5 Health Spells from Black Cross
- Power of 3 Healing
- Absolute Misery Curse
- Nyanbrine's Water Healing
- Blood Chalice Offering
- Stone Power Boost
#1 - Power of 3 Healing
Anoint each of the candles with all 3 oils, and set them up in an even triangle shape on your altar. Anoint the stones as well, and place one in front of each candle. Write the name of the ill person on each piece of paper, and place them in the center of the triangle.
Light each candle and focus on the person who is sick. Think about them being healthy and free of their symptoms. Picture them strongly in your mind as the candles burn. Repeat the following three times:
"Magick mend and candle burn,
Illness leave and health return"
Leave the candles to burn for 3 hours, then snuff them out. Your subject should soon start to improve, but you can add some extra power to your spell if you do the entire ritual for 3 nights in a row rather than just once.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Black Cross Library.
#2 - Absolute Misery Curse
Take the photo of the person and hold it and think of nothing but hate allow it to consume you. As you feel your hate consume you draw you blood while holding on to the hate and let it drip on the photo while you speak the words "angor sequi te, despero sequi te,maius odia devoret te" (latin which translates to anguish follow you, despair follow you, may hatred consume you).
Once you have the blood smeared take the thread and needle and thread it through the photo around the edge and before you cut it off think of your hate devouring them like a monster and cut the thread with a little hanging off and put a drop of blood at the end of the thread. On the back of the photo if you can draw an infinity symbol(its a sideways 8 if you don't know) with your blood.
After you have that done take the photo and thread and burn in til its ashes and gather up the ashes. On a windy day let the ashes get carried away by the wind or if you have a lake nearby (I'm working with the assumption most inland lakes are polluted) put it in a bag and let it sink into the lake or perhaps even flush it down the toilet.
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Black Cross Library.
#3 - Nyanbrine's Water Healing
With this shower healing spell you need to get the water at your favorite temperature. After that's prepared, imagine all the pain of what is hurting you slowly wash away. Wait a couple of days and the pain should start going away.
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Black Cross Library.
#4 - Blood Chalice Offering
To begin with lay out your alter cloth and then add the candles the two longest to the back with the inverted cross as the center piece then space the shorter beside them about a hand and a half apart when lit.
Place your obsidian shard with its longest points between the cross's base and the position directly infront of it and then set down your purified chalice at least half full of holy water close two the tip of the obsidian so the energy brought down from the candles and the negative cross can mix with the chalice's.
"Hear me now my dark lords, your servant offers you blood from his/her own veins as a tribute to your power and knowledge" Add the blood slowly making sure not to spill any. "I am your servant, who pledges his/her loyalty to your path and gives up a part of myself to seek you out, who does make this offering of defiled holy water breaking the purity and allowing your power to reign"
Take the chalice from the alter and raise it up above your heart level. "Hear me as I your servant calls to you my offering be made and on my name I pledge to follow the path you have for me till my final breath" Place the chalice back on your alter then allow yourself to calm before you clean up.
Last edited on Nov 15, 2016
Part of the Black Cross Library.
#5 - Stone Power Boost
Place the stones in the bowl of spring water. Set it outside so the moon can reflect off the water at night. Chant: "Here on the day of Mars, in the hour of the sun, I call down the moon to charge and energize these stones".
Raise your hands to the sky and say: "Power of Luna, power of Sol. Power of Aries. For your powers, I call". When you feel energy has reached its peak, draw down your hands and pour them into the bowl as you say: "Empowered, let them be".
Now cover the bowl with a black cloth and take it inside. Carefully drain the water, then wrap the stones int he cloth and put them away till they are needed.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Black Cross Library.