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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Greetings
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Original Post:
by: GlennaJean on May 05, 2024

I am not a great communicator. Here goes.
I have been dipping in and out of witchcraft for about 20 years now. I was raised to be deeply (strictly) religious and dumped it all and became atheist a quarter of a century ago. I have no training. I have no one to guide or mentor me. I have very little confidence in my abilities and I second guess everything. So, I guess this is me trying something new. I am reaching out for help and pointers, if that's not too much trouble. I have taken an interest in The Morrigan, especially due to her being the Goddess of Nightmares. I've had them since I was 5 years old and finally decided it was time to embrace them and see what I can glean from them. So far, not a lot of luck. Not sure what to do. Anyway, that's pretty much me in a nutshell.