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11 Health Spells from Eclipse

Covens Eclipse  ► Eclipse's Spellbooks  ► 11 Health Spells
11 Health Spells from Eclipse

Included in this list of 11 Health Spells
  1. Healing Spell of Raphael
  2. Akasha's Uncrossing Candle
  3. Decay Someone's Beauty
  4. Gypsy Healing Spell
  5. Othala's Ju Ju Powder
  6. The Witch's Ladder
  7. Grimner's Nid Curse
  8. Egyptian Funerary Rite
  9. Egyptian Funerary Rite
  10. Grimner's Nid Curse
#1 - #10

#1 - Healing Spell of Raphael

This is a simple healing spell I created. A simple powerful spell to call Archangel Raphael for healing yourself or a loved one.
You may need:

  • Green Candle (If you do not have green than you may use purple blue or white)
  • 3 Pennies or Stones
  • Photo of Individual you want to heal
  • Raphael Sigil image
  • Pen
  • Something sharp (Carving into the candle)
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle (If you do not have green than you may use purple blue or white)
  • 3 Pennies or Stones
  • Photo of Individual you want to heal
  • Raphael Sigil image
  • Pen
  • Something sharp (Carving into the candle)
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    I tried to make this spell very simple. I am giving you a list of options when it comes to ingredients so that you can easily do this spell. With this spell we are asking for the healing for Archangel Raphael. Raphael is the angel of healing. His name means ''God Heals'' . He oversees healing for all living beings on earth. He brings powerful healing. We are also working with the fire element to make this spell faster.



    I prefer Green in this spell because Archangel Raphael radiates green. But if you cannot find a green candle here are some other great options.

    Blue Peace, Health, Protection, Cleansing,and Curing.

    Purple Healing, Spiritual Protection,and Power

    White All Purpose


    Pennies or Stones

    I use originally used pennies in this spell because a lot of people can get them. But the main reason I choose pennies is due to the fact that they are made of copper. Copper is the metal of Raphael. It is also great for healing and is a great energy conductor (That's why it's commonly used in wand making). If you can't get copper here are some stone options. (The stones I list also have a connection to Raphael)

    Malachite Healing Stone

    Citrine Great for healing skin problems, digestive, and allergies.

    Aventurine Healing anxiety, eye, and heart.

    Clear Quartz Removes blockages and helps healing manifest.

    Bloodstone Powerful healing stone, strength, and energy flow.



    After you have selected your items you may start the spell.

    Before using your candle you need to cleanse and charge it. Hold the candle between your hands and imagine white light coming from your heart, to your arms, than hands, and finally the candle. Visualize it fill the candle as gross energy leaves it and disappears. You may feel vibration or warmth. Once you feel butterflies in your stomach than it is complete. You will repeat this process for any of the stones or pennies you use for this spell. But instead of a white light visualize a green light. Now that your candle is charged you will now carve a large triangle around the wick. This triangle is the symbol for fire.

    Next you have to prepare your photo. Flip the photo over and using your pen write the sigil for Archangel Raphael.(You can look this sigil up online or in my video) As soon as you're done flip it back over and place the candle on top. Make sure the point of the triangle is pointed away from you.

    Get your three stones/pennies and begin to place them in a triangle around the candle or photo. You may do it it point up or down (up is fire and down is earth the element for Raphael). As you place the stones/pennies visualize the individual happy and healthy. Finally you may begin to light the candle. When the wick catches imagine bright green light connecting the stones/pennies. Than say ''So mote it be.''

    When you candle has finished burning, take the three stones/pennies and bury them away from the house as a thanks/offering to Raphael for helping you heal.

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #2 - Akasha's Uncrossing Candle

    Used for undoing curses, crossings, etc. Used for tracking curses and protection.
    You may need:

