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12 Spiritual Spells from Darkness Rising

Covens Darkness Rising  ► Darkness Rising's Spellbooks  ► 12 Spiritual Spells
12 Spiritual Spells from Darkness Rising

Included in this list of 12 Spiritual Spells
  1. Summon a Demon Helper
  2. Bind Lovers
  3. Home protection
  4. Sex Spell
  5. Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
  6. Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
  7. Protection
  8. Follow me boy
  9. Get Absent Lover to Call/Write You
  10. Umbrakinesis
#1 - #10

#1 - Summon a Demon Helper

Just what it says.
You may need:

  • Time: Midnight on a Saturday. The dark of the Moon.
  • Place: Cemeteries, Haunted Places, etc.
  • Items needed: black candles, brimstone (or any other ''dark'' type incense, black arts etc.)
  • black onyx (Black Onyx was believed to already possess a spirit so this is why
  • I use it but you can choose any black stone of your choice.) Sterilized needle.
  • Disrobe. Arrange black candles in any pattern one may wish, pentagram or what not.
  • (I use graveyard dirt to draw a pentagram and then place black candles at each cross point.)
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    You may need:

  • Time: Midnight on a Saturday. The dark of the Moon.
  • Place: Cemeteries, Haunted Places, etc.
  • Items needed: black candles, brimstone (or any other ''dark'' type incense, black arts etc.)
  • black onyx (Black Onyx was believed to already possess a spirit so this is why
  • I use it but you can choose any black stone of your choice.) Sterilized needle.
  • Disrobe. Arrange black candles in any pattern one may wish, pentagram or what not.
  • (I use graveyard dirt to draw a pentagram and then place black candles at each cross point.)
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    Light the brimstone as incense. At midnight chant:

    "It is Midnight the gates ofhades are oeedand darkness is upon the land."

    3X Hold the stone in your left palm.

    "I conjure thee demon by the power of thy name;
    Abshallah Nejar Septia,
    As flesh clings to bone so you to stones!"

    If done properly you should see with your mind's eye a purplish "lightning" dance around the stone.
    You must never let sunlight hit the stone or the spirit will return from which it came.
    You can ask of your demon anything but alas, it seems that the relationship is not permanent.
    If you demon fails to comply with your wishes it may be time to exile it.
    I've notice that threatening to place the stone in the sun sometimes works to "compel" the
    entity but if it becomes violent immediately cast it out into the daylight.
    You must reward the demon by feeding it three drops of your blood after if fulfills any of your wishes.
    When I first created this spell, the first demon I caught was nasty. It was very effective for about
    a year but then began to mock me and not do as I say. It then came to me in a dream and tried
    to make a bargain with me by giving me extreme wealth in return for using my Magic
    to "incarnate" it into my future first born. After that I said hell with this and chunked the
    stone outside in the summer heat.

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    #2 - Bind Lovers

    This spell is really a conjuration of powers to compel either a man or a woman to desire the operator of the spell.
    You may need:

  • On the full Moon, at the hour of Midnight, Light two black tapers.
  • Write the name of the person to be summoned on a piece of parchment paper, and
  • place it one the alter along with a photograph or other image of the desired.
  • Light the charcoal burner, or light charcoal in a cauldron, and drop on some frankincense.
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    You may need:

  • On the full Moon, at the hour of Midnight, Light two black tapers.
  • Write the name of the person to be summoned on a piece of parchment paper, and
  • place it one the alter along with a photograph or other image of the desired.
  • Light the charcoal burner, or light charcoal in a cauldron, and drop on some frankincense.
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    Once the frankincense is burning, hold the Pentacle high within the circle and say aloud:

    "I sauté thee and conjure thee,
    O beautiful Moon, O most beautiful Star, O brilliant light which I have in my hand."

