2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Cat Like Sense & Reflexes
- No More Bad Habits
- Get Long Hair
- Mermaid Spell
- Energy Gain
- Get What You Wish For
- Wishing for Love
- Strengthening
- Easy Spell for Lucious Locks
- Eye Colour Changing Spell
#1381 - Cat Like Sense & Reflexes
Step 1: Put the cat hair in the water.
Step 2: Picture yourself as a cat.
Step 3: Chant this spell.
Step 4: After the spell is cast put your face in the water.
Feel the cat inside,
Don't try to hide,
Always have faith,
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1382 - No More Bad Habits
Make a triangle with the crystals and sit in the middle. Place the amethyst on your lap and say the following words:
"Habits be gone
Habits have fright
As I ban you with all my might
Never come back to me
Never let me see you In my sight"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1383 - Get Long Hair
You need your hand and u need to place your hand where your hair to grow then say "This hair of mine is awfully short make it ____inches longer in the time period I ask. So mote it be". You can say that 5 to 10 times
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1384 - Mermaid Spell
Mermaids with your lovely tails.
All our other spells have failed.
Combine your powers with the sea.
The water is our only key.
We're getting bored with human lives.
We want to be in with the tides.
Mermaids when wet, humans when dry,
This is what we most desire.
We won't change when we prespire.
With a top to match our tail.
This spell can never fail.
With the combined thoughts of to be mermaids embossed us forever.
Along with a tail we'll get a great power,
I would like the power (insert power),
With the tail color of (insert tail color).
Whenever we touch water, 10 seconds later, the sea and the spell combine with me,
And fishy sales appear to see.
43 hours after saying this spell,
I will get my mermaid tail.
#1385 - Energy Gain
Sit down on a quiet room and close your eyes. Visualize a pentagram in front of you. Imagine it filled with dark or white energy. Then visualize that energy going into your body, filling it.
Last edited on May 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1386 - Get What You Wish For
Get an item that can relate to your wish or is similar. Take the object and put it under a light source (example: lamp, lightbulb, flashlight)
Chant the following once: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. Make my wish come to be. Day into darkness, it shall be there. As long as I want it, it shall be there. So mote it be."
Rub your hands together for ten seconds and imagine your wish working. Touch the object and then take it out of the light.
Last edited on Jun 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1387 - Wishing for Love
Burn the incense while inhaling in a feeling of comfort, really clear your head so that you can concentrate on what you need from a real love! Take the piv inscribing it with a heart, now annoint the candle with the oil saying "I promise I will always cherish the blessing of true love!" Be as specific in what you need as possible and write the list down with the ink and pen. Now turn the paper over and trace a pentacle in it. Fold the paper 3 times while continuing to chant. "I promise and thank you for the true love that's coming into my life" Hold the paper to your heart area and really press emontion into that paper, mark it with your intent! Now burn that paper as you continue chanting. Raise your arms, thank your deities for their presence, allow the candle to burn out. Now forget about what you just did and blessed be!
#1388 - Strengthening
First put your hand on the thing you want to strengthen and, then say aloud
"By the Power of the Spartan 300
And their King,
By the Power of the Atlanteans
And their Magic Ring,
By the Power of all that
Poets have Spoken,
I Cast this Spell
So that you will not be Broken!"
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1389 - Easy Spell for Lucious Locks
As you sprinkle them, chant twice:
Twist it
Strech it
Make it grow
Like a river it shall flow
Longer, stronger, it shall shine .
It may take up to 8 days for full affect to come in, it worked for me! Mail me with any problems or if this spell does not work.
#1390 - Eye Colour Changing Spell
say that about 3 times roughly, and then open your eyes. It may take up to 5-10 mins before it starts to show through, but it should work. Also, try clearing your mind before you do the spell, that usually helps. The candle is really only for focus, you can do this spell without one.