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Original Post:
by: _2r519it115t on Jul 31, 2024

The Saturn Wheel ofTime

A. This post is about the God ofSaturn, symbolism ofSaturn, Sabbath day, Days of the week, and the Time itself

  1. Esoteric means intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest .
  2. So this post is not something easy you can get on the internet .
  3. The goal is to make all people that read this post use their time to read complex magic books .
    • Because knowledge inside magic books is more extraordinarily magnificent in comparison to social media or just surfing the internet .
  4. Please tell me if there are any mistakes in this post, it would be really helpful .
  5. used so many Days and so much Efforts (11100 Characters) to create this post, so please read until finish, enjoy, and thank you .

B. Planet Saturn in Other Traditions

  1. Shani ( Hindu ): Offspring of Surya ( Sun ) and Chhaya ( Shadow ) . Shani is often depicted with black or blue skin color with a crow as his vehicle . God Shani ( Hindu ) also brings bad luck to punish bad people ; even his stare can vanish other beings
  2. Saturnus : The Great Judge that manifests justice, brings reason and intelligence, and governs all standards of weight, measurement, and number . [ Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen E. Flower, Ch.2, Part 4, Saturnian Archetype ] .
    • This Demiurge is identified with Lucifer, the Bearer of Light, as the higher octave of Saturn and the Living Center of the SunSorath 666
    • Saturn Yoga . Without darkness, theres no light . The light shines in darkness, like the Yin and Yang symbol, black as the core for white, white as the core for black [ Ch.2, Part 5, Luciferian Principle ] .
    • Similar to what Carl Jung said about Anima and Animus, Unconscious Feminine side of male, vice versa [Wikipedia] .
  3. Saturn : The god of darkness, chaos, and destruction . He teaches you a lesson and will take your life if you dont listen to him [ Jordan Maxwell ] . This is similar to God Set /Seth ( Egypt ), which is why we call it Sun- Set , the beginning of darkness ( night ) .
  4. The root Sat (Hindu) means truth, like Sattwa and Satya means Truthful ( Wikipedia ) , and many famous mantras use Sat for truth too .
    • For example: Aum Tat Sat (Truth) ( Bhagavad Gita Ch.17:23) and Sat Chit Ananda (Truth Conscious Bliss) .
    • Also, Sat (Truth), Chit (Spiritual Mind), Ekam (Oneness?) Brahma .
    • But in [ Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley, Cp. The Naples Arrangement p.15] , Sat means being Itself , Chit means thought/ Intellect, and Ananda means bliss .
  5. Sabathai ( Hebrew )/Zabathiel ( Dee )/Archangel Zaphkiel [ Sigilum Aemeth Dei by John Dee ]
  6. Sabaoth [ In 6th and 7th Book of Moses by Joseph Peterson ] : The Sabbath is kept holy to the Lord Sabaoth, Adonay, Tetragrammaton (plus the talisman?) [ Appendix 1, P.125 ] .
    • Perfect again all the holy names which I have blemished, great Champion, terrible, highest God, eternal Lord, God Sabaoth [ Breastplate of Moses , excerpt on magical kabbalah t4, Page 98 ] . And so many incantations .
  7. Even Tzevaot, Tzevaoth, Tsebaoth, or Sabaoth [ Names of God in Judaism, Wikipedia ] means Army, Host, Lord of Host . Starting in the Book of Samuel, Army of Angel of God ( El/Elohim ) . Samuel/Samael/Camael? the Venom of God, Planet Mars or Saturn? Mars-Jupiter- Saturn-Uranus, Dark-Light- Dark-Light, Alternating Waveform
  8. Maybe Zabaoth , The Other Polar of Jalbadaoth? ( Creator of the Material World ), using the Zayin letter Z because it is the 7th letter in the Hebrew alphabet (7th day) .
  9. How about Satan / Satanael/ Satanas? Does satanist Know about Saturnian? Saturday based on Sataere (the thief in ambush) for Lokis day?
  10. Then How About Cassiel the Archangel of Saturn?

C. Kronos and Saturn

  1. Kronos ( Chrono/Kala means Time ) in the geocentric alchemical planes is that Saturn is the most far (In medieval times) from earth or the highest plane .
    • Because its plane is most far from Mother Earth, it may be the Crown Chakra or Kether , the Father Sky [ Integrae Naturae Speculum by Robert Fludd 15/16c ] .
    • But why is the color black? Perhaps its because the outer space is black with stars, the dark matter ? The man with the appearance of black and stars .
  2. Even the word Kroning ( German ), Corona ( Latin ), and Crown ( English ) comes from Kronos . Saturn also is El (God Singular), Elohim (Gods Plural), etc [ Astro-Theology Page 24 Pa-stor by Michael Tsarion ] .
  3. Maybe the ( Uranus ) Sky and ( Gaia ) Earth connection to Chronus Rhea , is similar to Ansar and Kishar making offspring to Anu and Ki .
    • Uranus is a plane above Saturn very closely, and Titan Gaia means a deeper level of Earth but Rhea maybe means an upper level than Gaia .
  4. Unique Fact: All 3 Fathers come from Uranus , Saturn , and Jupiter that are close to each other . Uranus ( Great Grandfather ), Kronus ( Grandfather ), Zeus ( Heavenly Father ) . Saturn , Uranus , and Neptune all have rings ( Wikipedia ) .
    • Bindu? Upper Chakras? In Hindu, Indra ( Jupiter ) is the King/Ruler of Devas and Svarga Loka ( Lower/First Heaven ) in the higher chakra above the Crown Chakra .
    • Similarly, the word Malkuth (First Heaven)means kingdom , Malik (Arabic) Means King and Melech/Malachim ( Hebrew )/ Malakat ( Arabic )/ Melek ( Yazidi ) means Angel . So theres Second, Third Sky ( Heaven ), etc above the Sky ( Heaven )(Different Level of Reality) . Also similar to [ Qabbalistic Magic by Solomo Baal Shem , Ch.12 Page 144 ] .
  5. Kronus-Rhea is the parents of 3 males and 3 females ( Similar to Chinese 8 Triagram, Father-Mother, 3 Sons, 3 Daughters ) .
  6. About Jalbadoth the God of the Material world ( Gnosticism ) and Sabaoth is so similar to Brahma and the Asura , Devas , Grandson of Brahma ? Maybe Prajapati Daksha /Son of Brahma (Created)? Does Sophia(Wisdom) is Sarasvati (Wisdom/Knowledge too), Is this about Brahma (Material) and Vishnu? Similarity Again .
  7. Odin is the father of Thor the Jupiter , Odin has a pair of ravens (Similar to Gandaberunda/Double Headed Eagle Wikipedia) Huginn and Muninn, but Shani has black crows too .

D. Symbolism of Saturn

  1. The symbol of Saturn , Lord of the Ring, the planet with a ring (and Uranus , the father of Kronus , also has a ring) .
    • Phoenician says women should listen to their god, so women wear earrings, and men, before their god, wear wedding rings [ Jordan Maxwell- Cult of Saturn, Minute 24:30 ] .
    • Saturn is colored black, thats why their leader wears a black robe ( Minute 16:45 ) and the black hat with a circle like the ring of Saturn .
      • Black color is used in scrying, black mirror, and even your monitor, phone, and tablet use black color . Light comes from the dark . Similarly to that Fraternitas Saturni book .
    • Saturn is also symbolized with a black cube because of the 6-sided hexagon on its north pole . Santa Claus wearing red with a long beard ?
  2. How about Saturn s symbol at Gregorius Ring of Saturn ? [ Fraternitas Saturni Ch.4 Pt.2 (end of) Saturnian Ring ] .
    • Its symbol is like a tail because theres a cross and the tail is below the cross, in his ring theres a circle/ Gem below the cross, meaning Material world ? Silver Full Moon Saturn Conjuction?
    • Why This is similar to Inverted/Rotated 180 Venus Symbol, Like The Globulus Cruciger Orb [ Wikipedia ] (Christian?/ World Symbol /Material) That the Leader/King/Queen Holds in Polarity to Staff on their Hand
    • This Book is Similar to what Jordan maxwell Said about German-ium Order / Cult of Saturn [Introduction and Ch.1 Part 2 Rebirth]
  3. If Saturn means Time or Kala , then all Christians draw holy time wheels of Sun ( Norse Sun Cross/Pagan solar cross means 4 Season Theta ) at the back of their head as a halo . Same like Buddhist Dhammachakra, like the Crown Chakra of an enlightened person .

E. What Sabbath Means in Hebrew and Wicca (Pagan) Traditions?

E1. Sabbath in Hebrew Tradition

  1. Sabbath means Day of Rest / End of the Week ( Hebrew ) [ Qabbalistic Magic Chapter 22 Page 303-309, by Solomo Baal Shem ] . The most holy day in Jewish tradition other than Yom Kippur ( Day of Atonement ) .
  2. Sabbath is the time to spend with your family and meet friends, and Neshamah Yetera ( Additional Soul ) ( Page 304 ) . Sabbath is a day when Shechinah ( Divine Presence ) descends to the house of those who keep the Sabbath .
  3. Prepare 3 meals, each corresponding to an aspect of the Divine: the first one to the Female, the last one to the Male, and one in between to the Highest Aspect which is beyond both ( Page 305 ) ( Zachor: Positive Commandments ) .
  4. Hallachic Law mentions thirty-nine types of melachah ( Means Work/Creative Effort ) that are forbidden on Shabbat, among them are actions such as traveling, buying, and selling, and creating something new, such as kindling a fire ( Page 308 ) ( Shamor: Negative Commandments ) .
  5. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed [ Exodus 20:11 in Torah, but Exodus 32:13 in Nag Hammadi Library ?] and Genesis 1:31-2:5 .

