ABC's Of A Kitchen Witch

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► ABC's Of A Kitchen Witch
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A Little Something We All Should Familiarise Ourselves With.

A - Always stir clockwise

B - Before chopping veggies, offer thanks

C - Cut mindfully

D - Do preparations in a loving spirit

E - Energise food with good thoughts

F - Feast gratefully

G - Give and share what you can spare

H - Home is sacred

I - Invoke blessings of Goddesses on all food

J - Join hands with family/friends

K - Keep a mortar and pestle for protection

L - Love goes into every dish and meal

M - Mindfully gather ingredients

N - No wasting, recycle, feed animals

O - Open your senses, enjoy your surroundings

P - Play around abit as well as you work

Q - Quench your thirst of energy

R - Resolve to be always grateful

S - Smell fragrances of cooking ingredients

T - Thank the universe and Goddess for health

U - Use utensils carefully then clean up

V - Value the time spent with loved ones

W - When possible, grow and harvest own food

X - Xtra salt will prevent hunger

Y - Yearly rituals build traditions

Z - Zestful living is our goal

A little something to you from me

So mote it be

Added to on Jul 03, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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