17 Spiritual Spells from Grey Magic
- The Opening of the Mouth
- Sarcophagus
- Basic Invocation
- Nature's Hand
- A Safe Travel Chant
- Candle Exercise
- Protection and Guidance
- Amaris shield.
- Forest Power
- Harm Blockade
#1 - The Opening of the Mouth
Set up your altar. Begin by placing both candles on either side of the table. In the middle, place your bowl of water. The bowl should be sitting on your wet towel, which is folded up to make a medium square. Your sarcophagus charm should be inbetween you and the bowl, on the table. The knife goes to the right of the candles.
Get on your knees and meditate before the table. Calm your mind. When done, calm your physical body. Now calm your spirit. And calm your soul. Wave your hands over the candles three times, and warm your hands. Then stand and grab your knife and cut your finger, or hand, and allow the blood to drip in your bowl. It should be enough to change the color of the water. Set your knife down.
Back on your knees and meditate again for 15 minuets. Now, take your sarcophagus charm and soak it in to water as you count to 30. When done, set it on the opposite side of the table. Take to bowl in your hands and prepare yourself. When centered and ready, while on your knees, bend over like you are bowing and dump the water on your head. Then drop the bowl. Quickly stand and grab your charm. Now quickly place the charm on your chest, lie down and close your eyes. Speak: “"O’ great pharaoh! Please let me see, for the sun no longer sets you free. Give me your power to such a will, or give me nothing to fall and kill".
If the pharaoh decides, you will receive and feel his/her power serge through you. If not, then you will receive nothing.
#2 - Sarcophagus
Now set it in the garden from the beginning of dawn to dusk. When night time, take it and use s knife (Or some utensil to drill a small hole to fit the necklace in). Then when necklace is in tie it into a knot and there you have it. You’re Charm
Every month you need to go to a creek or some natural source and do the “Sarcophagus cleansing ritual'' in our rituals list.
#3 - Basic Invocation
May he/she/they bless me with the powers to achieve ______.
When the spell or ritual is done:
As I take down my circle, I thank ______ for helping me.
May we part in love and light.
If you are one of those who prefers meditation instead of words, you could just concentrate on calling out to a deity for help. Be sure to thank them. Some people bring offerings into their circles for whomever they invoke.
#4 - Nature's Hand
''Mother Earth, give me strenght for I need to(State reason here). I am in desprate need of your help with this. If it is your will, please give me the strenght to do it.''
Afterwards keep your hand to the flame to feel the energy flow into you.
Ask this three times exactly the same way. If Our Mother agrees to give your reason you will recieve what you need.
#5 - A Safe Travel Chant
''Lady of light,be my guide, where I am, stand by my side.
Keep me safe by your will and might,keep ume always in your site.''
You can chant this as many times as you feel needed.
#6 - Candle Exercise
Set goals, perhaps to achieve 1 minute longer each day. Long term, as long as possible.
Hold the projective hand 12 inches from the candle flame, draw the candle flame upwards and towards one, see this with the eyes and in the mind. The flame is guided back down and to a lower point than it was first burning. Then attempt to direct the flame so that it dances away from and at a 45 degree to the candle.
Practice with moving the flame in all directions and try to attain height and volume from the flame. I generally practice this for twenty minutes or so.
I Do this slowly, so as not to create air movement that will interfere with the flame.
My objective is to achieve extinguishing the flame without air and without touching it. I know this can be done.
Do not become anxious or frustrated, practice Makes Progress, negative emotion stalls progress.
You need permission for this as well.
#7 - Protection and Guidance
At dusk, drench the towel then ring it out. Fold the towel into a square. Take the candle and knife, then slowly carve the name of the one you want protected in the candle. We will use Alex for example. Speak the name once with every letter. Example: A (Alex) L (Alex) etc...
As you do so let a little power in the candle, just enough to protect someone. When done set the candle on the towel and light it. Allow the candle to protect him/her. If the candle blows out, or burns out, then the protection will be done.
#8 - Amaris shield.
Afterwards, you don’t have to concentrate. As long as you allow it to stay it will stay. After a while it will were down and you will need to re-do it.
Speak to Priest/Priestess before doing this. Unless he teaches you the technique this will not work.
#9 - Forest Power
Depart to the forest’s Boarder or heart, which ever is more comfortable. Clear your mind of all thought. Extend your hand palm to forest. If in the heart set your palm on the ground.
Now chant as many times as you like:
"Spirit of the forest, spirit of the land, lends me your power.
For strength is needed to do this task at my weekend hour.
I call upon the spirits of the forests for my spiritual help.
Guide me to strength and to the passing the troubles we felt."
Remember, you wont get the power for guidance unless the spirit agrees. If she/he disagrees then nothing will happen. If she agrees then you will be able to feel it.
#10 - Harm Blockade
Spread the Redding on the ground from once side of the door way to the other over and over until there are no gaps.
Speak as you do so “I lay you down to protect this house. All who wish to harm will be gone.''
If you do this to a certain room the those who wish to harm you wont be able to pass through the door way.
If you do not believe fully, or there are gaps in the line of dust, then it will not work. And those who wish to harm you will come in uninvited.