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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. A Mermaid Transformation
  2. Tail
  3. 3 Animal Transformation
  4. Vampire Spell should work
  5. Powerful Were-Wolf
  6. Werecat Spell
  7. Summon a Dragon
  8. Mermaid/Merman Spell
  9. Mermaid Spell
  10. Mermaid Spell

#551 - A Mermaid Transformation

A spell for to become a mermaid.
You may need:

  • A glass
  • Spoon
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Your saliva (spit)
  • Add objects you got from the sea
  • Mermaid objects (figures, shells, mermaid writin papers)
  • 2 Fake flowers
  • Your favorite piece of jewelry
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    You may need:

  • A glass
  • Spoon
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Your saliva (spit)
  • Add objects you got from the sea
  • Mermaid objects (figures, shells, mermaid writin papers)
  • 2 Fake flowers
  • Your favorite piece of jewelry
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    Fill the bowl half way with water. Add ALOT of salt, stir. Spit in it twice and stir. Add the objects from the sea, stir. Add more water, stir. Add mermaid objects, stir. Add fake flowers, stir.

    Say this twice:
    "A mermaid I want to be,
    But not permanately!
    With a tail of gold and blue!
    and the power of freezing shaping and heating!
    When I'm neck deep or deeper in
    My tail will grow,
    I will
    As easily and painlessly as on land,
    When I'm dry or in the water,
    From the knee down,
    I will have legs and be human,
    Oh a mermaid i wish to be!
    Witches one and witches all,
    Give this power to me!
    But BEWARE the full moon,
    Touch water in it's view,
    And you'll be a mermaid for
    24 hours,
    Witches one and witches all,
    A mermaid I wish to be,
    So give this power to ME!

    As you say "ME", throw in your fave peice of jewlery. Take some out some and rub it on your legs. Repeat step 8. Dry off but leave your feet wet. Your legs should be very itchy right away

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Jun 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #552 - Tail

    How to grow a tail in 5 minutes.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this 5x: "I wish for a tail of a (creature) to have as my own. I can move it, flick it, and control it. This is my will so mote it be!"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #553 - 3 Animal Transformation

    Turns you into 3 animals of your choice in 10 days.
    You may need:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something
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    You may need:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something
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    On the first piece of paper, draw a picture of the first and largest animal. Draw it as realisticly as you can. If you are having trouble you can find an online tutorial. Draw it with only black pen and nothing else. Don't color it, but have an idea of what color it is.

    On the second piece, draw the mid-sized animal, and follow the same guide lines as above. On the third piece, draw your smallest animal, follow the guide lines above. Now, put them in a pile with the largest animal on the bottom, and smallest on top. Fold them in half and write the following on the paper.

    "(Largest animal's name), (medium animal's name), (smallest animal's name) all hide inside of me, let them out so I can see. Please all gods I ask of thee, set them loose and set me free. Let me shift to them as I wish, and please accept my humble gift. In three days time I will feel the effect of this spell, in seven days I will shift at will. Please oh please listen to me, grant me this wish and set us free! So mote it be"

    Now fold it again so it makes a square and draw a pentagram, put your animal object on the paper and fold it in half. Wrap it in your yarn so only the edge of the paper shows, or fold your colored paper around it so your offering won't fall out.

    Now, bury it in a place it won't be disturbed, if there is no dirt nearby, cover it in rocks so you can't see it at all. Then say "Gods I ask of thee, set me free!"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #554 - Vampire Spell should work

    This vampire Spell is one I believe will work. Side effects include: Sharp teeth,pale skin. Should turn in about 1 to two hours.
    You may need:

  • Two white Candles
  • Two black candles
  • A necklace that means something to you
  • Belief you will turn
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    You may need:

  • Two white Candles
  • Two black candles
  • A necklace that means something to you
  • Belief you will turn
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    (Chant six times) O gods of the underworld beneath I wish thyself to become a vampire. Thy consequences are known, and I will have the benefits of one like flying and running faster than any before. I will never die, thyself will be immortal. Give me this gods of the underworld. Make me what I want to be so mote it be.

    Wait one hour and test your powers. If your powers are real and this works you must drink human blood or you will die. By the way your age and strength will determine when you get your fangs.

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #555 - Powerful Were-Wolf

    A were-wolf spell that is very powerful.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go outside on a fullmoon and chant the following:

    "In the ocean sea on the island Buyan. In the open plain, shines upon the moon. Upon an aspen stump, into the green wood, into the spreading vale. Around a stump goes a shaggy wolf. Under its teeth are all the horned cattle. But into the wood the wolf goes not. Into the vale, the wolf does not roam. Moon! Moon! Gold horned moon! Melt the bullet, blunt the knife, rot the crudgel. Strike fear into man, beast, and reptile. So that they may not seize the gray wolf"

    Added to on Jul 06, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #556 - Werecat Spell

    This should make you a werecat.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 cat whisker (do not pull it from your cat, that's just cruel, get one that a cat shed.)
  • Cat hair
  • One strand of your hair
  • A cup of milk
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 cat whisker (do not pull it from your cat, that's just cruel, get one that a cat shed.)
  • Cat hair
  • One strand of your hair
  • A cup of milk
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    Say: Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, I call on you to make this spell magic so mote it be.

    Light the candle, or get someone to light it for you.

    Put the cat hair in the fire. (Be careful)

    Do the same with the whisker.

    Then again with your strand of hair.

