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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Esoteric MagicalAlphabet2
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Original Post:
by: _2r519it115t on Jul 17, 2024

This post continues from the previous Distortion Magical History1 post, which provides more proof to that previous post (see number 7).

  • Please read until the end (Cymatics magic from spelling alphabets and words)
  • As a lot of time, maybe days, was used to create this special post.
  • Enjoy (thats okay, because I love to share knowledge)
  • and I know this is not perfect, so just tell me if somethings wrong.

Information Source For this Post:

  • Book 1: Secrets of Hebrew Alphabet Daniela Abravanel
  • Book 2: Magical Alphabets Nigel Pennick (Use Page Numbers written inside the book's footer)
  • Book 3: Practical Guide to the Runes Lisa Peschel (this book even teaches about reversed runes, rotated 180 degrees in geometry. What about the letter A before?)
  • Book 4: The Greek Qabalah Keiren Barry
  • Book 5: Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound Dr. David Frawley
  • Alphabet list: (compare Sinaitic, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Futhark, Brahmi, Egyptian Hieratic)
  • And another book and website for just small things. May I write another surfed website other than Wikipedia and Wiktionary ?

Letter "B" Understanding

  1. What happens if we spell the B sound, and what is the meaning of the ancient B symbol?
    • Does it align with: The Vibration (Sound) , Symbol (Visual), Esoteric Meaning (Mind)
  2. In Hebrew:
    • Beth means duality, Bayit (house), blessing, children ( Bat ) [Book1: 24-31] .
    • Examples: Beth-el (House of God) , Bethlehem (Jesus birthplace)
  3. In Futhark:
    • Berkana/Beorc means Earth Mother Goddess (Breast of), primary Ogham character [Book2: 100] .
    • Represents family, birth, mother or children, true home, beginning [Book3: 79] .
  4. In Sanskrit:
    • Bhur (Gayatri) means Earth plane. , Bhumi also means Earth Goddess.
    • Brahmi Script: Ba and Bha
  5. In Wicca:
    • Beltane is the transition from maiden to mother, where God and Goddess reach puberty and adulthood, sacred marriage (Wicca For Dummies Chapter 14, Pages 300 and 304) .
    • Mother Earth meets Greenman , and fertility (after Ostara ) [sites?] , also Brigid is the triple goddess.
  6. In Egyptian:
    • B3 or Ba (Gardiner g53) (Egyptian aspect of the soul) means body ( Bady , IPA phonetic).
    • Badan in Arabic, Beten in Hebrew (Wiktionary) .
    • Original Beth hieroglyph Pr and h (Gardiner o1 and o4) means house, reed shelter. In German, Bauen means build.
  7. In Greek:
    • Beta B means Angramanyu , demonic connotation, dualistic [Book2: 49] .
  8. Perhaps its Because:
    • Gross body and Earth materialism are dualistic (low frequency) in nature. Without low frequency, there would be no matter and gross body.
    • Unlike the Heaven Triple Triangle ( Valknut ), this has just two triangles, representing the eternal dance of Yin and Yang , Angramanyu and Zarathustra , matter and light.
    • 3 (male) + 2 (female) = 5 (pentagram).
  9. Interpretation of B Sounds:
    • B (Dualistic and Materialism)
    • Ba (Gross Body) , Bu (Earth, Building) , Bo (?)
    • Be (House, Family, Earthly life, Feminine, Mothership, Mother Earth)
    • Bi (Maybe spiritual things like Binah in Sephiroth and Biu in Egyptian Spirit [a ka dua] )
  10. Another References:
    • Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor, 6:19-20) , 7 Churches.
    • Use the ancient Bible, and Atman is truly our own self.
    • Double triangle is like the letter M for Mother below (Please see the end of this post) .
  11. Personal Runic Alphabet:
    • My personal B includes two triangles and a thin rectangle, making it look like a house or two hills, with a very tiny line on the two triangles.

Why is this really important to understand?

  1. Because all letters connect to different frequencies. For example, B-Ra.h-Ma mixes the frequency B = Creator of Material and Body, with Ra = The Sun God Ruler, etc. ( Brahma is the grandfather of Sun God Surya ), and h , Ma . Does it have an actual meaning? But it indeed has a vibrational effect.
  2. In John Dees Enochian Magic:
    • There are divine and secret names for angels (Book: Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee Colin D. Campbell, Pages 42-44 (Planet), 35-41 (Sigil & Squares)) : Diemegkb , Eiihkeivn , Galethog , etc.
  3. In the Emerald Tablet of Thoth:
    • (Chapter 6, Page 5?) : Untanas , Quertas , Chietal , etc.
  4. In Hindu Mantras:
    • There are a lot of seed mantras (including Tibetan, which has its own seed mantras). It even has a meaning for a vowel letters sound (Book 5, Chapters 7-10) .
    • Also In Chakra Petals and Yantra Petals:
    • (Book: Yantras Heavenly Geometries, Pages 19-24, and 85-end) .
  5. Alphabet Shapes and Sounds:
    • We need the real shape of the alphabet that connects to its sound, like runes. Write their Hebrew alphabet on Kabbalah like runes, and put the word into magic squares, sigils, yantra. Again, the cymatic frequency, the ancient knowledge.
  6. Note:
    • In stories, only Brahma indeed gives ability and power to Asura , even though those asura will use it for bad things. Of course, this includes choosing the way of death.