    By the air that I breathe, by the breath within me, by the earth which I am touching:

    I conjure thee. By all the secret names of the spirit princes living in you.
    By the ineffable and secret name Tetragrammaton and all the other names of power,
    I conjure thee. By you, O resplendent Angel Gabriel, with the planet Mercury, Prince,
    Michael, and Melchidael, I Conjure thee!I conjure you again, by all the secret names of Tetragrammaton, so that you may send
    the power to oppress, torture and harass the body, mind, and soul of name of the desired
    person here, she (he) whose name is written here,
    (hold up parchment)
    So that she (he) shall come unto me, and agree willingly to my desires,
    neither liking nor loving nobody in the world, for as long as she (he) shall remain unmoved by me.
    (drop picture and parchment into charcoal burner)
    Let her (him) now begin to feel the torment of my absence!
    Go then! Go at once! Go, Melchidael, Baresches, Zazel, Firiel, Malcha, and all those who are with thee!
    I conjure thee by the Great Tetragrammaton to do my bidding, lest, by the power, I cast you out,
    or into the abyss. Obey my will, and I promise to release you to return to your home in the neither
    regions from whence thou came. Blow out the tapers, Close the Circle.

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    #3 - Home protection

    A spell to protect your home.
    You may need:

  • 1 censor
  • 1 goddess image
  • 1 round mirror
  • 9 whire candles
  • incense such as frankencense copal or rosemary
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    You may need:

  • 1 censor
  • 1 goddess image
  • 1 round mirror
  • 9 whire candles
  • incense such as frankencense copal or rosemary
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    Compose an altar: place a censer in the center before an image of
    the Goddess. Have a twelve-inch (or so) round mirror there as well.
    Ring the altar with nine white candles. Burn protective incense
    in the censer.
    Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess image,
    say these or similar words:

    Lunar light protect me!

    Repeat as you light each candle until all are glowing.
    Now, holding the mirror, invoke the Goddess in her lunar aspect
    with these or similar words:

    Great Goddess of the Lunar Light
    and Mistress of the Seas;
    Great Goddess of the Mystic Night
    and of the Mysteries;
    Within this place of candles bright
    and with Your mirror nigh;
    Protect me with Your awesome might
    while ill vibrations fly!

    Standing before the altar, hold the mirror facing the candles so
    that it reflects their flames. Keeping the mirror toward the candles,
    move slowly, clockwise, around the altar, watching the reflected
    firelight bouncing off your surroundings.

    Gradually increase your speed, mentally invoking the Goddess to
    protect you. Move faster and faster; watch the light shattering the
    air, cleansing it, burning away all negativity and all lines along
    witch the ill energies have traveled into your home.

    Charge your home with the protective light of the Goddess. Race
    around the candles until you've felt the atmosphere change, until you
    feel that your home has been cleansed and guarded by the Great

    When finished, stand once again before the image. Thank the
    Goddess in any words you wish. Pinch out the candles one by one, bind
    them together with white cord and store them in a safe place until
    (and if) you need to use them again for this same purpose.

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    #4 - Sex Spell

    Just what it says
    You may need:

  • One red candle
  • Lover's oil
  • Lover's incense (optional)
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    You may need:

  • One red candle
  • Lover's oil
  • Lover's incense (optional)
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    How it works:
    It is not necessary to burn incense during the spell, but it is recommended. So, if you decide to use it, start by burning the lover's incense. Then, dress the red candle with the lover's oil and say the following:

    "I am possessed by the burning love for this man/woman and this love comes to me from Apsaras, who is ever victorious.
    Let this man/woman yearn for me.
    Desire me.
    Let his/her desire burn for me!
    Let this love come from the spirit and enter him/her.
    Let him/her desire me as nothing has been desired before.
    I love him/her, I want him/her.
    He/she must feel the same desire for me.
    O spirit of the air, let him/her burn with love for me."

    For this spell to work, you have to say this three times a night for five straight nights.

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    #5 - Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram

    This planetary invoking ritual is to be performed after the "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram"
    You may need:

  • A wand or dragger is recommended but the invoker can use the index finger as a sustitute
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    You may need:

  • A wand or dragger is recommended but the invoker can use the index finger as a sustitute
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    I. Stand upright, feet together, the left arm at the side, the right arm across the body, holding the wand/ dargger/ index finger upright in the median line. Then face East, and say:

    II. ''Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod. Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother. Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer. Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen. Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO.''

    III. Extend the arms in the form of a cross, and say: ''The sign of Osiris Slain.''

    IV. Raise the right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower the left arm to point downwards, keeping the elbow square, while turning the head over the left shoulder looking down so that the eyes follow the left forearm, and say: ''The sign of the Mourning of Isis.''