  • Chili Powder
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt (optional)
  • Sage (optional)
  • Frankincense oil (optional but preferred)
  • Sandlewood oil (optional but preferred)
  • Myrrh oil (optional)
  • Pillar candle (St. Michael)
  • A stick or skewer to puncture the candle
  • White taper candle (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Chili Powder
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt (optional)
  • Sage (optional)
  • Frankincense oil (optional but preferred)
  • Sandlewood oil (optional but preferred)
  • Myrrh oil (optional)
  • Pillar candle (St. Michael)
  • A stick or skewer to puncture the candle
  • White taper candle (optional)
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    If you have a pillar candle, you're going to poke 4 holes into the top. Try to make sure they are across from each other forming a square - this represents the 4 elements . Do this counter-clockwise . As you do this, you are removing any negative energy from the candle. Make sure the holes are big enough to fit herbs into. Next, put in your herbs first in each hole clockwise . If you have any oils, put 3 drops of each oil in each hole clockwise - the 3 drops represent the Holy Trinity . If you have a white tapered candle, drip the wax into each hole clockwise until they are all sealed. As you do that, say,

    "As I will it, so mote it be."

    Light the candle and make sure that it burns all the way to the bottom. Once this is done, you have been uncrossed. If it doesn't burn all the way down, then make another candle. Repeat this until a candle burns down completely. This will keep you undo and protect you from crossings.

    Note: If you don't have a pillar candle rub the ingrediants on the outside of the candle.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 10, 2016
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #3 - Decay Someone's Beauty

    For some people, maintaining good looks and being physically desired is the key to their self-esteem. Hit them where it really hurts with this curse to decay someone’s beauty over time. Specifically designed to be cast against a woman, you can substitute the gendered materials to suit a man as well.
    You may need:

  • 1 black female candle
  • 1 dragon’s blood incense
  • 1 photo of the target
  • Water
  • Graveyard dirt
  • Inverted pentagram
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    You may need:

  • 1 black female candle
  • 1 dragon’s blood incense
  • 1 photo of the target
  • Water
  • Graveyard dirt
  • Inverted pentagram
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    Carve the name of your target onto the female candle. Cast your magic circle. It should contain an inverted pentagram with the spirit point facing south. Place the female black candle on the fire point of your pentagram. Light it. Light the dragon's blood incense. Place your paten at the center of your pentagram. Add the water and graveyard dirt to form a soupy, muddy mix.

    Place the photograph of your target on the altar. Dip two fingers from your power hand into the mud and smear it over the photo. Imagine ugliness creeping over their features – yellowed, decaying teeth, hideous boils, hair falling out, etc. – as the mud anoints them. As you do, recite the following incantation:

    "Muddy water make a slop
    With which we will cause to stop
    The beauty that is present here
    May it fade, and give way to fear
    Over the ugliness beneath that runs so deep
    To gaze upon it shall make thee weep

    For now that this wicked spell is cast
    There shall be one way to take it back
    May their exterior reflect their interior soul
    And by cleansing one, they cleanse the whole

    Only then shall they be free
    As I will it, so mote it be"

    Tear up the photograph and drop the pieces into the sludge. Pass your paten through the smoke from your dragon's blood incense three times in a counter-clockwise rotation. Close your magic circle. Blow out the candles. Dispose of the sludge and the candle remainder in a garbage can, a dumpster, a swamp, a landfill, or another place of 'filth.'

    Added to on Dec 08, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #4 - Gypsy Healing Spell

    The Gypsies used the figure of the pentagram as a healing symbol in a special healing ritual intended to sever illness from the body. This spell requires cutting string close to the recipient’s body, so be very careful when using your boline.
    You may need:

  • 2 white candles
  • ball of string
  • boline
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    You may need:

  • 2 white candles
  • ball of string
  • boline
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    1. Lay the person suffering from illness out flat on a bed or a comfortable place on the floor. Have them positioned spread eagle on their back.

    2. Place three white candles decoratively nearby and light them.

    3. Have your volunteer bite one end of the string. Roll the ball out until it traces a line to their right foot. Cut the string loose from the ball. Have the volunteer hold the strand tight between their toes. Sever the string with your boline.

    4. Run the string from their right foot to their left hand. Have them hold the string taut between their fingers and toes. Sever the string with your boline.

    5. Run the string from their left hand to their right hand. Have them hold the string taut between their fingers. Sever the string with your boline.

    6. Run the string from their right hand to their left foot. Have them hold the string taut between their fingers and toes. Sever the string with your boline.

    7. Run the final length of string from their left foot to their face. Cut the string loose from the ball. Have your volunteer bite the end of the string to hold it taut. Sever the string with your boline.

