2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2479 Beauty Spells
- Peppermint healing
- Become a fox
- how to make your magick beleif
- charka opening
- to change you appearance (TESTED)
- A spell for inner power
- Demon Blood Potion
- Invoking Love Ritual
- Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)
- Kid spell
#351 - Peppermint healing
This will help you with headaches and stomach as well as other spots.
If headache or stomach ache you should take the mint and think that it is light it can heal anything take the mint and you should feel better might take a little bit. If on body ,wounds ,or boo boos
you lick the mint so it gets wet and scrub it all over the wound it should feel better soon.
Side Effects:
Burning (very little)
Wounds shaping into skin
more active.
and feel better hope it works!
Taylorspell1 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 01, 2017
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Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
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#352 - Become a fox
This allows you to become a fox! But please, this is permanent. You may lose some memories of being a human. Please think before you cast this spell!
Get into your quiet space and meditate for as long as you wish. Focus on your breathing, then imagine yourself as a fox. Put yourself inside your desired fox body, then say these words as many times as you wish: Foxes, foxes, I am calling upon you! I want your strength, speed and power. I wish to become one of you! Let me run in the wild! Make this come true, so mote it be!
-Side affects-
-Feeling more fox like
-wanting to run more
-feeling more connected with nature/animals/foxes
And that's it. I think? also, please don't get mad at me if this doesn't work.
XXMeowXX has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Aug 03, 2016
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on Dec 14, 2017
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#353 - how to make your magick beleif
this will make your magick belief stronger than ever.
go to the quiet room and start to medition. then empty your mind from everything. no start chanting in your head : i belif i belif I BELIEF!
dharper has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 25, 2017
#354 - charka opening
this will allow you to open all of the charka's 1,2,3,4,5,6
have your picece of paper ready wirte down what you want your charka;s to be able to do. you must feed it different commands every day. now in your mind use your third eye to open your charka to put in the commands.
dharper has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 25, 2017
#355 - to change you appearance (TESTED)
this will not change your entire face, it will only change smaller things like eye color or hair length. try your hardest with this spell and if it doesn't work, keep trying!
first cast you circle and light your candle. think very thoroughly about what you want to accomplish. for instance, i want to change my eye color from brown to green. think about that color filling your eyes. one you have done this write on the paper what you want to do. light the paper on fire and set aside SAFELY on something like a dish or fire proof cloth. once you have done this chant:'' oh great goddess, here me now!
hear me as i ask, beg, plead of you
it would make me ever so happy,
aid me with your power!
change (insert part here) to (insert color or length or other here)
thy will is done, so mote it be and
blessed be!''
uncast your circle and check the mrror!
raveneye457 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 25, 2017
#356 - A spell for inner power
A spell to hopefully get abit more inner power.
For this spell you meed to know exactly what time you were born ( e.g 1:59pm). In the minutes building up to your birth time hold your hands together and imagine a ball of energy inside you slowly waking up and turning on. As soon as the clock hits your birth time say '' I think i have inner power, i have inner power, i am my inner power, by the power of my belief, the full moons energy and my birth time of turning ( your age), this is my will so mote it be!'' While saying this imagine the energy getting bigger and brighter like it is feeding off your words. As soon as the minute is finnished imagine the energy spreading out and all over your body. Symptoms so far to look out for:
A shiver down your spine when you send the energy out
Feeling lighter then usual
Hope this works for you all.
Slendygirl11 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Aug 23, 2016
#357 - Demon Blood Potion
This potion is used for the purpose of enhancing biokinesis, or power charging. This cannot be used to transform into a demon.
You may need:
Citrus of any kind
Thyme leaf
One drop of holy water(optional)
Regular water
Tea bag
Side effects:
ChrysMoon has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Oct 23, 2016
#358 - Invoking Love Ritual
Crystals can be used in ritual; here is an example using Rose Quartz to invoke love.
You may need:
4 pieces of Rose Quartz
1 large Amethyst
Candles and candle holders
Silk cloth
Second, take your Rose Quartz crystals into your hands and sit facing your table (if the crystals are large, do one at a time.) Close your eyes and quietly attune to the crystals. Let their energy flow through your hands, up your arms, and into your heart. As the energy reaches your heart, feel it open and expand. Touch the crystals to your heart. Rose Quartz is a powerful heart cleanser and healer, so allow your heart to be purified by the energies of the crystals.
Then say, out loud: ''I am a magnet for love. I welcome love into my heart.'' Place the crystals around the Amethyst on the table and say out loud: ''And love into my life.'' Sit quietly for a few moments with your eyes focused on the crystals. When you are ready to complete the ritual, get up and blow out each candle in turn, saying: ''I send your light and love into the world.'' Either leave the crystals on the table or place them around your bed.
BabyWitchh has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
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#359 - Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)
You have to really love and appreciate yourself. If you want anybody else to love and appreciate you, that's where it starts. It doesn't start from meeting someone to fill in the missing parts of yourself. So you want to embrace and love yourself. This is a spell taken from a Wiccan Love Spell video on YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKYaruKA05I )
You may need:
1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
Water (warm bath)
White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
Journal or a pen and paper
Mortar and pestle or a knife
Candles (red / pink)
You may need:
1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
Water (warm bath)
White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
Journal or a pen and paper
Mortar and pestle or a knife
Candles (red / pink)
What you're doing is a symbolic enactment. One of the best ways to do a love spell for yourself is a bath; because water is the element of love.
So you go to the kitchen cabinet and you pull out a number of ingredients. And you can put them in a white handkerchief, or a red piece of cloth. Red: symbol of love, passion, desire; which you need for yourself.
Grab some cinnamon, then lavender, which is very relaxing. Then add some rosemary and some peppermint which is great for cleansing and purification. After you put that in, go to your tea cabinet, and you pull out a tea bag. Open it up, and add it to the mixture of herbs.
And what you want to do is use your nose; because the artistry of spell casting is very sensual. If you want to grind them together, you would grind it in a clockwise manner, Using a mortar and pestle, but you may also use the butt end of a knife.
Grind them together; put them back in the cloth; tie it up with a little pink ribbon, or a red ribbon; and run a warm bath. Then dump in the herbs and then soak. You can also add candles; red and pink will do to represent love.
When you get out of the bath, look yourself in the mirror and tell that child that you love them.
BabyWitchh has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
#360 - Kid spell
Mey not work *become a kid for one day*
Chant 5 times: I shall become a kid for one whole day so I could do ******** for the day and have childishActions so mote it be
Ehehpotato has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters