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Original Post:
by: LionOfJudah on Dec 22, 2024

Hello. So, ancient egypt is deemed to be a polytheistic doctrine which involves praising different Gods and one Supreme God, Amun-Ra. Amun means Amen, and Ra is the God which Christians pray to during the day. There also exists Thoth, the God of the Moon. Atum is known for protecting souls in the underworld during the purging.

Ancient Egypt: Purification and Rebirth
The practice of cold dipping, particularly in the Nile, symbolised the cleansing of sins and the renewal of the soul. Ancient Egyptians believed that the cold waters could wash away impurities, ensuring a smooth journey into the afterlife.

This also implies that cold showers rejuvenate your chakras and activate white blood cells, which avoid diseases. I take a cold shower every now and then to cleanse my chakras. Water was very important in ancient Egypt, especially in the Nile.

Amen means 'So mote it be' and Ra is pretty much the supreme God which rules everything, prepares you for trials and tribulations and helps you work on your soul contract.

When you die, you should be put in a tumb and mumified like in the old days so anyone who touches your body becomes cursed. Dead bodies are not to be touched as they contain impurities and are not meant to be left rotten in a cemetary as the body is sacred and should be immortalized. It also means that if a body is left rotten, ghosts and spirits can linger around your house. That's why it's important to mumify a body when the person passes. Touching the mummy means that you become cursed and the spirit returns (it does not return if you do not touch it).

Ancient Egypt deemed everything as a ritual, everything is a ritual. From praying, indulging in the occult (even though you should not engage in the occult, ever - I've learned from that mistake - I was apart of the Thelemic Order)