    8. Discard of the string remains in an open fire.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #5 - Othala's Ju Ju Powder

    This is a multi-purpose ju ju powder for a variety of uses inclduing protection, banishing negativity, for cleansing, balance, and love etc.
    You may need:

  • Mortar and Pestle (Alternatively a Coffee Grinder)
  • Small Tongs or Spoon
  • A sharp Knife
  • A Bowl of any size
  • A small velvet sachet/bag or small tin (for storing the finished powder)
  • Angelica Root
  • Anise Seed
  • Chamomile
  • Red Cloves
  • Fennel
  • Fenugreek seed
  • Jasmine Flower
  • Lavender
  • Life Everlasting
  • Lotus Leaf
  • Meadowsweet
  • Peony Root
  • Star Anise
  • Optionally add any special ingredients you want to add
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    You may need:

  • Mortar and Pestle (Alternatively a Coffee Grinder)
  • Small Tongs or Spoon
  • A sharp Knife
  • A Bowl of any size
  • A small velvet sachet/bag or small tin (for storing the finished powder)
  • Angelica Root
  • Anise Seed
  • Chamomile
  • Red Cloves
  • Fennel
  • Fenugreek seed
  • Jasmine Flower
  • Lavender
  • Life Everlasting
  • Lotus Leaf
  • Meadowsweet
  • Peony Root
  • Star Anise
  • Optionally add any special ingredients you want to add
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    What you want to do is simply take each herb/root and grind it down into the finest possible powder as you can. You can either do this one of two ways you can quickly and easily do this by using a coffee grinder one that is solely used for grinding herbs; or you can do it the old fashioned but harder way and grind the herbs/roots using a mortar and pestle. To be honest as much as I like the ease and convenience of a coffee grinder I think that using the mortar and pestle the old fashioned way adds to the power, magic, and effort into the Ju Ju powder as you are working so much harder to achieve the desired result especially after putting your sweat, blood, and tears into your work.

    The amount you use for each herb/root does not matter specifically and depends entirely on how much of the finished and blended powder you want. After you grind each herb into a fine powder store it temporarily in the bowl, each time you add the grounded powder of an herb/root to the bowl you should take the tongs or spoon and mix the powder together to blend it. Keep doing this for each herb/root until you have finished with all of the ingredients.

    Once you have finished grinding all the herbs/roots and have blended them all together in the bowl you are then going to want to take the sharp knife and prick your finger or palm so that you draw blood. You are then going to want to let several drops of your blood spill into the blended Ju Ju powder. As soon as you do so or while doing so chant this spell:

    "By the spirits of old, those who have wrought wisdom and understanding;

    By the blessed Creator and all of her love, grace, and magic;

    By my sacred and divine gifts that have been so generously lent to me;

    I call forth the powers of the cosmos, chaos, and creation;

    Bless unto me now and into this powder the power to achieve my goals and banish my enemies;

    Whether it be protection, purification, finding balance, seeking love or wisdom, and banishing negativity;

    Let it be done by my will and my might, let is be sent through both darkness and light;

    So shall it be in the keep of the heavens above;

    So shall it be below in the realms beyond laughter and love."

    Now that you have finished making the Ju Ju powder and you have enchanted it with a spell, mix and blend the powder well once again now that you have added your blood and essence into the powder, let it dry and then store in the velvet sachet/bag or small tin. Keep the powder with you always and use it for what ever you need, practically there is an endless amount of ways the powder can be used. I use it primarily in several ways one being that when the need arises I take a small pinch of the Ju Ju powder and sprinkle it over a candle flame for whatever purpose I need, or I toss a pinch of the powder in front and back of me to protect the path that I walk and keep me from harm. When I seem to be in a negative situation a take a pinch of the powder and sprinkle or toss it at the source of the negativity (yes even at people if need be). I also use the powder when casting a circle, and sprinkle it around me and my sacred space; and I also use it for other spells and during ritual/ceremony as well.

    I hope the powder serves you well and helps you in whatever need you have.

    Added to on Aug 28, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #6 - The Witch's Ladder

    A 'Witch's Ladder' is a multi-purpose tool in witchcraft. It can be used for wishing, money, healing, breaking bad habits, protection, and more.
    You may need:

  • Thread/Rope/Yarn/String
  • Trinkets or Charms of your choice
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    You may need:

  • Thread/Rope/Yarn/String
  • Trinkets or Charms of your choice
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    A 'witch's ladder' is a form of knot magic that originates from many years ago. The first known witch's ladder to record was found in an old house in Somerset, England, among six brooms. This was in the year 1878.

