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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Another Newbie
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Original Post:
by: Lilith99 on Jun 02, 2022

Hi, as stated I am new. I am so pleased I came across this forum and already read tons.

So about me. I am not new new to spirits or the spirit the world. Since I was a teenager I was doing automatic writing and communication. I had one Astral Projection as a teen also. Where I have lived, spirits have been there and i never had a bad experience until the house my children grew up in mostly had a darker spirit in their room which didn't surface until my second my child was born and around 2 yrs old. At first it was him talking to someone and that someone or entity started moving things. When he started waking with scratches on his body, it confirmed it and action was taken. Some years on I moved and we encountered a spirit who used to own the land before houses were built. At first he tried intimidation and fear on us but it didn't work and after working with him he still resides here with no problems. I have a room sealed with a ward for negative/mischievous spirits, some with vessels. Positive ones and some with vessels have full reign of the rest of the house. All spirits are here because they want to be. Any tied to a vessel wanting to be set free or helped moving on, are helped to.

I have a paranormal team. We help spirits move on if they wish after communication when doing investigations. A lot of work isn't uploaded and is kept private. We do have youtube channel for the ones we want to share.

I am still studying Demonology and now spells and witchcraft. This forum seems to be a helpful place to be.