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17 Spiritual Spells from Grey Magic

Covens Grey Magic  ► Grey Magic's Spellbooks  ► 17 Spiritual Spells
17 Spiritual Spells from Grey Magic

Included in this list of 17 Spiritual Spells
  1. Protection
  2. Energy Renewal
  3. Bondage
  4. Dead Messanger
  5. White Rose Of Peace.
  6. Dream Guidence
  7. Purify The Flame.
#11 - #17

#11 - Protection

Place protection over a loved one.
You may need:

  • One white candle.
  • One red candle.
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    You may need:

  • One white candle.
  • One red candle.
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    Set candles on a table, or alter of some sort, 3 feet apart, Red on the left and white of the right. Put both hands to candles. (Left to red. Right to white) Circle the energy form the whit candle into you and out into the red candle. Force it from the red candle to the white, making a circle. (Or triangle if you will)

    When ready, speak:
    ''I keep (person's name here) close and dear. Protect (person's name) with no fear. Keep Him/Her safe with all your might. Protect him until the end of the fight.''

    Send the energy to this person and imagine a shield over this person. Nothing can harm him/her.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #12 - Energy Renewal

    Let your energy and enotion drain into the earth and accumulate new everything.
    You may need:

  • Three or more white candles.
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    You may need:

  • Three or more white candles.
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    Light your candles around you in a dark room, in any fashion. Sit in the center of it all. Clear your mind.

    Take your energy and let it flow out of your body. Let it all out. Now let your emotion fall out of you, into the ground. Keep going until you feel emotionless.

    Now, when all your energy and emotion is gone, allow the candles to bring you fresh energy. Enjoy the warmth of the flames. Bring the flames into you. As you do this, let each emotion return little by little.
    Afterward you should feel better emotionally and feel like you have new power.

    You should feel reenergized. If not then try again, your most likely not doing it right. It is natural to feel a bit of a sexual feeling as your energy returns.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #13 - Bondage

    Take the nuisance of a spirit that have been annoying you and bind it in a bottle.
    You may need:

  • A corked bottle.
  • Sault
  • White candles(depends on how many people)
  • At lease four to six friends
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    You may need:

  • A corked bottle.
  • Sault
  • White candles(depends on how many people)
  • At lease four to six friends
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    Cast a circle of Sault on the ground. Place the bottle in the center of the circle. Use the Sault and make a two foot line, for each person, coming from the circle, evenly spaced out.
    (Note: you must have 4-6 people to do this spell). Place the white candles evenly between the trails of the Sault. Uncork the bottle.

    Each person sit on the end of there trails. All candles lit. Join hands. Now YOU use whatever words you like to call the spirit to the circle. Use the force of all of you combined to summon this spirit.
    Once it is in the circle command it to go in the bottle. (Spirits have to listen to you.)
    Once it is in, cork it.

    Remember, if the bottle is broken the spirit will be freed.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #14 - Dead Messanger

    Send a private message to someone who crossed the river.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Envelope
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Envelope
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    Use the pen and write your message on the paper. No "dear" at the beginning and no "your's truly" at the end, just the message.

    Now seal it in the envelope. On the top left corner write the person's date of birth. Top right corner, there date of crossing the river. On the middle of it write the person's full name.

    When done, go to this person’s grave. Dig a small hole and burry the letter to the dead. Use your left hand and put a small amount of energy into it.


    "The dead, this letter is for. Let it be read by the sleeping head forever more."

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    Last edited on Jun 29, 2015
    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #15 - White Rose Of Peace.

    Take the spirit of a relitive or friend who is not in peace and allow him/her safe passage to the spirit world.
    You may need:

  • A white rose.
  • Black fabric to make a bow.
  • Paper.
  • String.
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    You may need:

  • A white rose.
  • Black fabric to make a bow.
  • Paper.
  • String.
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    First, find out who the spirit is and find where there tomb stone is.

    Take a white rose, thorns and all, and take the fabric and make a bow around the middle of the stem. Now tie the string around the stem, top of the stem, below the flower. Tie the small piece of paper to the other end of the string. Write on it: ''(the person’s name) Please rest in peace.'' When it is done, put life into it, as well as energy.

    Find the grave and dig a small whole the size of the rose. Barry it and leave.

    Go home and light a white candle for that person.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #16 - Dream Guidence

    Use your Dream catcher to take your dreams in a different direction. Good or bad.
    You may need:

  • One red candle.
  • One white candle.
  • Your dream catcher.
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    You may need:

  • One red candle.
  • One white candle.
  • Your dream catcher.
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    Place your dream catcher on a table/alter of some sort. Place the red candle on the left side of the dream catcher, and your white on the right. Light them.

    Speak: ''I am now using the power in me. Dream catcher gives me my (good or bad) dreams.''

    If you choose to desire good dreams then send the negative energy into the red candle. Let the positive energy flow from the white candle into the dream catcher.

    (If you seek bad dreams then reverse the candle's energy transference)

    When done, hangs your dream catcher above your bed (or couch or whatever you sleep on). It will harvest, and rid your dreams.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    #17 - Purify The Flame.

    Drain your candle of all negative and used up energy and let it start anew.
    You may need:

  • The candle you wish to purify
  • Olive oil
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    You may need:

  • The candle you wish to purify
  • Olive oil
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    Set candle on a table. (Or whatever you prefer) Light the candle. Meditate for a little, to clear your mind and channel your self. Let your energy flow into the candle.

    After you feel ready, cover your hands in the olive oil. Cannel positive energy into the oil, feel it.

    Rub your hands on the candle, from top to bottom. Three times. Each time you rub the candle, speak:

    ''When this spell is done, you will be purified and one.'' you will sense the candle being purified.

    When done, blow the candle out.

    After wards you may wash the oil off the candle, if you wish.

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    Part of the Grey Magic Library.

    17 Spiritual Spells from Grey Magic
    #11 - #17