    The ladder is composed out of three pieces string, yarn, wool or rope, however when used in cursing especially, some like to weave hair into the ladder. Trinkets such as charms, feathers, beads, bones are braided into the ladder.

    Nowadays, the witch's ladder is primarily used for binding, healing, cursing, protection, wish spells and healing. It was believed that witches of old cast a death spell over a person by tying the knots and then hiding the cord, and the only way to undo the spell was to find the hidden cord and untie each knot.

    Of course, the witch's ladder is not limited to those uses. It is said variation in the colour of the string/yarn/etc used represents a different use for the ladder. Some common ones are:

    Green for money,
    Red for passion,
    White for creativity,
    Black to stop bad habits,
    Brown for balance,
    Yellow for happiness,
    Orange for health,
    Blue for peace,
    Purple for wisdom.

    Frequently when I am travelling, I carry my own ladder with me as they are said to encourage safe travel.

    Although ladders are often created for as part of a particular spell, in other cases, the knots or beads are used to attain track of repetition in a spell or incantation, somewhat alike to Rosary beads.

    Incantations are spoken during the creation process to empower the talisman to do its creator's bidding. According to an article, The Witches' Ladder, an example of a witch's ladder chant and knot placement is as follows:

    According to the article, ''At the tying of the last knot, all the energy is directed into the cord and its knots, with a final visualization of the object of the work. The power has been raised and is now 'stored' in these knots in the cord.''

    Often the number of knots represent a specific intent. For example, seven is said to represent safety and security. If one wanted to have a witch's ladder specifically for the intention of such, seven knots would be tied into the ladder.

    Here is an example of an incantation used when creating a typical 9 knot ladder:

    By knot of one, my spell has begun.
    By knot of two, it will come true.
    By knot of three, so mote it be.
    By knot of four, this power I store.
    By knot of five, my spell is alive.
    By knot of six, the spell I fix.
    By knot of seven, events I'll leaven.
    By knot of eight, it will be fate.
    By knot of nine, what is done is mine.

    The power has been raised and is now 'stored' in these knots, beads, feathers and in the cord.

    You can tie the ends of the ladder together and use it as a necklace for protection on your person or hang it somewhere close to where it is needed such as your bed head or chair.

    If you want to use it for healing you untie and release the items in the knots like this:

    You must release the knots one at a time, one a day, for nine consecutive days. Release them in the same order in which they were tied. As the knots are released the energy that was put into them releases and is used for the purpose that the ladder was made for. You can either bury the beads etc or keep them in a safe place

    Added to on Apr 12, 2012
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #7 - Grimner's Nid Curse

    An ancient Scandinavian method of cursing another being using the Nidstang pole. Curse shown by Grimner Bjornklo.
    You may need:

  • Niding Pole
  • High Land
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    You may need:

  • Niding Pole
  • High Land
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    The 'Niding Pole' (often called Nidstang or Nidhstong) is an ancient Scandinavian method of cursing another being.

    A niding pole is most often made out of wood, traditionally hazel, with a horse's head placed upon the top and relevant runes carved into the pole.

    A goat's skull can be used as a substitute, but then the curse doesn't seem to be as effective.

    (The horse's head is now more normally replaced with a horse skull or the pole itself is carved with the image of a horse head.)

    On the Niding Pole, the horse skull invokes the horse rune Ehwaz, using the linking and transmissive power of the rune for the magical working. The horse is sacred to Odin.

    To cast the curse, the pole was traditionally erected, facing the direction to which the curse is to be sent. An incantation is spoken, pronouncing the target of the curse.

    With that done the horse head is turned to face the direction of the chosen quarry. Such a curse is intended also to cajole the land wights into working against the victim/s.

    The pole channeled the destructive forces of Hel, goddess of death. These forces were carried up the pole and projected through the horse skull. The runes carved on the pole defined the character and target of the destructive forces.

