2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Become a multi-fused Pokemon
- Make Moon Water
- Healing
- 1 Pound A Day
- Pumpkin Soup Recipe
- Guise Appearance
- Seraphian
- Wings Potion
- Anthropomorphic Animal Spell
- Strong Healing Incantation
#561 - Become a multi-fused Pokemon
#562 - Make Moon Water
Take some water and put it in the bowl and add your clear stones. Then set the bowl in a place where the moon will shine on the bowl. Then sit down next to it and say:
"Goddess of the moon
Help me please.
Give this water
The energy that I need."
Then thank the godess and leave the water over night and bottle it up in the morning and you are done!!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#563 - Healing
Get a cup or bowl of water. Dip the part that is hurt into the water, and if the part is hard to reach with the water, dip your fingers in the water, then touch the wound. After you have coated the wound in water, grab the feather and hold it close to your face and focus on its details.
After you have focused the details, still holding the feather, chant:
"Dear goddesses of the heal,
I am here to bring your appeal,
I want the brush and curl of this feather,
To heal this skin so it's tough like leather,
Please hear my plea,
So you can do good to me,
So more it be."
And then wait a few hours to days.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#564 - 1 Pound A Day
Counter-Curse: ''(Name) has payed enough. Now they will surely have it tough. This is my new will, so mote it be.''
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#565 - Pumpkin Soup Recipe
Boil all ingredients with the top on the saucepan. Throw the boiled veg and liquids into the blender and blend it all for 4 minutes until smooth. Then put all contents into soucpan and add the pan to a heat source. Wait until it turns thick. You are finished.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#566 - Guise Appearance
Just relax(also light any incense you may want). Do so for how every long. Think of your eye color slowly transitioning into the color while saying. "O (goddess's name of applicable, other wise you can say universe or spirits), hide the color of my eyes, make them look (color) to those who perceive me in their mind, and in their eye. Fool then. And trick. This is my will, so mote it be" you can change the wording of it is something you wish.
Last edited on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#567 - Seraphian
Turn on the alpha binaural beats. put the healing crystal in warm water to make it warm. After that dry it off and lay it on the forehead area and slowly sink into a half slumber on the comfortable location. No voice is needed. Just imagine yourself slowly starting to glow as you sink lower into slumber. Let go of any thoughts troubling you. Breathe in your nose and out your mouth. As soon as you feel recharged that means it is done. You can go back to casting other spells again.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#568 - Wings Potion
Mix together all the ingredients except the feather. Make sure to concentrate on your intent as you mix. Hold the feather and say, while visualizing the changes you describe:
"This potion I have mixed is made
To grow (colour)-feathered wings from my back
Nubs form, then grow,
And small feathers grow out.
First, my primaries, long and strong,
Extend from around my shoulder blades.
My shoulders move apart to make room
As the bone begins to grow out,
Covered in feathers on both sides.
And muscles, tight and full of power,
Hide beneath the feathered skin,
As my normal skin parts, with barely any blood,
Making space for my new wings to slide free.
Slowly, the wings slide further forward,
Until the downy inside feathers show,
And my wings are fully extended,
And I can fold them tightly on my back.
But earlier on in the growth, as the nubs began to show,
My bones are becoming lighter, but tougher as well.
And when my feathers begin to poke out,
Air sacks are forming within my body,
My lungs growing to hold more air,
And my balance is improving, so I can steer even without a feathery tail.
And when my wings are fully grown,
I will have the instincts required to fly and land,
And I will be able to practice flying,
As soon as my wings are grown out.
Now I shall drink this potion,
Aware that although there will be no blood, the process will hurt.
Aware that the wings will take a while to grow.
Aware that the wings will be permanent as soon as my instincts kick in and my nubs form.
Aware that my wings will need extra care.
And aware that I must keep my secret safe."
Now drink half the potion, and rub the rest on your upper back. Then massage it in and think harder about your intent and the process of growing wings. Keep the feather safe.
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#569 - Anthropomorphic Animal Spell
Hold the picture. Be sure you want to do this. You'll need to pay attention to it; you can't just stop shifting. Now focus on every feature of it. Imagine the changes appearing on you. Imagine being this anthropomorphic animal. Keep focusing until you are sure. It's good if you feel, either beforehand or as you concentrate, that you ARE this anthro. That it is you, and you are it.
Now, light the red candle and chant:
''Unlock the gates to my soul
Enter my body and make me whole''
Light the brown candle and chant:
''The beast inside stands tall
Stronger than stone to never fall''
Light the white candle and chant:
''Cleanse me and prepare me
Two souls to forever be
An anthro (animal) resides within me
To take shape when I set it free''
Light the black candle and chant:
''Drain all negativity
Fill me with positivity
To welcome graciously
The (animal) deep within me''
Finally, light the silver candle and chant:
''When I wish it, they come free
And this anthro (animal) becomes me
I take control of their body
And welcome the beautiful energy
My spirit is here, I welcome thee
Wonderful animal energy
From human to anthro to back I shall transform
Perfectly comfortable in either form
This is my will, so mote it be!''
Now focus on the energy of you melding with the anthro's energy. Imagine changing rapidly, fur or feathers growing in as you change to match the picture, then shifting back to human. Imagine orbs or pools of energy filling you, and as they do, you turn into the anthro wherever they touch. Concentrate on this for a while, then carve pentagrams into the candles in the same order you lit them, then cut your finger and drip your blood onto the candles in the same order. Now take the silver pen and draw a pentagram on the back of the picture, before dividing it into approximate fifths, as equal as you can get. Burn a piece on each candle, then snuff them out with the ashes.
#570 - Strong Healing Incantation
Focus on your will and concentrate on that while you chant the spell: "Per terram et aquam, aerem et ignem audis Huius diei Source ano ipso vita et lux terrae Invoco te sana mente corpus meum"
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.