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2 Trick Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft

Covens Gypsy Witchcraft  ► Gypsy Witchcraft's Spellbooks  ► 2 Trick Spells
2 Trick Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft

Included in this list of 2 Trick Spells
  1. Mugwort used for;
  2. Dream Incantation
#1 - #2

#1 - Mugwort used for;

Psychic awareness, Psychic Dreams, Astral Porjection.
You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • self
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    You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • self
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    use fresh leaves---element is the earth, Venus is the planet..Psychic dreams--crush
    the leaves in your mortar and use it to inhale before falling asleep.
    Put under pillow in baggy for Astrial Pojection to travel any where you want visulize where you want to go..
    Psychic awareness inhale vapors and visulize your higher power.

    Added to
    Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.

    #2 - Dream Incantation

    Dream. You can ask everything through dream, but you must translate the meaning by yourself.
    You may need:

  • B.O.S/Dream Journal
  • Blessed Pen
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    You may need:

  • B.O.S/Dream Journal
  • Blessed Pen
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    1. Think what you want to ask
    2. Take out your B.O.S/Dream Journal
    3. Write an incantation (its kinda short spell or message)
    Ask Your Future:
    ''Guardians of the dream world I would like to see my future.
    So mote it be.''

    P.S. This spell is use to ask the dream world guardian to tell us what we want to know. You can ask everything like animal totem, future, guide, etc.

    Added to
    Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.

    2 Trick Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft
    #1 - #2