    Among others, triple Thorn [Thurisaz] runes and triple Is [Isa] runes, were used to 'smite' the enemy. When used maliciously, these had the effect of disempowering the accursed's will and delivering him or her to the forces of destruction. Here, the Thorn rune invokes the power of Thurs, the demonic earth-giant sometimes called Moldthurs.

    The Niding Pole was intended to disrupt and anger the earth sprites (Landvaettir, Land-Wights or earth spirits) inhabiting the ground where the accursed's house was. These sprites would then vent their anger upon the person, whose livelihood and life would be destroyed.


    Grimner's Nidstang:

    ''I curse!
    I curse all of them
    who soil our glorious land
    with unworthy actions.

    I curse all of them
    who borrow sacred symbols
    Gungnir, Mjolnir and Sacred Staves -
    Odin's spear, Thor's hammer
    and runes, given by Odin's hand
    and soil them
    with unholy deeds.

    I curse all of them
    who in ugly costumes
    and shaven heads
    as well as suits
    and ties
    abuse the wisdom of our ancestors
    our ancient ways
    and our present faith.

    I curse all of them
    who want to silent
    the mouths of others
    for themselves to be heard
    with their stupid bellowing.
    I curse all of them
    who put themselves above others
    because of their paleness,
    who trample on others
    because of the color of their skin,
    foreign language,
    or a different faith.

    Upon the heads of these miscreants
    I call all powers!
    I call upon the gnomes, and the little people
    to scratch their bodies
    and disturb their sleep.

    I call upon the elf-smiths
    to lay an iron ring
    around their chests
    giving little room for their spirit
    little room for breath
    to speak of evil.

    I call upon the ''rimthurses'' (frost-giants)
    from the depth of Niflheim
    That they may freeze to their death
    before they get a chance
    to freeze others out.

    I call Surt and his ''fire-thurses''
    That they may burn to their death
    before others may burn
    by their hands.

    I call upon Loki
    That he may twist their vision
    so that they strike each other down
    before they strike anyone else down.

    I call upon Freya
    So that these young men
    never may share a woman's bed
    and never have sons
    or daughters of their own
    as long as they want to hinder
    others to do just that.

    And I call upon Frey
    That these young men
    have their manhood gelded,
    never being able to create anything good
    for themselves,
    never getting peace
    or harvest,
    as long as they want to hinder
    others to do just that.

    I call upon Thor
    that he may protect us
    from demonic evil
    and I call upon his wrath
    against the miscreants
    who wants to cause pain to others.

    I call upon Odin,
    He who gave spirit
    to man and woman.
    He who together with his brothers
    Hoenir and Lodur
    Gave life to man,
    Body and Soul,
    Ask and Embla,
    Man and Woman.

    I call upon Odin
    and the ''Norns''.
    Goddesses of destiny,
    Urdh, Verdhandi and Skuld,
    who together judge
    everyone after death
    that they may judge
    these miscreants hard,
    so that they
    not even after their deaths
    may escape their deeds of evil
    against other sons and daughters
    of Ask and Embla.

    I set this ''nid''
    until these drooling servants
    of evil and ignorance
    do penance
    and let each and one
    stay by their land, their people
    and their faith
    wherever in our world
    they may choose to live.''

    by Grimner Bjornklo (''Bearclaw'')

    Added to on Apr 12, 2012
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #8 - Egyptian Funerary Rite

    A spell which calls upon the deity Anubis, Osiris and the ferryman Aken in order to ensure the safe passing of a friend.
    You may need:

  • Incense
  • Fireproof bowl
  • 1 Black candle
  • Photo of deceased (optional)
  • 1/2 A cup of red wine/apple juice
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    You may need:

  • Incense
  • Fireproof bowl
  • 1 Black candle
  • Photo of deceased (optional)
  • 1/2 A cup of red wine/apple juice
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    Anubis is an Egyptian deity that was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife. He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackal, or often in full jackal form. He was also depicted as pure black, to symbolize rebirth.

    Osiris was the Egyptian deity of the afterlife, the dead and the 'underworld.' Through the hope of new life after death Osiris began to be associated with the cycles observed in nature, in particular vegetation and the annual flooding of the Nile, through his links with Orion and Sirius at the start of the new year. He is usually depicted as green in colour, for new life. He wears the 'Atef' crown.

    Not much is said in Egyptian mythology about Aken, other than the fact that he was the ferryman of the deceased. He travels via the boat. In this rite, he is called upon in order to ensure the safe passing of the deceased person.

