2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Soothing Foot Soak
- Warm Me Up
- Unlock the Power of Your Eyes
- A Pain-stopper
- Change Your Eye Color
- Grow 7 inches
- Control Weight Gain
- Opening Your 3rd Eye Spell Rite
- Get Rid of Pain
- Remember a Dream
#1561 - Soothing Foot Soak
During that time, close your eyes and allow the scent from the foot soak relax your senses and clear your mind of anything that is troubling you.
Dry your feet with a soft cloth or towel, then massage with lotion.
#1562 - Warm Me Up
Chant while touching your friend:
"Warm me up
Like a fire pup
Also warm up
The whole body of those I touch"
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1563 - Unlock the Power of Your Eyes
Close your eyes. Concentrate your energy on them... you should be able to feel something blocking your energy from reaching your eyes. That is called (or what I like to call it) an optical energy block. These occur normally; your eyes are not originally intended for the purpose of spell casting.
Concentrate on the energy block; you should feel some resistance. If it does not feel right, withdraw your energy from your eyes and try again after resting. When you feel the resistance coming from the energy block, will it to undo... you should feel less and less resistance coming from it. When you feel no resistance at all, concentrate with all your might on your energy going into your eyes. If you don't do this right away, the block will form again and all your work will be lost.
Once you feel a strong current of energy going to your eyes, the block should never give you trouble again. If you successfully made it to this point: congratulations! You now have the ability to cast enhanced spells with your eyes. But be warned: If you use this ability for evil/to hurt someone or for selfish needs (such as gambling or betting or cheating), a permanent optical energy block will form, cutting off all controlled energy to your eyes forever, making them revert to their normal abilities.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1564 - A Pain-stopper
Say "pain-stopper" and touch where it hurts.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1565 - Change Your Eye Color
Imagine your eye color changing from ___ to ___ (insert color into blanks)
"My eyes don't describe who I am.
But if my eye color is ___
Then it will describe me.
So please, Goddess of the Rainbow,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___.
Please, Iris,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___!
Mote it be! "
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1566 - Grow 7 inches
Stand in front of the mirror with a lit candle and chant:
"Gods and Goddesses,
Hear my prayer!
I am too small!
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller!
Mote it be!"
Now put out the candle with your fingers. You should feel some pain.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1567 - Control Weight Gain
Eat a big meal (a whole frozen pizza and 3 sodas will do) Then lay down and close your eyes and imagine how fat you would be the next day, and chant this 3 times:
"Fat, Fat, Fat. I want to control how much fat I have just by imagining the fat. Fat, fat, fat. This is my wish, so mote it be!"
Now you have to drink another soda and then go to sleep. After you wake up you should start to inflate. Then you can imagine how fat you want to be, and then you will inflate to that size. There is a limit, but you will feel some slight pain once you reach the limit.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1568 - Opening Your 3rd Eye Spell Rite
Start off by laying out the 9 candles list ina large circle one the floor in an area large enough where you will be sitting comfortablly in the middle of the circle, (vary them in Black, Purple, White, Black, Purple, White, Black, Purple, White order.)
In the middle lay your meditation pillow. f you do not have one, a comfy chair will do or you can sit on the floor. Also in the center place your cencor with Mint incense, be it powder or stick.
Start the rite by Invoking your god and or goddess that is attributed to ''Psychism'' such as Hera or Psyche. Do not invoke a god or goddess you are not familiar with or not attuned to. To said divinty say a general prayer. After the prayer say the following:
''Sweet god/dess ________ to you I pray, to you I ask.
Join me in this rite, help me to see beyond what my eyes see.
Help me divine ________ to open which is closed
And to awaken the powers and gifts you have given to me at birth.
Help me ________ Open my 3rd unseen eye,
that I may be more aware of the divine and that which I can not see.''
Now light the black candles one by one. As you light each black candle say the following:
''In the darkest of the universe comes light to let us see.''
Next light the purple candles. With each candle lit say the following:
''Power of the gods, bring to me the power to open my unseen eyes and the power within.''
Lastly light the White candle. With each candle say:
''Power of purity, grant that all I see and all I inherit be opure and safe.''
Take a moment now and absorb in the glow of the flames, look at each one and draw in the color of each candle. Feel the color penetrate your body, fill your body with the light and up to where your third eye is. Take you time with this and revel in the color and the feel.
Next light the incense and use it as so sort of saging to purify and cleanse you, but also to awake yourself. mint has the ability to do that. feel it stimulate the area where you third eye is. When done sit back down and rest a second, let the incense continue to stimulate your senses.
Now lift your face upward and open your hands palms up, in an act of prayer and recieveing. Say the following:
''Sweet god/dess _______,
With your divine power I ask of thee,
Open my divine eye that I may see you.
Open my divine eye that I may work for you.
Here I am ______, you son/daughter,
Enwrapped in this cicle of candle glow.
Please sweet god/dess ________,
help me awaken my soul and spirit,
Help me increase my psychic abilities,
By opening up my third eye.
This I ask of thee.''
Now relax and slip into a meditative stasis. Envision your third eye as a white flower tighly closed in the region of your third eye. Start to take slow deep breaths. With each breath you take in, draw in the magic power about the room. With each breath out, use that power to start slowly opening the flower. you may find that it will take a while for the flower to fully bloom. It will probably take a few of these spell rites. Do you rush it at all. Infact I highly encourage you to hold this spell rite over the span of 5-7 days.
When done with the meditation, you should feel a bit lighter and you may feel like you have a headache. Do not panick. This is because you are opening up a part of yourself that has been closed tight. This will stop in time. Blow out the candles when done but let the incese burn out on its own. Infact if there is incese still burning, take it into the bathroom and slip into the relaxing bath. It is a great way to get the maxium of maxium of your incense.
I personally have found this spell rite great if repeated once or twce a year. It helps clean and clear the 3rd eye. If you see your (flower faded, changing color or wilting) it is definatly time to perform this spell.
#1569 - Get Rid of Pain
Imagine the pain leaving your body, then chant three times: "Gods and Goddesses, please take my pain. So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1570 - Remember a Dream
Before you get ready for the spell make sure you believe in it & don't think hard about it.
- Once you are ready and calm down .. now, Repeat this in your head till you remember the lines: "I will remember each dream I have, I will wake up after each dream I have, And think over my experience."
- And every now and than while you trying to get some sleep "say" it a fews more times 5-9.
- So once you done all this do it one more time on a different schedule.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.