Sheet of paper from the bible that contains The Father of Darkness's Name.
Black Paint.
Thy Enemies Name.
One Candle Black.
You may need:
Sheet of paper from the bible that contains The Father of Darkness's Name.
Black Paint.
Thy Enemies Name.
One Candle Black.
Warning this spell is not to be used unless you are entirely sure you wish to use it. This spell has harmful effects to those who cast it and use it on your enemies. In old Legend in the days of the Pirate If someone was given the black dot that was be Sac-religious and This was a great Disrespect but as always a legend can be true...This is a secret passed down from 1000 years and forgotten, This may be the first spell to surface in over a long time. Now.......How to Preform the Black Dot.
First Take the sheet of Paper and write your enemies name onto it, After you have done so then paint a black dot onto a piece of paper and chant the following after lighting your candle. ''_____ I call down the Wrath of hell upon you. By this Blasphemy I curse you ___ In the name of the Evil. I curse you In the name of all which is unholy. I DAMN THEE FOR BETRAYING ME I DAMN THEE FOR DISGRACING ME I DAMN THEE FOR ALL THE PAIN THOU HATH CAUSED ME, SO SHALL MY WILL BE DONE! AND SO MOTE IT BE!''
Blow the candle out and pour a small drop onto the middle of the black dot go find your Enemies and either give this paper to them if they take it into there hand...Then Wrath shall befall them, Place it under there bed and until it is removed or burned...then they will pretty much no ones gonna know to burn take heed to this warning. And I suggest that you let them take it, then take it back and burn it after all is done and thy desire hath been met.
To ask for your heart's desire, draw the symbol of the Waxing Moon in a pure beeswax candle with a rose thorn. Light the candle, and with your eyes fixed upon the flame, concentrate on your heart's desire being granted by the Goddess Moon. When this thought is firmly in your mind, whisper softly:
"Goddess Luna, mother of all love and light, grant me my heart's desire (say exactly what you wish for). Grant my wishes, fulfill my heart's desire. Shine on me tonight."
Blow out the candle flame, but hold the image of it in your mind's eye for as long as possible. As you think of the candle's flame, know for sure that your wish has been heard. Within the space of one lunar cycle, your heart's desire should be granted.
This is a simple wish spell requiring few ingredients.
On a piece of paper write your wish. You can do this on any color paper with any color ink but I would recommend using a diffrent color depending on your wish, same goes for the candle. Draw a pentacle over your wish. Light a candle, if you don't know what color to use then just use a white candle, and say your wish followed by "This is my will so mote it be!"
On a Monday morning, charge the gold coin with sun rays by holding it up in front of you and chanting:
What I see, may it increase, so I may have financial peace.
Place the coin in the left shoe. Put both shoes on and spin clockwise thrice. Remove the shoes and place them in a T shape in a place they won't be bothered. Do this for three days. On the third day, put the coin in a pair of shoes you wear often. Tape the coin inside and wear the shoes as much as possible. And whatever you do, DON'T SPEND THE COIN!!