    Now say the following 3x:

    Gods and Goddesses hear my plea,
    Please oh please listen to me.
    Make me a werecat,
    To shift whenever I please,
    With eyes of (color),
    And with the fur of a(n) (cat breed),
    To shift with ease,
    Human to cat,
    Cat to human,
    So mote it be.

    Now drink the milk.

    Added to on Jul 05, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #557 - Summon a Dragon

    A spell to call upon a dragon.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colours
  • Ruler
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colours
  • Ruler
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    Draw your dragon however you want to. Colour it in. Draw yourself next to your dragon. Colour youself in (optional). Make lines for your height (for example 5ft you would draw 5 equal lines with the ruler)

    Fold your paper hamburger style. Write your dragons information (name scale colour wings tail accessories behaviour eyes abilities element breed what it eats/drinks). Write and say " ________ dragon of mine come to me by egg '' then chant "I summon the newborn mythical creature so mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 04, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #558 - Mermaid/Merman Spell

    Just a spell I made to help you turn into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Two sea-related objects (ex. Sea glass and sea shell)
  • Water (Its optional, but it'll work better)
  • If not using water, use a mirror
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Two sea-related objects (ex. Sea glass and sea shell)
  • Water (Its optional, but it'll work better)
  • If not using water, use a mirror
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    Hold each sea item in both hands. Think about
    what you're going to look like as a mermaid/merman.
    Then, look at yourself in the mirror, and read the

    Oh Ikatere, creator of the Mers,
    Let me become one of you,
    A mermaid.
    You get to choose my tail color and power if you wish.
    Please lst my wish be fulfilled
    In one week, if not, one month
    I wish to live both lives as a mer and a human
    A mermaid/merman when wet, a human when dry
    Please fulfill my wish,
    So let it be~ x2

    Say it the first time, put your domjnant
    han against the mirror, the second time, put your
    other hand against the mirror. Sam goes for the
    bath, put your dominant hand in the water the first
    time, then the other the second time

    If you could, message me the side effects~
    Blessed be~

    Added to on Jul 03, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #559 - Mermaid Spell

    This is a complicated spell that works to turn you into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    This spell includes using blood so anyone who is desperate enough to be a mermaid may read it, anyone who may be squeemish about blood should not use this spell.

    1. Fill up your bathtub halfway with water.
    2. Take 1 cup of salt and pour 3/4 of it in the bath tub.
    3. DO NOT TOUCH THE WATER (not yet anyway).
    4. Take the clean sharp item and make a little cut on your leg.
    5. Take one drop of your blood and put it in the small glass cup.
    6. Pour 1/4 of the salt into the cup with the blood.
    7. Fill the glass up with sink water.
    8. Mix the ingridients with your finger.
    9. Get into the bathtub with the potion in your hand.
    10. Chant these words while clutching the potion:

    ''This potion I hold in the clutch of my hand,
    will part me to see and no longer land.
    As I touch the water a tail will appear,
    I will be human on land with no fear.
    As I drink this potion I will have no feet,
    until I get dry, mote it be, mote it be.''

    After you chant these words you will notice there is no tail. Not to worry! To obtain your tail you must wait 2 weeks. Some people will get lucky and the more you believe the luckier you are. The lucky people I have tested this potion with became a mermaid in 2-3 days! But others didn't believe that much so it took longer for them to develope their tail and power. You will obtain a power too but you do not get to choose. It may be a power like being able to communicating with fish in the sea, or controlling sea life, etc. There are a few side effects and just to be cautious and to look ahead, the side effects are: Itchy legs, legs change color, you smell like fish, need for water, legs feel rough, legs stick together, you get mermaid dreams, visions, have the need for salt, need to swim in water, take more baths than the average human (3 times a day), begin to understand sea life (like fish, manatees, ect.), start to swim like a fish, splash in a bathtub, lose your balance, fall in the shower, have moments where you breath underwater, have moments where you see clearly under salt water or any other water, breath heavy on land, when falling on the floor or laying down you start flapping your legs, constant hunger for sea food, have the feeling you want to collect shells, and seduce more men.

    If you have any of these side effects you will soon gain your h20 just add water tail and yes it does include the bikini top with it. Some people are really lucky and obtain their power first before tail. Some people get their tail first and have obtained these side effects for their power. Either way it will end out good in tail and power. Also, some people maybe you may get more than one power. It just depends.

    Added to on Jun 30, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #560 - Mermaid Spell

    This will make you a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • Sea shells
  • salt
  • locket with a picture of a fish in it
  • Lotion
  • tub
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    You may need:

  • Sea shells
  • salt
  • locket with a picture of a fish in it
  • Lotion
  • tub
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    Put the salt into the water and mix it around. Then add the sea shells ,but don't get in! Then say this spell
    ''I wish to be a mermaid, I wish with all my heart, and now I'd really like my mermaid powers to start! I will choose my power and the color of my tail, and I'm very sure that my descision will not fail! My power will be (freezing, boiling, moving) and my color will be (favorite color)!''. Then get in and hold your legs together in the water for 30 minutes. Then get out and dry off quickly and put lotion on and after a while you will notice side effects. Side effects
    1. Itchy legs
    2. Aching legs
    3. Stomach ache
    4. Intense thisrt
    5. Back ache
    6. Beautiful singing
    7. Fatigue
    8. Legs feel slimy in water
    9.Legs crossing by themselves
    10. Legs trying to stick together
    11. Legs and breasts turning colour of choice

    Added to on Jun 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters