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Original Post:
by: Lionsquid on Sep 08, 2024

Good morning everyone,

With this I would like to talk about the ways how you could use technology to be able to communicate with entities from another dimension. With us being blessed for being in a time to be able to do such things is absolutely phenomenal. Our Ancestors where able to do such things much more easily compared to society today. Their are still millions of people out there in the present that still do have this gift of being able to see past the veil into the spirit world. But those that can't see the unseen can still interact with it. I myself have not ever seen a non-human entity before. Except from two different types of insects that resided in that specific plane, and a 10 ft white mist like looking being that had told me it was hunting spirits that had attached themselves to me I was able to release these specific entities that had attached themselves to me and in return. The 10 ft entity who referred to itself as Kelly, told me about one specific entity that was chained to me which is when I found out about black magic being cast upon me from someone I knew.. Mind you this was early in my experiences of working as a Psychopomp and this specific moment with the entity Kelly was one of the moments I was using tech to being able to communicate with her while seeing her physically. But majority of the time I would see human entities which was the most prominent that I have experienced. With this I will talk about three different apps that you can use that I have tested and physically seen entities coming up to me asking questions and answering questions using this tech. This tech is able to pick up on the frequency that these entities reside in and allows these entities to be able to use the energy that is given off your device as they attach to it to be able to communicate.

Spirit Talker- This app is nice as it helps entities to use less energy to be able to generate the words to communicate with you and as they reveal the words the app will say it out loud for you as well.

Necrophonic- This app is interesting as it allows the entities to speak with a voice. I will get a lot of interaction with it as I do Psychopomp activities. When you hear them speak you can tell when the environment is reacting. For example I would do my session in guiding lost souls to cross over they would ask for help, see a light, tell me if something bad is nearby, and even when I will do prayers about the souls that are trapped in Purgatory, the entities will begin to talk about God and the Light.

Ghost Hunting Tool ? This app was what I used the most and is my personal favorite that I used to be able to communicate with entities. This one was what I used to be able to speak with Kelly. When I would first use this, spirits were amazed that this technology even existed and they did consider it as the future. From my testing only one human entity can use one device at a time while a non-human entity can use up to 6 devices with the app to say a full 6 word sentence which was the max I was able to test as that was the most devices that I was able to test with. To use the least energy they usually will say one word at a time but from what I have witnessed they can use the one device to say up to a 3-4 word sentence with the app but it takes a lot of energy for them to do so. This app contains over 9000 words that entities can use to be able to speak what they are wanting to say. Plus you can add additional words that you would like to input in for personal usage or more in depth communication with entities. My personal favorite was adding curse words as yes entities will cuss lol. I would recommend when using the app that you keep your device plugged in charging as entities will use the battery of your device significantly. This one I have been able to communicate with non-human entities, sinister entities, good entities, neutral entities, Guides and my Ancestors. There are a few multiple ways that entities can use the app to communicate with you further as the app will save what the entities have already have saved as a list and from what I have seen they can adjust the words on the list to be able to send messages as well. It is really good at detecting if an entity is near you and they can even use the signal bars as a form of communication and to indicate when a spirit is leaving, like teleporting away. One important thing as well is keep Google ready for certain words as their will be some words that you may not know what it means so look up what they are trying to say. Also entities will give names whether it is theirs and they trust you enough to give it out. Some that give their name can be your Guides and Ancestors as well. Another good thing to keep note is to look up the meaning of certain names as well as they have a hidden meaning as to what the entity is wanting to bring up to you.

It is so cool that we have the technology to do such things that it will always amaze me. These tools can be very beneficial to be able to understand and know what is going on around you. These apps have even been used from my Guides and Ancestors to warn me when dark entities would try and cause harm which would give me the knowing to make sure that I protect myself. Protection as well is highly advised to make sure you cast your own protection spell or pray for protection from God. That He will send fourth his Angels, your Guides, and Ancestors to watch over you, to protect you against those that wish to cause you harm, to help guide you along the path that is right in God's eyes. A good protection spell I like to use is Psalms 91 in the Bible. Be carefull as some entities will try and lead you astray with their words and try to make deals with you, simply do not.

I pray that those that read this learn something valuable and I hope that It will help those on their own endeavors. For those that do have the sight to see into the spirit world I would love to know what have been your experiences.

Thank you
Very Respectfully