    If you can, do this rite outdoors. If not, inside somewhere is fine.

    Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (i.e. if s/he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood; if s/he was a homebody, use cinnamon, etc.)

    If you have it, place the picture of your deceased friend in front of you. If you do not have this, simply visualize the friend in your mind.

    Pour the 1/2 cup of red wine or apple juice into the fireproof bowl, and warm it slightly using the candle flame. As you are doing so, remember all the good times and memories you have had with said friend. Visualize the deceased friend surrounded by a soft, white glow, safely passing into a better place. Call out to your friend, as say you wish him/her well, or whatever you feel appropriate.

    Call out the following:

    ''Aken! Ferryman of the dead, I ask you kindly to ensure my friend, (insert friend's full name here), safely passes into the Otherworld (or whatever you want to call it.) I thank you.''

    ''Osiris! Deity of the underworld, the dead and the afterlife, I request you nicely to assure that my friend, (name here), resides safely in your realm, and is reborn in a happy form. I thank you.''

    ''Anubis! Protector and embalmer of the dead, I ask you to please ensure my friend's protection and safety as she progresses. I thank you.''

    Now, drink the wine/apple juice, again remembering all the good times you had with that friend and visualize her passing safely, being watched over by the deities mentioned.

    Added to on Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #9 - Egyptian Funerary Rite

    A spell which calls upon the deity Anubis, Osiris and the ferryman Aken in order to ensure the safe passing of a friend.
    You may need:

  • Incense
  • Fireproof Bowl
  • 1 Black candle
  • Photo of deceased (optional)
  • 1/2 A cup of red wine
  • If red wine isn't available to you, you can use apple juice instead.
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    You may need:

  • Incense
  • Fireproof Bowl
  • 1 Black candle
  • Photo of deceased (optional)
  • 1/2 A cup of red wine
  • If red wine isn't available to you, you can use apple juice instead.
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    Anubis is an Egyptian deity that was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife. He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackal, or often in full jackal form. He was also depicted as pure black, to symbolize rebirth.

    Osiris was the Egyptian deity of the afterlife, the dead and the 'underworld.' Through the hope of new life after death Osiris began to be associated with the cycles observed in nature, in particular vegetation and the annual flooding of the Nile, through his links with Orion and Sirius at the start of the new year. He is usually depicted as green in colour, for new life. He wears the 'Atef' crown.

    Not much is said in Egyptian mythology about Aken, other than the fact that he was the ferryman of the deceased. He travels via the boat. In this rite, he is called upon in order to ensure the safe passing of the deceased person.

    If you can, do this rite outdoors. If not, inside somewhere is fine.

    Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (i.e. if s/he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood; if s/he was a homebody, use cinnamon, etc.)

    If you have it, place the picture of your deceased friend in front of you. If you do not have this, simply visualize the friend in your mind.

    Pour the 1/2 cup of red wine or apple juice into the fireproof bowl, and warm it slightly using the candle flame. As you are doing so, remember all the good times and memories you have had with said friend. Visualize the deceased friend surrounded by a soft, white glow, safely passing into a better place. Call out to your friend, as say you wish him/her well, or whatever you feel appropriate.

    Call out the following:

    ''Aken! Ferryman of the dead, I ask you kindly to ensure my friend, (insert friend's full name here), safely passes into the Otherworld (or whatever you want to call it.) I thank you.''

    ''Osiris! Deity of the underworld, the dead and the afterlife, I request you nicely to assure that my friend, (name here), resides safely in your realm, and is reborn in a happy form. I thank you.''

    ''Anubis! Protector and embalmer of the dead, I ask you to please ensure my friend's protection and safety as she progresses. I thank you.''

    Now, drink the wine/apple juice, again remembering all the good times you had with that friend and visualize her passing safely, being watched over by the deities mentioned.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

    #10 - Grimner's Nid Curse

    An ancient Scandinavian method of cursing another being by Grimner Bjornklo.
    You may need:

  • Niding Pole
  • High Land
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    You may need:

  • Niding Pole
  • High Land
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    The 'Niding Pole' (often called Nidstang or Nidhstong) is an ancient Scandinavian method of cursing another being.