E 2. Witches Sabbath in Wicca (Pagan) Tradition

  1. Witches Sabbath means Holiday or Holy-Day on the pagan season cycles [ Wicca for Dummies Chapter 14 ] . Based on the earths journey around the sun, sometimes represented as the wheel of the year, festivals of ancient Pagan Europe, and Pagans agricultural cycles .
  2. Solstices occur two times per year (winter and summer) , Equinoxes occur two times per year (spring and fall) . The four Sabbats that occur halfway between each of the solstices and equinoxes are Celtic in origin .
  3. The cycle of the goddess shifts from maiden to mother and to crone, back to maiden, the triple goddess with a full life cycle .
    • The Sun symbolizes the God, and the Earth represents the Goddess .
    • Note: September Full Moon ( Mabon/Autumn Equinox ) is known as the Harvest Moon .
    • Following the sun ( Sonne in German, its not Son/children but the Sun of god ) .
    • Its about the time cycle and Chronos means Time too .

F. The Days of the Week

  1. Norse God Associated with Days, Except Saturday:
    • Sun/Sunni for Sunday
    • Moon/Mon/Mani/Muni ( Sage in Hindu ) for Monday
    • Note: Word Monastry use Mon Star , and Monk use Mon too [Astro-Theology]
    • Tyr/Tyrs dag Mars for Tuesday
    • Woden Mercury for Wednesday
    • Thor Jupiter for Thursday
    • Frigg /Vanir Venus for Friday
  2. Saturday is The only day in Norse that doesnt have a god, different from other days?
  3. This Order and Planet of the day even used by Hindu people, Include Hindu Buddhist People in Malaya and Javanese 1200-1500ad, Majapahit? (South East Asia) Such as:
    • Surya (Sun-Day), Soma /Chandra (Mon-day), Mangal (Tuesday), Budha (Wednesday),
    • Brihaspati (Thursday, Teacher of God Indra, King of Heaven/Devas), Sukhra (Friday, Teacher of Asuras), Shani (Saturday)

G1. Planetary Hours ( from Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses by Joseph Peterson, Appendix 6, page 237 )

  1. The first hour on Saturday ( books mistake ) is between six and seven oclock . In this hour, Saturn rules, followed by Jupiter, Mars, etc . Seven planets in seven hours . This cycle continues forever .
  2. The first hour on Sunday morning is ruled by the Sun ; the first hour on Monday by the Moon , and Tuesday morning by Mars . Mars will rule again on the same day in the eighth hour .
  3. In the first hour on Friday, Venus rules . This planet is followed in regular order by Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars . The last rules also in the sixth hour .
  4. On Saturday , many people are in the habit of being bled , and God protects the simple.

G2. (Shams Al-Maarif Al-Buni, Chapter 2, Section 4: Good and Bad Times)

  1. Similar to That 6th and 7th Book of Moses , on Saturday, The first hour is Saturn: Work on it for affections and love affairs .
    • Saturn only has this hour of good omen on this day when it is at the beginning of the month with the crescent moon . When it is the final part of the month, it will be written on Saturday at Saturn time for every nefarious work .
    • Second hour is from Jupiter: Write in it for peace among those who hate each other .
    • Third hour is from Mars: Work in it for disunity, hatred, and all works of evil and corruption .
  2. On Friday The first hour is Venus: Work in it to excite the desire of women, to attract them and their love, and for reconciliation between a woman and her husband .
    • Second hour is Mercury: Write all the talismans in it .
    • Third hour is Moon, etc .

H. The Planets ( Sigilum Dei Aemeth by Colin D. Campbell, Ch.1, P.2 )

  1. Moon : Change, Flux, Instinct, Birth, Hope
  2. Mercury : Travel, Communication, Logic
  3. Venus : Love, Beauty, Nature, Emotion
  4. Sun : Aspiration, Perfection, Imagination, Health
  5. Mars : War, Strife, Destruction, Will
  6. Jupiter : Preservation, Religion, Memory, Law
  7. Saturn : Time, Stasis, Death

I. Hindu Beliefs

  1. What is the thing that even the greatest king is afraid of? The answer is Time/Kala . Time destroys everything, which is why Mahadeva Shiva is sometimes called Mahakala, the Master of Time .
  2. The Upanishads describe the knowledge of the imperishable . Material things are perishable, but Atman ( Self/Spiritual Soul ) never perishes .
  3. In Tibet, after creating colorful Sand Mandalas, they erase it all, symbolizing the impermanence of material opulence ( Wikipedia ) .
  4. Theres a chinese Proverb From Water come back to water, From Earth come back to Earth, From Fire come back to fire, similar to Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall, Page 10 : From the Flame they came, and to the Flame they have returned.