    V. Raise the arms at an angle of sixty degrees to each other above the head, which is thrown back, and say: ''The sign of Apophis and Typhon.''

    VI. Cross the arms on the chest, and bow the head, and say: ''The sign of Osiris Risen.''

    VII. Extend the arms again as in 3 and cross them again as in 6, saying: ''L.V.X; Lux, the Light of the Cross.''

    VIII. With the magical weapon trace the Hexagram of Fire in the East, saying: ''ARARITA'' (atirara).

    Which word consists of the initials of a sentence which means ''One is His Beginning: One is His Individuality: His Permutation is One.''

    This hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles, both apices pointing upwards. Begin at the top of the upper triangle and trace it in a dextro-rotary direction. The top of the lower should coincide with the central point of the upper triangle.

    IX. Trace the Hexagram of Earth in the South, saying: ARARITA.

    This hexagram has the apex of the lower triangle pointing downwards, and it should be capable of inscription in a circle.

    X. Trace the Hexagram of Air in the West, saying: ARARITA.

    This hexagram is like that of Earth; but the bases of the triangle coincide, forming a diamond.

    XI. Trace the Hexagram of Water in the North, saying: ARARITA.

    This hexagram has the lower triangle placed above the upper, so that their apices coincide.

    XII. Repeat I-VII.

    The Banishing Ritual is identical, save that the direction of the Hexagrams must be reversed.

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    #6 - Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

    Used for the invokation and banishing of the four classical elements originates in the "Keys of Solomon"
    You may need:

  • A steel athame for tracing the pentagram (optional)
  • Ritualstic clothing (optional)
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    You may need:

  • A steel athame for tracing the pentagram (optional)
  • Ritualstic clothing (optional)
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    The element which is getting invoked or banished depends solely on the way that you trace the pentagram
    the way to trace them correcponding with the element is as follows:

    Invoking - top right to top left coner
    Banishing - top left to top right corner
    Invoking - top middle to bottom right corner
    Banishing - bottom right to top middle corner
    Invoking - top left to top right corner
    Banishing - top right to top left corner
    Invoking - top middle to bottom left corner
    Banishing - bottom left to top middle corner

    First take the steel dagger in your hand (you can use your right index finger instead of a dagger)
    Face EAST

    Perform the Qabalistic Cross as follows:
    Imagine, at the first word intoned, a brilliant white light descend from above.

    Touch the forehead and vibrate ATEH
    Imagine that same brilliant white light form a 6 inch diameter sphere just above the crown of your head.

    Touch the middle of the solar plexus and vibrate MALKUTH
    Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to the feet where another 6 inch sphere expands just under your feet.

    Touch the right shoulder and vibrate VE-GEVURAH
    Imagine a 6 inch sphere of brilliant white light appear just next to the right shoulder.

    Touch the left shoulder and vibrate VE-GEDULAH
    Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.

    Clasp the hands before you and vibrate LE-OLAHM
    At this point imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body.

    Hands as before, with the dagger between the fingers, point up, vibrate AMEN

    Note: Any image or figure traced in the air with the finger, dagger or other magical instrument, is to be imagined in brilliant scintillating white Light. In more advanced working, other colors may be used. Make sure that all images drawn are correct, as brilliant as possible, and complete. The beginning and end of a drawn Pentagram must come completely together.

    Draw, in the air facing EAST, a Pentagram (it's tracing wau depends which elemt you wish to invoke or banish), and bringing the point of the dagger to the center of the Pentagram, vibrate the Name Y-H-V-H (pronounced YAHD-HEY-VAU-HEY)

    Imagine that your voice carries forward to the very limits of the universe.

    Without moving the dagger (or finger) in any other direction, trace a semicircle before you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Again trace the Pentagram, bring the dagger/finger to the center of it, and vibrate the Name ADONI,

    Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Pentagram, bringing the dagger/finger to the center, and vibrate the Name EHYEH,

    Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the Pentagram, bring the point of the dagger to the center and vibrate the Name AGLA, (can be pronounced either AH-GAH-LAH or ATAH GIBOR LE-OLAHM ADONAI)

    Return to the EAST, completing tracing the circle of brilliant white Light, bringing the dagger point to the center of the EAST Pentagram.

    Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL

    Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel in front of you and facing you. In his/her right hand is a magical Sword held with the point upright. The background is a pale, pure, bright yellow. Cherubs can be imagined near the Archangel. Imagine a gentle, refreshing breeze, cleansing and purifying the air.

    Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL

    Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel behind you and facing you, holding in their right hand an exquisite silver Chalice. He/she is standing on a Cerulean-blue ocean and dolphins or mermaids are nearby. Imagine feeling the mist and cool spray of the ocean breeze.

    Then, say: AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE-CHYE-EHL)

    Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your right, facing you, and holding in their right hand a transparent scarlet red Wand with a scintillate pure diamond top. Waves of scarlet, red-orange and orange fire in the background. Also, SEKHMET, with a scarlet disk above her head, emerald green Uraeus, scarlet dress from just below breasts, tight-fitting, down to her ankles, is in the flames. She holds, in her left hand, a scarlet-red lotus wand. In her right hand, she holds an emerald-green ankh. Small black salamanders can be seen moving among the flames. Imagine you feel the heat and power emanating from the SOUTH.

    Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) URIEL

    Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your left, facing you, and holding between their hands a Disk with a scintillating white Pentagram in the center. The ground is russet-brown, the leaves of the trees are olive-green, there are black shadows from the trees in a number of places, and the light is citrine (light yellow-green.) Feel the solidity of the Earth, and imagine the odor of the leaves and muskiness of the ground.


    Imagine the complete circle of brilliant white light at whose quadrants are the 4 Pentagrams. At the center is the Cabbalistic Cross of Light extended through one's body.

    Then you shall repeat the Qabalistic cross, as done in the beginning of the ritual, and, according to some occultists, stamp your right foot at the conclusion of the complete operation. The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is performed preliminary to any magical operation and precedes the Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

    Note: The subject of the vibration of Names of Power is discussed at length in other sources. The Names should be pronounced inwardly in the breath, vibrating it as much as possible and feeling that the whole body throbs with the sound and sends out a wave of vibration directed to the ends of the Earth, according to Regardie. Time and continuous practice of the ritual, an invoking ritual, in the morning and a banishing ritual, in the evening, are standard recommendations, and will produce the desired result. There is no particular frequency or degree of volume that is suitable for every individual. Each person must practice to find the resonant vibration that will work for him/her. Some benefit can be obtained by listening to the chants of Tibetan Monks that can be found on cassette and CD. Other occultists assert that definite somatic effects will manifest when the vibrated Names are performed correctly, such as tingling in certain areas of the body. I believe it is important to vibrate the Names at the same time one imagines the Name in scintillate white Light, rushing upward through the body and outwards toward the end of the Universe in the particular direction one is working with. It is important to pronounce the Names correctly and clearly and, according to Traditional Jewish sources, never pronounce the Names casually, but only in Holy or Theurgic Work. One is admonished to NEVER lower the hand or Magical Instrument while tracing the Circle or at any other time, unless specifically instructed to do so. It is designed to use the banishing variation of the ritual after it's invoking variation.

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    #7 - Protection

    A Spell for protection against any evil, or those who wish to do you harm.
    You may need:

  • Your Staff/wand
  • Silver or blue shiny glitter
  • A quiet place- best outdoors
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    You may need:

  • Your Staff/wand
  • Silver or blue shiny glitter
  • A quiet place- best outdoors
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    You will need your staff (or wand) for this spell. It is best if the staff used is blue, white of silver- The easiest way to achieve this is to bind a ribbon, or ribbons, of the color around it for the spell. This means you can remove them afterwards.

    1. It is best to go outside for this spell, as the air movement will help disperse the glitter, and the magick. 2. Cast a circle, or create a sacred space.

    3. Go to each quarter in turn (start with the West, then North, East and south), and pound or tap the ground with your staff/wand chanting: “I call thee, you who guard the watchtowers of the (direction) to guide me through the darkness, and ensure my safety”. Do this for all 4 quarters.

    4. Stand in the center and say, “In the shadows, evils hide, Ready to draw me from love’s side, But with your help I shall be strong And banish all that do me wrong Send them away, send them astray Never again to pass my way, So mote it be” As you say the last 3 lines, scatter the glitter in a circle around you.

