfortabley imagine roots growing out ur toes and going in to the ground, watch as they go through the congrete and through the gravel and through the soil.
at the bottom of the ground u will see a large quartz crystal, wrap ur roots around the crystal and pull the energy from the crystal up through ur roots.
pull the energy up all the way through to ur legs , up to ur tummy, up to ur throat, up to ur 3rd eye and to ur crawn chakra, let it keep growing till it comes oout the top of ur head
see the energy go up to the cieling,up to the roof,up to the sky, up to the universe
now see the brightest star and wrap the energy around the star,
now were gonna pull the light through to our chakras , allow the light to travel down to the sky,down to the roof and down to the ceiling,down to the top of ur head ,and throught to ur grown chakra
now take the light and the energy to ur root chakra(base) and see the energy and light mix together and form a scowling pad, watch as the light turns red as it cleans and cleanses , now see the light move
up to ur sacrol (just below ur belly button) see the colour change to orange, watch as it cleans and cleanses as it swirls, now move the light up to ur solar plexus(below the rib cage) watxh as the light turns to yellow
watch as it swirls as it cleans and cleanses,, now move the light up to ur heart chakra watch as the light turns green as it cleans and cleanses.
move it up to ur throat chakra and see he light turn blue,watch as it swirls as it cleans and cleanses,
now move up to ur 3rd eye chakra, watch the light turn to indigo, see it swirl as it cleans and cleanses,move the light to the crown chakra, see the light change to voilet, watch as it swirls as it cleans and cleanses.
now were going to let go of the light,unwrap the light from the star and allow it to travel back down to ur tummy
unwrap the energy from the crystal and allow it to travel back to ur tummy
allow the light and energy to turn in to a candle flame,watch as this gets dimmer and dimmer till it dissapears.
now choosing a flower of ur choice ,watch as the petels open up starting from ur root to ur crown,
when u have finished ur workings see the petels close.
ur are now grounded and ur chakras r now clear of any blockages.