Letter "S" Understanding

  1. The first Sowilo Sun Rune (200 AD) is not shaped like z, but twice zigzag (Wikipedia) , like a bow .
    • Means Sun, Clear Vision, Strength to resist powerful forces of death, Power of Sun for Guidance and Healing [Book2:99]
    • Great Power, Great Health and Vitality [Book3:73-74] .
  2. Even the first Greek sigma at Crete 800 BC is shaped like a bow in proto-Sinaitic (Omniglot) ,
    • Rotated 90 degrees, and not like new sigma , But Similar to First Sowilo rune.
    • Connected to Hermes , Psychopomp , Underworld? [Book2:56] (The only difference here).
  3. In first proto-Sinaitic, it has two kinds of S (S and Sh) one is like Sun Shammash (Summer, Sumerian, Sun God), another one is like a shin bow w or small omega.
  4. In Hebrew, it becomes Shin
    • illuminating fire of the Holy Spirit, transforming the material into the spiritual [Book2:20] .
    Which means Element of Fire, Crown, Heart Shape, Burned in order to elevate and Joy [Book1: Chapter 21]
  5. In Hindu, Sa means to energize, take power,
    • then (if released with Ha ) Pranic Forces, Lightning and Electrical energy, Create Heat and Electrical energy [Book5:79-81 the five s] Shakti .
  6. In Egyptian Concept of Soul (Wikipedia) , Sah means Spiritual Body.
    • its different From Sheut (Shadow) , Similar to black Shani (Saturn) the shadow opposite to Surya ( Hindu Sun God )
      • Suryas Child from his wifes twin sister (Light and Dark)
      • Saturn-Day is associated Black and Bad Luck Almost in everywhere Tradition? Thats why Shabbat day or doing nothing (Wu wei?) should be in Saturday, and not in sunday [1775 Bible calendar]
    • From earlier Proto sinaitic, there are S and Sh, Shin and Shammash
      • This is similar like in that hindu book (Sa-Ha or Sh) is frequently used together, example Shreem (Laxhmi) that Uses Sh like Shammas, maybe hsauh and Hamsah [Book5: 94 and 97]

Letter "Tz" Understanding

  1. In Hebrew: It means Righteous Person, Messianic Era [Book1, Chapter 18, Part 1 and 4] .
    • Also Eating, Fasting, Fishing, maybe because it is shaped like a fish hook [Book2:19] .
    • But the first Tzadi was shaped like a trident (proto-Sinaitic).
  2. In Futhark, shape of trident like Eolh/Algiz/Elhaz ,
    • means Elk, Defensive Warding Sign, Protection runes, and Human Aspiration towards divine qualities [Book2:99] .
    • Also strong protective runes and if reversed is a sign of vulnerability [Book3:71-72] .
  3. This runic shape is the same as Asar-Alim-Nunna (Honored, Akkadian) 12th Name of Marduk Seal in Al-Azif .
    • Presideth over armour of all kinds and is excellently knowledgeable in military matters ?
    • But this is so different in (Enuma Elish Tablet 7:5) , The Honored one, The light of Fathers, decrees and abundance?
  4. In Greek, Psi with the shape of trident,
    • is heavenly light embodied in Zeus and it is a character of illumination [Book2: Page 57] ,
    • Psyche , Names of Power in Coptic ritual, Holy Spirit? [Book4: Page 84-85] .
  5. Even Indra has some version of Vajra (from Dadhichi bones/spinal cord?) that branches like a branched Psi symbol.
    • Maybe that thing marked the mount in Peru, Paracas Candelabra ?
    • A story from Valmiki Ramayan , is Lord Indra is Lord Viracocha ?
  6. In Hindu, Trim is the seed mantra for Trishula , Lord Shiva s weapon,
    • taking us across difficulties and overcoming inimical forces, also allows us to ascend in awareness [Book5:93] (So similar with Rune Algiz ).
    • In Tibetan, there are Tam and Tram for White Tara , ascend?
  7. By comparing all these clues, the trident symbol means strong protection, Heaven/Divine/God, Ascend/Illumination and if rotated 180 degrees, it would be vulnerability.

