2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Afterlife Demon Transformation
- Holy Transformation
- Pink Rose of Beauty
- Healing
- Bat Transformation
- Look Like Desired Self
- Purifying Bath
- Attraction Spell
- Avian Wings
- Fairy
#1111 - Afterlife Demon Transformation
As is must you must make the room dark and with the Satanic altar presented, outfit and lighting up black candles, and then invocation to Satan.For this you have to sign a "contract" much more a agreement for your transformation.You may write the contract with your own blood by making cuts in any body and by using the dry pen dipped in the blood to write the prayer else you can use a simple black pen (blessed) and write the prayer below and but signing at the end be must with blood.
"Oh Satan who has always been my way,
My truth and the life.
For the one who has made
My each moment of life memorable,
For the one who helped my beast inside,
Grant me this wish for a change afterlife,
Let get double my powers,
Let I become a demon,
Strongest, adorable and mighty
With powers will stood infinite.
Let I become a demon after my life"
Sign at the end with your blood. After this you must thank Satan again. Say "Hail Satan" as you burn the paper in the bowl.
Last edited on Jul 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1112 - Holy Transformation
This spell will make you a angle, holy guard, holy spell caster or a heaven defender. This will make you lose your humanality but become a holy type. This may cause some pains and bleeds but when you become one in one month you can heal more run faster feel free and be mostly pain free.
Just say this chant and put all of your energy in this spell "Warriors of the holy, please make me a relative of the spirits and turn me into a holy one, I shall give you my humanality for immortality and be with god" after this you have to rest and wait for a pain month and then you will be one with the holy.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1113 - Pink Rose of Beauty
Beauty, Beauty, Beauty...
Let it shine down on me...
Please goddess Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...
Light the Emerald Green Candle (attraction of love)
Attraction, Attraction, Attraction...
Let me be the completion...
Please goddess Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...
Put the pink rose connecting the two candles.Prick Your ringfinger of Your left hand. Drip one Drop in each candle. chant:
Goddess of Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...
Make me as beautiful as you...
Please make this spell come true...
Put out the candle with water only...Fingers are rude.
Realise you have a great gift.
#1114 - Healing
Sit criss cross hold hands with other person then chant nice and clear 4x: "Heal it good heal it clean, make it disappear. To make it clear so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1115 - Bat Transformation
Gods and goddesses from above
Give me wings that of a bat
Give me ____ eyes to wink
____ shall be the color of my fur
Gods and goddesses from above
No harm to others, so mote it be!
Think of the type of food your species eats.
You can't go wrong. If you do, the spell will not work or you will be turned into a bat forever. And when you are transforming, it might hurt the first time but you will get used to the pain and it will eventually stop. It might take up to 2-4 days.
#1116 - Look Like Desired Self
First, light a white candle. Please leave candle burning as you proceed with your spell.
Now, place a picture of who or what you wish to resemble in the corner of a mirror (if necessary.It is not mandatory but recommended) Look at the photo you have placed there and then look back at yourself. Now chant as you look at yourself,
" I do not like what I see,
Help me to look like who (or what) I wish to resemble,
And be the person I want to be."
Say this at least four times. After chanting this, take the small cloth and dip it in the bowl of water and dab your face. This is to symbolize you washing away your old self and becoming your new desired self.
Now leave the candle burning to symbolize your old self melting away as you become like your new desired self. Thank whatever god(s)/goddess(es) or whatever kind spirits that are willing to answer you and help you on your journey. If you don't believe in that kind of stuff, it is fine; you can skip this last step.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1117 - Purifying Bath
Take a warm bath and as you pour water slowly on yourself feel all the nagitive energy's get washed off and say:
"Cleanse this body mind and soul
Make me one make me whole
Take the pain and sorrows i have
And leave the joy and happieness I need
I ask to be pure as I once was
So please grant thy wish
In the name of elaine mote it be"
After this continued to soak then rinse off with the shower once done
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1118 - Attraction Spell
Sit down and put the pink candles circling you. Put the red candles exactly outside the pink candles. Hold a ring and say :
"Goddess of Beauty, I call thee. Please let me be attractive by using this ring. Thanks I've given to you. Let this ring attract (girls/boys/men/women) to be near me! So mote it be!"
You must use it to make it work!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1119 - Avian Wings
First meditate or take a nap for 30 mins. Next go to a quiet place with no noise or music and completely alone. Next take the feathers and place one in front of you and hold the other in your hand
If it is noon you will hold the feather with your left hand and say this... "God of the Sun, Goddess of the moon, I ask you for one thing, I wish to have wondrous wings of gleaming beauty, I wish for them to be black as space it's self, this is my wish I pray for this to happen please grant my wish!"
If it is mid night say the same thing but "Goddess of the moon "will go before "God of the sun " and instead of "black as space it's self" it will be "as white as the snow that falls to the ground" and you will hold the feather in your right hand.
I don't know when the wings will fully come in but it won't be longer than 4 months if it is do a different spell or redo this one. If you see side effects within the first hour after doing the spell your wings will come in in about a month or two if later it will take about 3 months.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1120 - Fairy
Put on the outfit you wish too be in. Now, put on the piece of jewelry, *NOTE: you MUST have that piece of jewelry on to transform* Set the representations of your powers in front of you. Put your hands over one of the items, and close your eyes. Imagine your self using that power, move on to the next, and do the same too all of the others.
Open your eyes and say this 4 times: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. I wish to become a fairy! With my wings of a (type of wings). They will be (size of wings) and the colors of (color) and (color)are my colors I wish too have. I wish to have the powers of (powers), and the three special powers of: (special powers). My Summoning Words for wings are: (summoning words) my wings will appear on my back. When I say the words: (Disappearing words), my wings will be absent. Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, I wish to be a fairy!"
When you have said that, put your hands in front of your power "symbols". Close your eyes and imagine flying with your wings and using your powers. Open your eyes and dispose of the "symbols". You need to wait until your wings and powers appear!
Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.