    A niding pole is most often made out of wood, traditionally hazel, with a horse's head placed upon the top and relevant runes carved into the pole.

    A goat's skull can be used as a substitute, but then the curse doesn't seem to be as effective.

    (The horse's head is now more normally replaced with a horse skull or the pole itself is carved with the image of a horse head.)

    On the Niding Pole, the horse skull invokes the horse rune Ehwaz, using the linking and transmissive power of the rune for the magical working. The horse is sacred to Odin.

    To cast the curse, the pole was traditionally erected, facing the direction to which the curse is to be sent. An incantation is spoken, pronouncing the target of the curse.

    With that done the horse head is turned to face the direction of the chosen quarry. Such a curse is intended also to cajole the land wights into working against the victim/s.

    The pole channeled the destructive forces of Hel, goddess of death. These forces were carried up the pole and projected through the horse skull. The runes carved on the pole defined the character and target of the destructive forces.

    Among others, triple Thorn [Thurisaz] runes and triple Is [Isa] runes, were used to 'smite' the enemy. When used maliciously, these had the effect of disempowering the accursed's will and delivering him or her to the forces of destruction. Here, the Thorn rune invokes the power of Thurs, the demonic earth-giant sometimes called Moldthurs.

    The Niding Pole was intended to disrupt and anger the earth sprites (Landvaettir, Land-Wights or earth spirits) inhabiting the ground where the accursed's house was. These sprites would then vent their anger upon the person, whose livelihood and life would be destroyed.


    Grimner's Nidstang:

    ''I curse!
    I curse all of them
    who soil our glorious land
    with unworthy actions.

    I curse all of them
    who borrow sacred symbols
    Gungnir, Mjolnir and Sacred Staves -
    Odin's spear, Thor's hammer
    and runes, given by Odin's hand
    and soil them
    with unholy deeds.

    I curse all of them
    who in ugly costumes
    and shaven heads
    as well as suits
    and ties
    abuse the wisdom of our ancestors
    our ancient ways
    and our present faith.

    I curse all of them
    who want to silent
    the mouths of others
    for themselves to be heard
    with their stupid bellowing.
    I curse all of them
    who put themselves above others
    because of their paleness,
    who trample on others
    because of the color of their skin,
    foreign language,
    or a different faith.

    Upon the heads of these miscreants
    I call all powers!
    I call upon the gnomes, and the little people
    to scratch their bodies
    and disturb their sleep.

    I call upon the elf-smiths
    to lay an iron ring
    around their chests
    giving little room for their spirit
    little room for breath
    to speak of evil.

    I call upon the ''rimthurses'' (frost-giants)
    from the depth of Niflheim
    That they may freeze to their death
    before they get a chance
    to freeze others out.

    I call Surt and his ''fire-thurses''
    That they may burn to their death
    before others may burn
    by their hands.

    I call upon Loki
    That he may twist their vision
    so that they strike each other down
    before they strike anyone else down.

    I call upon Freya
    So that these young men
    never may share a woman's bed
    and never have sons
    or daughters of their own
    as long as they want to hinder
    others to do just that.

    And I call upon Frey
    That these young men
    have their manhood gelded,
    never being able to create anything good
    for themselves,
    never getting peace
    or harvest,
    as long as they want to hinder
    others to do just that.

    I call upon Thor
    that he may protect us
    from demonic evil
    and I call upon his wrath
    against the miscreants
    who wants to cause pain to others.

    I call upon Odin,
    He who gave spirit
    to man and woman.
    He who together with his brothers
    Hoenir and Lodur
    Gave life to man,
    Body and Soul,
    Ask and Embla,
    Man and Woman.

    I call upon Odin
    and the ''Norns''.
    Goddesses of destiny,
    Urdh, Verdhandi and Skuld,
    who together judge
    everyone after death
    that they may judge
    these miscreants hard,
    so that they
    not even after their deaths
    may escape their deeds of evil
    against other sons and daughters
    of Ask and Embla.

    I set this ''nid''
    until these drooling servants
    of evil and ignorance
    do penance
    and let each and one
    stay by their land, their people
    and their faith
    wherever in our world
    they may choose to live.''

    by Grimner Bjornklo (''Bearclaw'')

    Added to on Mar 24, 2012
    Part of the Eclipse Library.

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