    5. Close the circle, and have something to eat to restore your energies!

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    #8 - Follow me boy

    To make a man come, follow, and obey
    You may need:

  • Follow me boy oil(if purchased from occult store purchase bottle w reddish pink liquid not blue)
  • Something of lover's( needs to be body fluid or hair)
  • something of yours(the same)
  • Silver spoon
  • paper towel or tissue to wrap yours and lover's concerns
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    You may need:

  • Follow me boy oil(if purchased from occult store purchase bottle w reddish pink liquid not blue)
  • Something of lover's( needs to be body fluid or hair)
  • something of yours(the same)
  • Silver spoon
  • paper towel or tissue to wrap yours and lover's concerns
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    Go into the backyard of your home. Face the direction that your lover is. Sit in this spot. Meditate upon lover becoming obedient, relinguishing his errant ways, submitting to your domination.

    1)Dig a hole into the ground only about three inches deep.
    2) Put the concerns into the tissue and continue to think about lover obeying. Say to self repeatedly, ''name of lover, follow me.'' ''you follow me.'' ''you do as I say.''
    3) cover the hole and stand over it, your BACK facing the direction that your lover is located. Envision lover behind you. Say again the short commands.
    4)Make footprints into the spot then pour the oil into the prints. Pour drops in odd amounts only. three drops, seven, or nine but NOT FIVE. No more. No less.
    5) Say his name repeatedly a few times, then Say Aloud in a commanding voice, ''You follow me, boy.'' ''You come to me, now!'' ''Get here, do as I say!'' ''Get behind me, you belong behind me!'' (get very demanding with it, whatever you feel like saying in an authorative voice. Tell him to obey you. Remember that YOU ARE THE QUEEN. Envision yourself as his master. He is your subject.)

    Walk away from the spot saying ''Follow me, follow me, follow me.''

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    #9 - Get Absent Lover to Call/Write You

    Hoodoo spell to call upon a lover to communicate after a fight, after being away, or at a distance emotionally.
    You may need:

  • Call him oil or come to me oil
  • 3 matches
  • Glass cup
  • Spring water
  • Washcloth or rag (cut a hole into the middle of the cloth)
  • Bible turned to psalm 40
  • Candle(can be white or pink)
  • St. Expedite candle(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Call him oil or come to me oil
  • 3 matches
  • Glass cup
  • Spring water
  • Washcloth or rag (cut a hole into the middle of the cloth)
  • Bible turned to psalm 40
  • Candle(can be white or pink)
  • St. Expedite candle(optional)
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    Foremost, you MUST awaken at 4 am in the morning to perform this spell. You are to perform this spell between the hours of four am and five am only. Not 5:01. It has to be on the nose. This is the symbolic hour of sunrise, and also, you are going to send out the energy to your lover that is sleeping at this time, at this hour he/she should be in deep REM sleep

    Have the Bible turned to Psalm 40 before you go to sleep. Pour the spring water into the glass, three drops of either oil, and cover with the cloth. (make sure that the hole is in the middle of the glass, over the center). Make the sign of the cross and think of your lover. Say to yourself in your mind, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (name of lover) I bid you come to me." Make three signs of the cross.

    Strike a match and say, "In the name of the Father, (name of lover) I bid you come to me." and drop it into the water(into the hole of the cloth). Concentrate on your lover. His/her name. Say in your mind, In the name of the Son, (name of lover) I bid you come to me. Then strike a match and say it aloud and drop the match into the water. Continue in the name of the Son. Next, by the candlelight read the Psalm aloud either sitting or kneeling.

    Do this every morning at four am and your lover will communicate by the 27th day.

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    #10 - Umbrakinesis

    To control darkness.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    How do you do Umbrakinesis

    Dimming effect: Be in a already dimmed room and focus on the area you want to dim. Then visualize like a wave coming from your body repelling the photons and they are disappearing. Visualize shadows are engulfing them. Once you see a shadow form you are successful.

    Precision shadow: Be in an already dim area. Focus on one area and repel all the photons in that area. Let the shadow engulf it. Now condense the shadow in a ball shape. Your goal is a circle. Once you have success in this try to make the shadow to your like.

    Complete darken: Have all the lights on for this one. Focus on repelling every last one of the photons in the room and hold this for at less a minute. If you are successful the room should grow dark.

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    12 Spiritual Spells from Darkness Rising
    #1 - #10