Letter K Understanding

  1. Ka in Kennan/Ken Rune is very similar to the Ka (Egyptian Vital Spark).
    • In Futhark, Kenaz means Bringer of Inner Light of Knowledge, Powerful, Active opposite to Isa [Book2:93-93] ,
    • Strength, Energy, Healthy, Creativity [Book3:49-50] .
  2. In Hebrew, Kaph means Hand, Physical Force, Divine energy, Strength [Book: Ch11, Pt1] .
    • Some similarity to Futhark.
  3. In Hindu, K-ri-m , Krim ( Kali ) begins with Ka , the first of the Sanskrit consonants that indicates manifest prana and the initial phase of energy [Book5:91] .
    • But K-lee-m has magnetic quality (fusion of Ka with La and Em ).
    • Is Klim ( Kama ), mainly a Kapha (water) promoting mantra for organ [Book5:92, paragraph 3]
    • the same as in Hebrew Kaph about Kidney (Water Element Organ in Chinese) , Liver, Yin, Water, Energy of Love (Kamadeva) ? [Book: Ch11, Pt2 and Pt4] .
      • Some similarities again .
    • Maybe because it mixed with Lam (Root chakra), Lamed , Lambda , Laguz ? (Not Laguz?)that signifies Plant Growth from Earth [Book2: 53] , Rooting and Love?
      • Lagaz is so different, it means intuitive knowledge, learning and memory [Book3: 87-88] , but in this book, it said Laguz is about Growth too [Book2 :101]
  4. In Greek, this is so different. Bad Luck and 10 [Book2: 52] , Kronos [Book4: 74] , maybe because of this book only sees the Numerical value of the Alphabet, but what about Phytagoras cult?
  5. In Egyptian conception of Soul (Wikipedia) , Ka means Vital Essence, the difference between a living and a dead person, with hieroglyph like two hands open above, like proto-Sinaitic open palm Hand Kaph .

Another Proof that Strengthens Previous Post

  1. The Caput u and Cauda n symbol maybe can even be seen in ancient Chinese BC pictogram for above and below (Book: Early Chinese Writing, Page 63, Plate XXI, Num 287, 288) .
    • Even very similar to the Aum symbol in Crown Chakra above.

Theta Dagaz Th and "Ma" Mother

  1. Thuizaz Rune is ever read like Dhuizaz , with phonetic d like in Edda (Wiktionary) and on the ogham script is Duir for letter D [Book2: Page 136] .
    • Even for Being Sacred to major European Sky god, Zeus , Perkunas , Thor , etc. Like the word Door, but in German written Tur.
    • Maybe this is why the rune Dagaz looks like the Aramaic Theta x, andthe Thuizaz looks like ancient Delta.
      • This exhange between Theta Dagaz and Delta Thuizaz is similar to the 800 bc Crete ancient greek script [omniglot] where Zeta had I and iota had z letter (something like that)
      • this exchange may have happened in Ingwaz rune, Yngvi ( Freyr other name) that should be hebrew Yodh and not like isa which may have been used on a negative meaning? [Book2: 101] (still dont know and still searching)
    • Dagaz represents the Day, Theta 9 is the Norse Sun Cross , Pagan Solar cross, a Symbol of the sun with 4 season, but the first Theta used an x in the center and not a + like now.
      • The Thunder God Indra and Sun God Surya are like Yin and Yang in heaven, Seth with the Storm and Horus with the Sun
      • it was not Son but it was Sun [German Dictionary and Etymology] the sun that was born from a virgin, misinterpreted.
  2. Ma in Hindu means invoking divine mother, Mother energy [Book5:96] .
    • Same as in m symbol for underworld before in my previous post.
      • m for symbol of Scorpio and Virgo symbol in Underworld section of compass.
    • Also m for inverted trident, Lower nerves ending, and underworld/earth female characteristic, also Mannaz and Ehwaz are earthly runes.
    • Could this mean that upright trident for Heavenly Father Psi and downright trident for Earthly/Underworld Mother m, again Spirit/Light and Matter?
      • First M is Water symbol, maybe because the ocean is so deep, Firmament Water above and Water Below, or Garbhodaka ocean (Vishnu)?
    • Maybe M is three on below, and two on above, but W/Small omega/ Solowo is three on above and two on below, is this like Pentagram?
      • As Above, So Below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul, Emerald Tablet, the Magician 1

Project's Conclusions

  1. Conclusion:
    • Theres a lot of things I cant write in this post, including another letter in the alphabet and runic fusion, just do your own search and compare them.
      • Include comparing the shape of the alphabet with the ancient form also the meaning.
    • I even made a table with almost 120 characters in comparison,
      • and my personal complicated runic alphabet , of course with comparison of the meaning and understanding.
    • If there are at least three cultures that say the same about one rune,
      • then another interpretation is maybe considered defying the ancient root or error,
      • Maybe because of the difference in alphabetic shape, this can be called distortion in magical history (because of religion) .
    • It seems that the term of Christianized also happened in ancient times in many parts of the world using another religion.
      • Why they always called the Underground as a Bad side, while above they make a father figure, Like Zarathusta and Angramanyu,
      • Where is the Heavenly and Earthly Mother ? This is why For me I add Mother in The Lords Prayer? Inanna the queen of heaven? Indrani in Queen of hindu devas?